Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

New wave Harness

Created by DJMWA > 9 months ago, 5 Oct 2018
WA, 345 posts
5 Oct 2018 6:21AM
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Anyone have any recommendations for a new wave harness (no unhooking 80% strapless.)
I'm coming from a 2014 Ion apex with a dynabar conversion and my only gripe was that it did have a tendency to ride a little bit high.

PS. I know theres Another similar thread but it morphed into a thread about low friction rings rather than the harness (which is very informative however.)


NSW, 1643 posts
5 Oct 2018 10:13AM
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I can't recommend Ride Engine enough. I have had the same Hexcore for three years and still looks new. (I kite a lot) I have had to sew new velcro patches as the velcro fell apart, but other than that it's in great shape. It does NOT ride up and is the first harness I have had that did not. It's small and light. Would never go back to another harness that wasn't a hard shell

WA, 1037 posts
5 Oct 2018 10:08AM
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I love my ride engine harness, I definitely wouldn't go back to a normal harness. It has made a big difference to the ergonomics and overall comfort and enjoyment of my kiting. There are quite a few hardshell options around now so could be worth shopping around but I would recommend hard shell harnesses for every kiter.

The newer model of the ride engine ( with 2 securing straps) can cinch down a fair bit better than the old one and gets a really nice tight fit. It's also the only harness I have been able to successfully re-tighten without detaching my kite

Gone to dark side
NSW, 390 posts
5 Oct 2018 5:07PM
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I was in the same places last year . I tried at the time the ride engine and the Mystic majestic X .just on fit I found the ride engine dug into me a bit i found the majestic X to fit me better. I also found the sizes to be out on both . I fitted into large and xl after trying both I went with XL waist 34 to 35. Hard shell harness seem to be the way to go . I been very happy with mine still looking new. Lifts up a bit when dry retighten when wet and its fine.
As they are expensive I would spend some time trying them for a good fit .
Let us know what one you end up with.

QLD, 498 posts
6 Oct 2018 9:37AM
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+1 for rideengine with a rope slider bar, my team series is also 3 seasons old still in great shape, never rides up and is still so comt

VIC, 361 posts
6 Oct 2018 2:11PM
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FOR ME I still use normal wast harness which on my toe side I get full rotation to side and further But I am aware that this is not suited for some builds of people and need fixed harness Each to there own Just get out and enjoy

QLD, 2054 posts
6 Oct 2018 2:27PM
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Jay XTC flex-tech harness is worth a look

NSW, 1643 posts
6 Oct 2018 2:46PM
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vendeavours said..
FOR ME I still use normal wast harness which on my toe side I get full rotation to side and further But I am aware that this is not suited for some builds of people and need fixed harness Each to there own Just get out and enjoy

I used that same technique with my old Mystic Warrior, but the chaffing from the rotation was problematic.

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
6 Oct 2018 2:55PM
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This is the Jay XTC proto, the production ones are the same just different colours. Jay makes the Dynabar too, this is the 11" Dynabar and gives the most side to side travel of any spreader bar on the market and will fit any harness except single strap RE harnesses.
My backup harness is a RE carbon with the single strap but the V2, still comfy but does not allow the same side to side travel.
Spreader bar width is very important when choosing and getting the right fit with any hardshell harness, if the spreader is too narrow for your keg, then it will pinch in the sides of the harness and this can give you sore lower ribs. If the spreader is too wide it will ride up over your ribs and lead to soreness and potential injury too.
Mid size kegs need a combo of either size M or L in the harness and 8 - 13" in the spreaders.

VIC, 361 posts
6 Oct 2018 3:38PM
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dafish said..

vendeavours said..
FOR ME I still use normal wast harness which on my toe side I get full rotation to side and further But I am aware that this is not suited for some builds of people and need fixed harness Each to there own Just get out and enjoy

I used that same technique with my old Mystic Warrior, but the chaffing from the rotation was problematic.

Hi Dafish I have been using Ion wave Vertex which is soft /wet suit materials in side for years and so far all good Pic with rotation I like and it goes further some times depending on the turn

NSW, 1643 posts
7 Oct 2018 8:45AM
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vendeavours said..

dafish said..

vendeavours said..
FOR ME I still use normal wast harness which on my toe side I get full rotation to side and further But I am aware that this is not suited for some builds of people and need fixed harness Each to there own Just get out and enjoy

I used that same technique with my old Mystic Warrior, but the chaffing from the rotation was problematic.

Hi Dafish I have been using Ion wave Vertex which is soft /wet suit materials in side for years and so far all good Pic with rotation I like and it goes further some times depending on the turn

That is such a great shot! As they say "Whatever works!" Clearly that is working for you ;)


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"New wave Harness" started by DJMWA