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Fone bandit S vs ozone Reo from a Reo rider perspective

Created by SouthMarc > 9 months ago, 3 Jan 2022
NSW, 9 posts
3 Jan 2022 3:56PM
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Hey, been used to ozone reo for a while. Love them, but was keen to try something else.
Just got my hands on a 10m bandit S 2018..using it with a 45cm lynx bar
I found it extremely slow to turn. Its like driving a truck. Comparing to my 10m Reo 2012 , it feels boring as f***.
Is this only me?
Is there tweaks to give him more grunt?
I have been riding Reo for couple of years so maybe it's just a different feeling.
Also that v-splitter on the high does it has to be? Or doesn't matter as it goes down once kite flies?

WA, 162 posts
3 Jan 2022 7:36PM
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All 10m kites steer like trucks.

NSW, 1651 posts
4 Jan 2022 7:19AM
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goofy said..
All 10m kites steer like trucks.

Not so. This statement is just plain wrong, as I am sure others will attest to. I have flown the Dice, the Roam, the Enduro and the Reo in the 10 meter size and they turn just fine. i could probably name a few other kites that I have flown in a 10 that are fast and responsive, but I can't be bothered.

NSW, 1651 posts
4 Jan 2022 7:24AM
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SouthMarc said..
Hey, been used to ozone reo for a while. Love them, but was keen to try something else.
Just got my hands on a 10m bandit S 2018..using it with a 45cm lynx bar
I found it extremely slow to turn. Its like driving a truck. Comparing to my 10m Reo 2012 , it feels boring as f***.
Is this only me?
Is there tweaks to give him more grunt?
I have been riding Reo for couple of years so maybe it's just a different feeling.
Also that v-splitter on the high does it has to be? Or doesn't matter as it goes down once kite flies?

The kite might turn a bit quicker with a larger bar. As far as high Y goes, I always prefer a low V, I believe it helps with better geometry in the bridal and also makes for a more simple safety release. With a high Y sometimes it's hard to tell how many twists you have in the lines from looping, and anything more than 3 twists starts to compromise the release.

7 posts
4 Jan 2022 9:51AM
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Has anyone tried Airush wave 10 or Pivot 10 to compare with reo? also looking for a 10 that doesn t feel like a truck!

VIC, 569 posts
4 Jan 2022 3:05PM
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SouthMarc said..
Hey, been used to ozone reo for a while. Love them, but was keen to try something else.
Just got my hands on a 10m bandit S 2018..using it with a 45cm lynx bar
I found it extremely slow to turn. Its like driving a truck. Comparing to my 10m Reo 2012 , it feels boring as f***.
Is this only me?
Is there tweaks to give him more grunt?
I have been riding Reo for couple of years so maybe it's just a different feeling.
Also that v-splitter on the high does it has to be? Or doesn't matter as it goes down once kite flies?

Possibly the rear lines were a bit long, can slow the turn speed.

Bandit S rated 9 / 10 turn speed in the Kite Mag ultimate test
The ultimate test Ultimate test guide 2021

If your happy with the Reo, might be just an expensive waste of time to jump ship.

NSW, 354 posts
10 Jan 2022 10:27AM
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alfredo68 said..
Has anyone tried Airush wave 10 or Pivot 10 to compare with reo? also looking for a 10 that doesn t feel like a truck!

Not used the ARWave10 but I did have a wave 9m it was good and the Wave 12m it's truckish. Now using the Ultra 9m it almost covers the need for a 12m.

WA, 8407 posts
10 Jan 2022 10:03PM
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Settings, out the bag most are in drive mode, change gear to sports mode , farthest leading edge tip setting and check bridal/power line settings /length to optimise, depending on brand of kite
The manufacturer gives you these options to use, I see so many crew having a moan about their this n that on kites and riding them on standard settings

VIC, 11 posts
6 Mar 2022 7:26PM
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SouthMarc said..
Hey, been used to ozone reo for a while. Love them, but was keen to try something else.
Just got my hands on a 10m bandit S 2018..using it with a 45cm lynx bar
I found it extremely slow to turn. Its like driving a truck. Comparing to my 10m Reo 2012 , it feels boring as f***.
Is this only me?
Is there tweaks to give him more grunt?
I have been riding Reo for couple of years so maybe it's just a different feeling.
Also that v-splitter on the high does it has to be? Or doesn't matter as it goes down once kite flies?


I moved to Reos after trying and in the Bandit S case purchasing other kites. I have a 2020 Bandit S 8 meter.

I concur with the turning characteristics. It is slower than a Reo. I flew it with the incorrect bar - with a low v vs a high V. Having flown bandits for years I've not noticed much difference in the 'V' set up apart from fluttering.

QLD, 355 posts
7 Mar 2022 8:25AM
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alfredo68 said..
Has anyone tried Airush wave 10 or Pivot 10 to compare with reo? also looking for a 10 that doesn t feel like a truck!

Try the new Ocean Rodeo Roam HL - quick and light.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Fone bandit S vs ozone Reo from a Reo rider perspective" started by SouthMarc