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Naish kite build quality ?

Created by Sanjay > 9 months ago, 8 Mar 2016
147 posts
8 Mar 2016 1:34AM
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Talked to a guy who complained about Naish build quality compared t other kites? Always a lot of rumours out there.
Any insights from real life ?

VIC, 563 posts
8 Mar 2016 5:17AM
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I have 4 Naish kites. Never had a problem. Will buy again.

QLD, 1451 posts
8 Mar 2016 7:47PM
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Sanjay said..
Talked to a guy who complained about Naish build quality compared t other kites? Always a lot of rumours out there.
Any insights from real life ?

the mosquitos keep getting thru the flyscreen on the wingtips

WA, 258 posts
8 Mar 2016 7:24PM
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i always wanted to buy a naish too bad they have let an 13year old 'edgy' boy design their canopy graphics for the last 5 years.. cant make myself pay top dollar for something I don't like the look of regardless of how good it flys or how well it is built. Never heard any bad word against naish kites.

VIC, 265 posts
8 Mar 2016 10:49PM
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I've owned five and my bro two and we have never had an issue. I did drop one in the surf and tore the kite from leading edge to trailing edge but I don't think I can blame that on Naish quality.

QLD, 3664 posts
9 Mar 2016 5:40AM
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When are they going to get a true one pump and deflate system?

WA, 893 posts
9 Mar 2016 4:33AM
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Graphics, for me Bro.

Build quality is pretty good imho but i've only been flying them since 2008 so not an expert.

Octo-pussy system isn't perfect but seems to have improved on the latest Pivot's.............i also have an edge and their strut valve shut off system isn't exactly bullet proof either. I think once you get sand inside the bladder any system fails but I'm sure some of you will have your own opinion on that theory.

VIC, 228 posts
9 Mar 2016 9:28AM
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A mate and myself have smashed the crap out of them for the last few years and not a problem. The main reason i love them is they are strong and very fast to inflate and deflate.

WA, 324 posts
9 Mar 2016 10:18PM
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Flying Naish since 2000 and had not quality problems!

628 posts
9 Mar 2016 11:23PM
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Anecdotally, I can't say I have seen any quality problems. Used to fly my rides for land boarding so they got their fair share of use. One pump inflation system worked excellently for me. Particularly if you fold rather than roll you kites (faster and can be done easier in high winds)

Not super keen on the feel at the bar and the way they fly though which is why I have moved brands in the end. I think they would be more attractive to someone who surfed more.

WA, 55 posts
10 Mar 2016 8:18PM
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Have been flying naish for last 3 years, 3 kites each for my son and I, think the build quality is great, never had a problem.
i hear on seabreeze guys talking about bladder replacements, valve replacement etc of different brands,never had to replace anything with naish kites
where happy campers, maybe it comes down to how you look after your gear

QLD, 634 posts
11 Mar 2016 12:16PM
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Have used exclusively Naish Kites for nearly 14 years and have never had a problem with their build quality!

QLD, 1451 posts
12 Mar 2016 7:47PM
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bjw said..
When are they going to get a true one pump and deflate system?

when they pay the patent and shelve there own.

QLD, 1451 posts
12 Mar 2016 7:52PM
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CRUZIN said..
Have been flying naish for last 3 years, 3 kites each for my son and I, think the build quality is great, never had a problem.
i hear on seabreeze guys talking about bladder replacements, valve replacement etc of different brands,never had to replace anything with naish kites
where happy campers, maybe it comes down to how you look after your gear

ive had to fix some naish bladders before. absolute ****ing ****around! who on earth decides its a great idea to add even more holes then necesary to a tube of air. i swear it only exists to prevent easily using other peoples parts etc

seriously, think of a balloon now add a few more holes in it just for the fun of it that you have to make sure line up and dont leak

NSW, 96 posts
13 Mar 2016 7:41AM
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My 12m 2014 Park was my first new kite as beginner progressing to intermediate so has been crashed hundreds of times, been rolled in the shorey more times than i'm proud to admit and has probably close to 500 hours of time in the air. A single small canopy tear after being rolled in a shore break soup of kelp and crap is the only repair I have done to it. Personally I love the octopus system but have never had to repair a bladder....

