Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

FIREWIRE Evo- Kite version Surfboard

Created by Ryland > 9 months ago, 25 Nov 2016
WA, 1222 posts
25 Nov 2016 6:31PM
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My new go to board!!!!! been riding this for the last few weeks and WOWWWW!!!! what a weapon. great in light winds with early plaining, great in high wind due to being smaller and more manoeuvrable in length than a traditional surfboard and a good weight- not too heavy like alot of sh!tty production boards alot of companies are popping out and not too light when it gets windy and choppy. i got the 5'1 which is (24.5ltrs) and at around 90 kg is perfect and i wouldnt go any bigger for an everyday board for me. lighter riders under 85kg might even go smaller? great for airs and great in small surf to medium surf. havent had a chance to use it in big stuff yet but will give it a crack as soon as i get the chance. definitely a board to put on your list and Tomo is the shaper everyone is trying to copy. construction seems pretty tuff too- extra glass means it will last way longer and is specifically designed for kiting with extra strength! contact your local firewire dealer to get your hands on one!!!


NSW, 92 posts
26 Nov 2016 8:20AM
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I agree with Ryland that they are a great kitesurf board.
I have been riding a 5'2 non kite version that I bought second hand and is awesome board.
I have creased the deck and had it repaired (carbon patches on the deck) and keen to get a kite version asap.
I weigh 80+kgs and it is by far the smallest surfboard I have kited/surfed.
IMO around that 25litre volume is spot on for my weight.
Demo one if your in the market

183 posts
26 Nov 2016 6:23AM
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There's other boards out there like the Evo. Admunson John-o was there before Evo.

QLD, 2056 posts
26 Nov 2016 10:01AM
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Hey Ryland, how does the Evo go - compared to the Vader mate ?

NSW, 404 posts
Site Sponsor
26 Nov 2016 11:25AM
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We have stock of the 5'3 and 5'1 Evos in store - great boards!

289 posts
26 Nov 2016 4:14PM
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Anyone care to weigh the boards, please?


WA, 1222 posts
27 Nov 2016 6:34AM
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toppleover said...
Hey Ryland, how does the Evo go - compared to the Vader mate ?

Hey mate for me it has a more traditional surfboard feel to it. Not as parallel of an outline but still a lot of similar characteristics to the Vader and vanguard- but for me feels better in more conditions. Those huge channels from nose to tail push a heap of air under the board and give it a heap of lift and takes to the air super easy. Has 5 fin option- I prefer it as a thruster set up for me , in saying that I do prefer thruster set up generally over quad on most boards.

WA, 1347 posts
28 Nov 2016 11:05AM
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Be careful not to oversize these boards.

I had the 5'2 LFT Evo and it was too big for me to paddle surf. 68kg plus 3/2 suit. I then picked up a 5'1 vader, perfect size for me paddling. Now kiting a local shaper's version that's even smaller at 4'11.

Don't let the length fool you with these boards!

NSW, 404 posts
Site Sponsor
28 Nov 2016 4:00PM
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omg said..
Anyone care to weigh the boards, please?


5'3 Evo was 3.1kg blank when I weighed one just now

183 posts
1 Dec 2016 11:17PM
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3,1 without pad or fins?

QLD, 2056 posts
4 Dec 2016 7:57PM
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TomW059 said...
3,1 without pad or fins?

Yes blank means board only, no fins/pads ect.
It's no light weight, more of a middle weight

I want one

VIC, 361 posts
4 Dec 2016 9:47PM
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toppleover said...
TomW059 said...
3,1 without pad or fins?

Yes blank means board only, no fins/pads ect.
It's no light weight, more of a middle weight

I want one

Sorry for me that is too heavy 2.4 klg surf board weight would be better Then you could have less volume But it is a sick looking board

QLD, 3664 posts
5 Dec 2016 4:06PM
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Sounds like you need to lose 700g. Then you'll love it.

WA, 1222 posts
6 Jan 2017 7:12AM
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i actually find the weight perfect for kiting- especially when its a standard 20-25 knots here during summer. still light enough to throw around and enough weight to not skip around on wind chop. i still can't ride anything else at home now as its good in everything I've ridden it in. definitely try this lil beast and in kite construction is pretty much indestructible.

WA, 1501 posts
6 Jan 2017 1:28PM
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Looks like a strapless twintip with thruster setup fins!

WA, 551 posts
7 Jan 2017 4:09AM
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Hey Ryland
Thanks for the great wrap on the Evo.
What size and type of fins do you prefer.?

WA, 1222 posts
8 Jan 2017 8:20AM
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Been running a thruster set up mostly mate and using bigger fins than I normally would. They can handle heaps of speed and power so I've found good to over fin more than I normally would as the board creates a fair bit of lift too from the bottom curves so gives u a lil extra bite. In saying that I want to play around with some quads in it abit but at the moment I'm running 3D fins in a size 6 and been working a treat. Only problem with the board is getting your hands on one- most shipments are selling before they land.

