Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Duotone Wam - Any Reviews?

Created by adamj2281 > 9 months ago, 7 Jun 2020
81 posts
7 Jun 2020 6:42PM
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Any reviews/thoughts on the 2019 Duotone Wam? I'm moving down from an older 5'9" North Whip (not the CSC style) that just felt like it had too much volume for me. I'm 78kg, looking for something in mostly chest to head high wind swell, side-on. I'm in the US, so some of the Australian custom board makers probably won't work. I have a 5'2" Whip CSC that I like for real small stuff, just need something for bigger swell. Looking at the 5'6" Wam, or something comparable

I've ridden a 5'3" Cab Spade which I liked, but the Whip kinda takes it's place, something that is short and quick to come around on.

WA, 31 posts
8 Jun 2020 10:56AM
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This is not a review just my limited opinion as its the first "bigger" kitesurf board i got after an ocean rodeo jester:

I've got a 5'8'' 2019 Wam (standard) and also around 78kg. I have had it since January 2020 and ridden it everything up to about 2.5m waves.
I ride it stapped only as I like to launch off wave faces while riding out. Straps also give me much more confidence going in hard to turns on a wave in critical spots.

That being said... it turns well, rides very stable and reasonably fast. Upwind performance is not great in my opinion but good enough. I think it prefers to be under a fair bit of kitepower until the waves get a little bigger. Once the waves get shoulder to head high with decent power behind them it drops in nicely, can hold a good line sitting in the pocket and carrys enough speed for a good bottom turn, top turn combo. For me I'm happy with the 5'8'' and would not go down to the 5'6'' due to the smaller volume. I have the jester which is way more fun in small stuff anyway.

It also came with a full traction pad on purchase which still looks strong wtih no peeling or lifting anywhere.

My only slight complaint is impact dings from launching off of wave faces (see photo).

VIC, 203 posts
8 Jun 2020 4:44PM
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I am 78 to 80 kg and have similar combo 5'2 cut off nose 22 Lt and 5'6" Wave 21 Lt But I have found 5'2" Pro whip to much volume in tail for me So maybe worthwhile to try the 5' Whip pro in the future. Durotone range I would only use pro boards unless you are a learner Note I produce and test my boards and for me I like low volume boards which I can sink rail in in turns and up wind and need to be 18knots + to go out

81 posts
9 Jun 2020 1:22AM
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smook said..
I am 78 to 80 kg and have similar combo 5'2 cut off nose 22 Lt and 5'6" Wave 21 Lt But I have found 5'2" Pro whip to much volume in tail for me So maybe worthwhile to try the 5' Whip pro in the future. Durotone range I would only use pro boards unless you are a learner Note I produce and test my boards and for me I like low volume boards which I can sink rail in in turns and up wind and need to be 18knots + to go out

Exactly, I'm going to be powered up most of the time I go out, otherwise I'm foiling. I'm pretty experienced at this point and want a lower volume board, especially in the rails. I would have gone 5' or 4'11" on the Whip (whichever size it is, I forget), but the 5'2" was a good deal used. Point noted on the Pro range, thanks.

VIC, 203 posts
9 Jun 2020 12:56PM
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Cool All the models we make have thin rails and if need more volume for bigger guys still thin but blend in on our grab rail / scollop But needs to be correct rocker. Pic on 5'6" x 17 5/8" x 2" which is similar to Pro Wam 5'6"


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Duotone Wam - Any Reviews?" started by adamj2281