During this time I am on my third de-power line on the bar - to put the usage in perspective

47 posts
13 Mar 2016 10:47AM
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Say what you will about the legendary annual product hype but they are built as well as any. Better than most. Have a 9m Pivot from last year. Not sure I love the neutral gutless turn (yet it also rips me off the board when overpowered.) But it's been through a very big set of waves and stayed intact. (dropped in big surf when the wind died suddenly). Fully expected it to be torn. Is it just that the dice have rolled in my favor? Or is it built extremely well? I can't say. So far so good. Stays up there and drifts right along. Not too heavy but strong enough.

QLD, 2060 posts
15 Mar 2016 3:55PM
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Septic said..
Say what you will about the legendary annual product hype but they are built as well as any. Better than most. Have a 9m Pivot from last year. Not sure I love the neutral gutless turn (yet it also rips me off the board when overpowered.) But it's been through a very big set of waves and stayed intact. (dropped in big surf when the wind died suddenly). Fully expected it to be torn. Is it just that the dice have rolled in my favor? Or is it built extremely well? I can't say. So far so good. Stays up there and drifts right along. Not too heavy but strong enough.


I have a Naish SLE Boxer 2007 15m kite and it is as strong as houses! I cannot damage this thing, unless I deliberately wanted to.

The octopus system, a lot of people hate, but I actually love the deflate and small form factor. A 15m kite that fits inside a kid's backpack!? Happy days!

317 posts
16 Mar 2016 12:50PM
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You guys must all buy new and replace after a season or two... because when those stupid Octopus valves go, it is an absolute pain. There is a reason that not one shop will touch those things. Even Naish Kailua tries to basically charge so unbelievably high for bladder repair that nobody will bring kites in. There is one super awesome person on this island that will convert Octopus to multi-point inflation, but you pretty much have to be in the know, catch her when she's not too busy,and/or bring amazing home made cookies...

As far as the actual build and materials goes, the kites are built tough and can take a beating. Can't fault them at all, they are nice kites. Just dump that stupid Octopus system and they would be worth owning. I keep my kites until they reach the end of their usable life, I don't upgrade every season to be fashionable or whatever, but that's just me.

QLD, 2060 posts
16 Mar 2016 9:22PM
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JKimbler said..
You guys must all buy new and replace after a season or two... because when those stupid Octopus valves go, it is an absolute pain. There is a reason that not one shop will touch those things. Even Naish Kailua tries to basically charge so unbelievably high for bladder repair that nobody will bring kites in. There is one super awesome person on this island that will convert Octopus to multi-point inflation, but you pretty much have to be in the know, catch her when she's not too busy,and/or bring amazing home made cookies...

As far as the actual build and materials goes, the kites are built tough and can take a beating. Can't fault them at all, they are nice kites. Just dump that stupid Octopus system and they would be worth owning. I keep my kites until they reach the end of their usable life, I don't upgrade every season to be fashionable or whatever, but that's just me.

Why do you hate them so much? Each strut has its own zip, pull out the bladder, inspect, repair and reinsert. No more jiggling with a line to pull it out or in. Just roll the bladder and pump it as it unrolls itself and adjusts inside the kite!
I don't get it

VIC, 228 posts
17 Mar 2016 8:26AM
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Some people are just not good with there hands

317 posts
17 Mar 2016 5:30AM
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They didn't always have that big easy access into the struts. Up until about 13' I believe, you had to have the hands of a small child to even get in there and re assemble all the stupid collars. That's if you could even get the thing together. I remember a lot of frustration trying to repair those kites, and it took a ridiculous amount of time.