WA, 551 posts
9 Jan 2017 4:13AM
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Ok thanks Ry,yep I ordered a 5'3" for my
97kgs.Should be here next week any luck.
Was thinking larger fins also.Cheers

WA, 551 posts
14 Jan 2017 11:08AM
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Yep can agree that the Evo cuts through the waves like a hot knife through butter.Super smooth but lively with the Large Futures Firewire Tri set up. Scored two good lefts a my local plus a few more.Swapped over to a quad set up for today's session .Hoping for improved upwind to stay on the peak.I have the 5'3" just big enough
in volume for my 96kgs.

Gone to dark side
NSW, 391 posts
14 Jan 2017 2:48PM
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Good to here let us know how it goes as a Quad as I just picked up the 5' 3" and no wind here in Sydney. Tail pad on as far back as possible Tick. Just taken my north fins off my north wam board Quad on Tick. Wax in car just to find location to place deck pads on tick . But no wind

WA, 551 posts
15 Jan 2017 4:30AM
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Yep Quad Fin set up,better upwind still fast and lively.What a nice little board.Scored a Slater
Rear pad with ridge works fine.Rest of the deck I added a product called Nowacs.Hardly any additional weight added with deckgrip.Comes in 20x40cm sticky back sheets.Its semi clear silicone based thin sheet with grip.Works a treat.Really stoked with the Evo.Pocket rocket:))
Feet never felt like slipping.Was tossing up with the front deck pad but Nowacs fixed that.Using it on my surfboards also.Great product so far.

WA, 1222 posts
15 Jan 2017 9:52PM
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Will have to check that nowacs product. Sounds good

QLD, 2056 posts
16 Jan 2017 10:35PM
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Any 75kg kiters on the Evo?
What size for a light wind board, starting at about 13 knots??

NSW, 92 posts
16 Jan 2017 11:51PM
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IMO if your looking for size to weight.
4'10 if you were roughly 75kgs
5'1 if you were roughly 85kgs
5'3 85kgs or over

QLD, 2056 posts
17 Jan 2017 8:40AM
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rwtaaffe said..
IMO if your looking for size to weight.
4'10 if you were roughly 75kgs
5'1 if you were roughly 85kgs
5'3 85kgs or over

Thanks rtw,
The way I see it for someone at 75kg is...
4'10 for good wind
5'1 light wind
5'3 paddle + kite

Decisions, decisions.

NSW, 1301 posts
23 Jan 2017 8:32PM
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What's the volume on the 5'3?

NSW, 404 posts
Site Sponsor
24 Jan 2017 11:23AM
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Ricardo1709 said..
What's the volume on the 5'3?

27.5L. I can paddle it easily at 80kgs so it's a good option for someone who would like a 1 board travel quiver. Normal volume rules do not apply to Tomos. My normal shortboard volume is 29-30L depending on wave size/power/board shape. I have paddled the 5'2 Vanguard (22L) as well and was able to surf that no problem so that goes to show you how different these boards are - no way I could get waves on a standard shortboard @22L.

WA, 1347 posts
24 Jan 2017 12:00PM
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Minimum volume in litres for paddle is 33% of your weight in kgs. That is what most people (who can surf well) are paddling these boards at.

My Vader was 22.9L and I'm 68kg plus wetty = 33%. This is the magic formula. Going bigger is a hindrance rather than a benefit in these boards. I had a slightly bigger Evo and it just didn't surf well.

You may think this is low volume but it's a relative thing. These boards have 100% usable volume. A standard shortboard has a nose with 2-3L of volume which is not used.

I just purchased two standard shortboards while I was in Indo - both 26L - so this is my usual paddle volume.

VIC, 114 posts
25 Jan 2017 2:42PM
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Can I fit straps to the Evo (kite version)?

NSW, 404 posts
Site Sponsor
25 Jan 2017 3:41PM
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Adfreetv said..
Can I fit straps to the Evo (kite version)?

No, they are meant to be strapless boards. You can use the NSI Surf Skim pads which we stock (and the owner uses on his Vanguard etc) or you can get inserts glassed into the board (not a great option but it does work).

VIC, 114 posts
25 Jan 2017 5:28PM
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KPSS Used said..

Adfreetv said..
Can I fit straps to the Evo (kite version)?

No, they are meant to be strapless boards. You can use the NSI Surf Skim pads which we stock (and the owner uses on his Vanguard etc) or you can get inserts glassed into the board (not a great option but it does work).

Thanks mate


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"FIREWIRE Evo- Kite version Surfboard" started by Ryland