Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Ozone Catalyst 12 or Cabrinha Switchblade 12

Created by frostyballs > 9 months ago, 7 May 2014
QLD, 48 posts
7 May 2014 6:37PM
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Rider: 117 Weight,Level intermediate
Style: Freeriding,
Weather: 18-25knots

Hi i am 117kg and am thinking of buying a new 12m kite for the stronger wind days .
Would like some feed back on witch kite would be better for my size. Does one have more advantages over the other or will they both do the same job and it just purely comes down to brand preferance.

NSW, 96 posts
7 May 2014 7:08PM
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I demoed the 12m switchblade and at 100kg at the time thought it was the perfect kite for a heavier rider. Very solid construction, lots of pull and a great low end. I prefer wave riding so found it too heavy and slow turning for my purpose but would be a excellent free ride kite for heavier rider in my opinion.

QLD, 520 posts
7 May 2014 7:20PM
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Id go with the cat. I had a switchy for a season and it wasnt a bad kite ( hadn't flown many other kites) but i demoed a cat a few months ago only for one session so i dunno what dirability or anything is like but i recon it was way better. Bit faster bit more feel for the kite, had heaps of bottom end but so does the sb,The main thing i liked the cat over the sb was the unhooked wind range. Im only 60 kg tho so maybe not the best reference.

2129 posts
9 May 2014 4:35AM
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They are both good! Get whichever ones cheapest

QLD, 593 posts
14 May 2014 9:25PM
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Cat hands down. Comparison is basically like a steam train vs a monaro
the in the works spanner is of course the 2014 cab bar. Sensational.
Do drifter do a 12m? They go sick on a TT, about a million times more fun than the SB imho & they go good in waves too i hear;)


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Ozone Catalyst 12 or Cabrinha Switchblade 12" started by frostyballs