VIC, 228 posts
17 Mar 2016 8:32AM
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JKimbler said..
They didn't always have that big easy access into the struts. Up until about 13' I believe, you had to have the hands of a small child to even get in there and re assemble all the stupid collars. That's if you could even get the thing together. I remember a lot of frustration trying to repair those kites, and it took a ridiculous amount of time.

That ok the more time it takes the more beer you can drink while doing it

QLD, 2056 posts
17 Mar 2016 9:10AM
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Build quality looks great to me

WA, 431 posts
17 Mar 2016 8:54AM
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I have a 2015 Naish fly and the build quality is excellent I can't really comment on durability as the kite has had very little use and is in as new condition, come to think of it I actually have it up for sale for just $1000 ( kite only) which is a out halfprice for a near new kite!!

QLD, 2060 posts
18 Mar 2016 9:38AM
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JacobMatan said..
I have a 2015 Naish fly and the build quality is excellent I can't really comment on durability as the kite has had very little use and is in as new condition, come to think of it I actually have it up for sale for just $1000 ( kite only) which is a out halfprice for a near new kite!!

2 posts
14 Feb 2017 2:30PM
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I would really like to buy Naish kites again. They are my favorite flying kites. Can't deal with the Octopus System when it leaks. All 6 of my Octopus kites had valves that leaked at the connection between the strut and main bladder. As others have said, the deflate was really fast when packing up. 2013 was the last year for me. But great flying kites!

A question in reverse, if Naish put in a different one pump system, would you stop buying Naish?
I think they would sell more kites if they changed, just an opinion. And I'll say it again, great flying kites.

WA, 147 posts
14 Feb 2017 4:50PM
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I have had a fair few kites from many of the different brands over the years, a lot of the major brands have suffered at one point or another, 2007 north, 2010 best, 2011 ocean rodeo are just a few that come to mind but end of the day, the majority of issues are valve related and only happen after a season or 2 of POOR storage ie hot cars and sheds

QLD, 1079 posts
21 Feb 2017 11:32AM
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lostatsea said..
I have had a fair few kites from many of the different brands over the years, a lot of the major brands have suffered at one point or another, 2007 north, 2010 best, 2011 ocean rodeo are just a few that come to mind but end of the day, the majority of issues are valve related and only happen after a season or 2 of POOR storage ie hot cars and sheds

Precisely correct.

Kite valves and bladders are electro-welded together by a special machine that melts the two parts onto each other. Unfortunately the same "heat" (hot cars, sun, sheds, tropics) can undo the weld and hence the valve peels off eventually.

A lot of people up here don't realise that their kite is about to leak any month/season from now. The only reason it hasn't is sheer luck that the valve is "holding" on by the minimum of force. Once the edge of the valve starts to lift it's then a matter of a short while before it leaks.

I don't get why the manufacturers have not come up with a better system of bonding the two polyutherane materials together? Using the electro-weld technique, but with a glue based system would make it more permanent - heat or no heat. OR even better, weld the valve inside the bladder and not on the outside. Oops.. I am giving too much away there.

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
21 Feb 2017 1:02PM
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lostatsea said..
I have had a fair few kites from many of the different brands over the years, a lot of the major brands have suffered at one point or another, 2007 north, 2010 best, 2011 ocean rodeo are just a few that come to mind but end of the day, the majority of issues are valve related and only happen after a season or 2 of POOR storage ie hot cars and sheds

You nailed it, "Poor stoorage" !! BUT in saying that you are also correct in saying that certain brands have had valve delamination issues, and the whole replacement valve industry was created by this poor quality weld/glue methods used by those kite brands. This is where I wish I had my ordinary kiter log in, so that I can comment as a kiter that has seen it all from the beginning.
I can say that there has been one brand that has had almost no issues over the last 12 years, and that's Cabrinha. I've seen a few valves come off but way far less than any other brand. There are some that come to mind that if they come in for repair for a leaky valve, most reputable repairers will not repair them unless all valves are done at the same time, because once 1 has come off, they will all come off.

