Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Gear Review Suggestion

Created by GreenBarrels > 9 months ago, 18 Jan 2023
18 posts
18 Jan 2023 11:45AM
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Does anyone else get put off reading the gear review section for the shear volume of topics on gear that you aren't looking for?

It's great that there is such variety, but it would be really great if we could filter the topics according to info on gear you are looking for.
I'd love to be able to filter all threads to show only kite reviews for example. Or boards, or whatever.
It'd be great to go back and see reviews for specific items from a year, two or three ago.
It's really not fun scrolling through pages looking for anything related. The search function of the forum doesn't really do this either.
Keyword searches bring a mixed bag of results.
I notice there is a category section to select from when creating a new topic in Gear Reviews, but I can't seem to see how that can be used in any way to find specific topics.

Anyway, just a suggestion.
What do you all think? Am I missing some filter functionality that already does this?

QLD, 1053 posts
19 Jan 2023 12:27PM
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GB sadly the selection option U R looking for is google. your query
and away U go

18 posts
19 Jan 2023 10:58AM
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Select to expand quote
AquaPlow said..
GB sadly the selection option U R looking for is google. your query
and away U go

G'day AP,
Thanks for the reply.
I am aware of how to search that way with google, but it also gives a mixed bag of results, not just forum topics of gear reviews.
Unless there is a way in google to refine the results to return only topics from the gear review section and in chronological order?

QLD, 1053 posts
19 Jan 2023 8:01PM
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Long time since I was refining Google searches - suggest starting here as a template

Hope helps

18 posts
20 Jan 2023 8:10AM
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Yeah, the google search tools are very good if you are looking for a specific thing, I use it a lot for websites that have crappy inbuilt search functions.
Unfortunately still not doing what I would have hoped for; filtering the gear reviews section by category.
Oh well, can't have everything I guess


WA, 512 posts
20 Jan 2023 12:58PM
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Isnt there a search bar at the top of page you can search reviews there

18 posts
20 Jan 2023 1:50PM
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There's a site search function but I can't see one on the gear reviews page.
I probably haven't clarified properly, sorry.
What I think would be good to do, is to be able to filter just the Gear Reviews forum by gear category.
Say I just wanted to scroll back through all the board reviews, I'd pick 'boards' from a drop down list then all other threads will disappear leaving only the threads made for board reviews.
Same if I was looking for kite reviews and so on.

I see that you can pick the category of gear when you make a thread in Gear Reviews, but I can't see how that can be used anywhere.
The category doesn't show up anywhere on the thread.

Searches are good if you are looking for something specific, but if you just want to see all reviews about a specific type of equipment, searching isn't really useful.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Gear Review Suggestion" started by GreenBarrels