Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Ozone Enduro v1 Review

Created by BillyHampton > 9 months ago, 15 Dec 2015
NSW, 325 posts
1 Feb 2016 11:48PM
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BillyHampton said..
Here is the product video. Filmed in WA!

Impressive video - incredible riding! It shows the performance potential for the kite - but at the other end of the scale is just cruising around. Here's what I posted on a thread about 14m kites.....

Got to demo the new Ozone Enduro 14m. For the doubters preaching bigger kites aren't fun - try this one!

Hadn't used a 14m for a while and was really impressed with just how well it flew. I've owned older 14m kites and they felt heavy and really slow - this didn't!

The wind was fairly light, I'd say from about 10 knots lulls thought averaging around 13 knots.

I'd been out on my 2015 Ozone Reo 12m on the North Nugget and was going OK - though working the kite to keep going in the lulls, the surf was flat and a fairly weak and gusty seabreeze.

I love the Reo and it's all I need for a light wind kite as I normally try and kite waves. The comparison on the day was I didn't need to work the Enduro - it just pulled with enough power to get going and once the apparent wind kicked in, it just felt faster and faster.

The turning speed didn't match the Reo (what does), but depending on what kind of riding you do , it's definitely worth considering for lighter winds or heavier riders.

NSW, 1030 posts
2 Feb 2016 7:53AM
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Had anyone compared this kite to other all rounder kites such as the Element 4?

QLD, 232 posts
3 Feb 2016 6:59PM
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hey lads,

I was lucky enough to have a go on the Enduro V1 10m the other day up here in Townsville, NQ. Now I must say that I don't regularly use such a small kite given the light winds that usually bless us up here in North Queensland. I usually opt for a bigger kite so that it'll turn a bit slower and be more manageable.

Regardless, I was keen to try out the Enduro V1 10m

(Note: My thoughts are derived from only 1 session on the kite so as such they're not very representative. A more well-rounded review only comes from many sessions on the kite as I'm sure Billy has had over in WA!!)

Turning speed - reasonable for a small kite. I know some people prefer a fast and twitchy kite, but for me a more manageable turning speed is the best. This made my tricks a lot easier than they would have been using other smaller kites.

Power - more than C4 I thought. Again, this could have been artefact because I wasn't riding bindings at the time.

Stable - oath!! What do you expect??!!

Relaunch - easier than C4 (to be expected)

Wakestyle - again, this could be because it is a bit of a change up from the C4, but I thought it was LESS (for lack of a better word) "trucky". I prefer a "trucky" feel and choose this over the "pop and drop" that seemed to be prevalent on the Enduro. I know that other wake style riders don't share this same view, in which case get your hands on the Enduro haha.

Anyway I'm just throwing some chat here based on 1 session. More to come later with more sessions. (not promising any time period - have you seen the Townsville forecast :(??

9M demo is still on loan in WA (contact Billy), Steve McCormack's 14M is now doing the rounds up his way. 12M available at the KP shop in Sydney. My 10m Enduro in Townsville

VIC, 52 posts
3 Feb 2016 8:33PM
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Rider: 54kg advanced
Quality: 10/10
Satisfaction: 9/10
Disclosure: Ozone Australia Team Rider
Size tested: 8

Ozone Enduro V1

Hi there, I recently recived my 8 meter Ozone Enduro from Kitepower Australia. For most of the 2015 season I was riding the C4 until I tried the Catalyst, i just found it more inviting as i am getting more and more into surf. Very soon after, I got a 10 and 12 meter catalyst and after having a proper session on the kites, I was addicted to them. I really only used my 10 and 12 meter from that day. I prefer it over the C4 as it is an allround kite, good for waves, wakestyle and freeriding. I used to just leave my kites on the same bridle setting straight from the bag as I honesty never felt that much of a difference, but, the 2016 Enduro has a brand new bridle system that is so easy to use and you can feel the difference when you switch the system from freestyle to wave ect. The kite drifts really well on the wave setting as if it were a reo and you can get heaps more power out of the kite when you put it on the freestyle setting. Although I do miss that pop and slack of the C4 the Enduro has a nice steady pull through those backmobes.

I would really recommend that you go into your local dealer and give this kite a try. Its not punishing on the body in gusts and its as durable as ever. I hope anyone ooing and arrring found this helpful. Cheers Aaron


NSW, 226 posts
6 Feb 2016 8:28AM
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I picked up a 8m and 12m just before NKL came to Sydney. I only flew them both once before and during the comp they performed very well in the up and down wind. I was on the 8m when others were on 11's showin the bottom end of the small kites go well. I also used the 12m when the wind dropped out and could keep upwind and jump well in the light stuff.
The kites are similar to last years Catalyst and maybe thats why it didn't take long to get used to them. The thing that i love about them over the Catalyst is the ability to keep the kite coming along with you without it pulling- ideal for riding in the waves (i still haven't take them free-styling and using the wave setting on the bridle).

Thursday at Wanda it was gusting around 35knots and others were coming in on 8's and 7's claiming too windy- i was so COMFORTABLE on the Enduro 8 in the same gusty strong wind amungst large waves and still had trim available. You can essentially turn the kite off when you want and its right there for you when you want to turn it back on! Instead on kite wrestling, it was very very cruisy- for 35knots and 6-8 foot. Yesterday the wind backed off to 15-25 and the waves were the same big and groomed. I seamed to be testing the bottom end of the 8m at times as the wind got holey as it was getting late. Kite still excelled in every way. Used a lot of S turns and under turns onto faces and the kite was right where i wanted and allowed me to ride the wave not get pulled off it.
As far as the kites build, it looks like the new material is another step forward. It poured with rain the other day and the kite beads off any water like it is 100% waterproof, so if you end up dumping it into the water its not going to feel any different when it comes back up. This light crispy material, paired with only having 3 struts makes the kites feels very light in the sky and quick to turn. I've been riding it with the back knots on the quickest turning setting/lightest bar pressure and have found the kite needs to be on the most powered up setting to match this set up (though on the 35knot day, i used the middle knots).
I am a Ozone team rider so my review may be a bit biased though i am welcoming anyone to try my kite with the condition they come here and post a review afterwards. Come down to Cronulla have a little go of my Enduro's (be warned you may have to go out and buy one after you try it).


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Ozone Enduro v1 Review" started by BillyHampton