Things I've learned about the bladder and valve issue is that some brands persisted with using PVC valves, theses are the ones that look like the same valves that come on kids inflatable pool toys, they are clear and have a push in valve cap. PVC does not stick directly to polyurethane, which is what the bladders are all made from. So the technique was to use a "disc" of glue that would stick to PVC and urethane, and basically just melt it and let it set to make the bond. Problem is that in the back of your car in a hot and humid bag, the glue would soften and come loose.
Some brands got onto the "secret" sooner than others, like Cabrinha, they always had their own molded valves, which were molded from polyurethane, and which would stick better to the bladder material using high frequency welding machines.

I've visited two kite factories now (Ozone, and Performance/Cabrinha), neither of them let us get close to the welding machines but both of these brands have very reliable valves.

There are still brands being made right now, that are using those crappy kiddy pool toy valves, and they will delaminate.

Number 1 thing you can do as a kiter to look after your kite though is not keep it in the back of your car. I know thats hard to near impossible for some people, but thats the truth, Second thing is not to store the kite when it is wet, especially in its bag and all rolled or scrunched up.

If you get your kite wet, and we will all do that sometimes, then do whatever you have to do to get home or to a beer o'clock facility, but then get your kite out and let it dry thoroughly before storing it again.

If its going to be a stinking hot day, store your kites outside of the car, or at least leave the windows down a bit and let the super hot air out of the car. The heat in a car will damage twin tips and surfboards no matter if they are made from epoxy or poly resin.

ewan kite
VIC, 928 posts
25 Feb 2017 7:52PM
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uride2 said..
I would really like to buy Naish kites again. They are my favorite flying kites. Can't deal with the Octopus System when it leaks. All 6 of my Octopus kites had valves that leaked at the connection between the strut and main bladder. As others have said, the deflate was really fast when packing up. 2013 was the last year for me. But great flying kites!

A question in reverse, if Naish put in a different one pump system, would you stop buying Naish?
I think they would sell more kites if they changed, just an opinion. And I'll say it again, great flying kites.

The valve actually isn't leaking. I thought the same when I had my first Naish kite. I'm assuming you deflated the leading edge, and then the struts also deflated. This is actually the one way valve leaking air back into the leading edge (usually due to sand), not the valve actually leaking. When the kite is flying it wont leak, it's just like not closing the one pump strut connectors fully on a 'normal' one pump system.

Also, the octopus access system has changed in recent years making it actually very easy to fix, no harder than a normal kite. I've fixed two leading edge leaks in the last few years and each took no more than 20-30 mins. I've never fixed another kites leading edge before, but I doubt it can be done a whole lot quicker.

2 posts
7 Apr 2017 4:12AM
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NorthernKitesAUS said..

lostatsea said..
I have had a fair few kites from many of the different brands over the years, a lot of the major brands have suffered at one point or another, 2007 north, 2010 best, 2011 ocean rodeo are just a few that come to mind but end of the day, the majority of issues are valve related and only happen after a season or 2 of POOR storage ie hot cars and sheds

Precisely correct.

Kite valves and bladders are electro-welded together by a special machine that melts the two parts onto each other. Unfortunately the same "heat" (hot cars, sun, sheds, tropics) can undo the weld and hence the valve peels off eventually.

A lot of people up here don't realise that their kite is about to leak any month/season from now. The only reason it hasn't is sheer luck that the valve is "holding" on by the minimum of force. Once the edge of the valve starts to lift it's then a matter of a short while before it leaks.

I don't get why the manufacturers have not come up with a better system of bonding the two polyutherane materials together? Using the electro-weld technique, but with a glue based system would make it more permanent - heat or no heat. OR even better, weld the valve inside the bladder and not on the outside. Oops.. I am giving too much away there.

Inside the bladder makes no difference. Flexifoil are inside the bladder and peel off just the same.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Naish kite build quality ?" started by Sanjay