Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Doutone Neo SLS - increased bar pressure?

Created by jb58m > 9 months ago, 27 Apr 2021
5 posts
27 Apr 2021 1:49AM
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Got my new doutone neo sls size 10 (switched from neo 2020 10) - used it a few times with the soft settings (yellow) and noticed an increased bar pressure about 40% - 50% more (Trust bar) - any one else notice this?
Thank you

QLD, 142 posts
27 Apr 2021 10:52PM
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That does not sound right something going on there the 10 already had a bit 2020 I've just bought a new 9 sls and found the bar pressure great.

289 posts
27 Apr 2021 10:49PM
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yes, same here, no bar pressure increase from non-SLS versions that I would notice it. Changed 2019s 8 and 10 to SLSs, and still have 6 and 7 non-SLS.

NSW, 484 posts
29 Apr 2021 8:30AM
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I had 2018, 2019 and 2020 neos and now a quiver of SLS 2020 neos and dont notice any difference in bar pressure. I have a 10 SLS and it is a truck, very powerful and can get a bit tennis elbowy if i am not careful flying it one handed for long sessions

QLD, 142 posts
29 Apr 2021 8:34PM
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I prefer 9 8 7 not a big fan on the bigger sizes for same reason etc


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Doutone Neo SLS - increased bar pressure?" started by jb58m