Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Recommendations for super-massive wind range good drifting thing

Created by timmybuddhadude > 9 months ago, 2 Dec 2019
WA, 814 posts
2 Dec 2019 10:36PM
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What's a kite that has a massive wind range if i have a 9 ..really massive like kind of makes it a 6 or 12 massive i'd be completely amazed by it's massiveness of wind range&lack of stalling ;
That drifts really really well turns fast and is a bit of an allrounder and maybe boosts well. Not bothered about it's other 'freestyle capabilities'..
just such a super massive wind range that performs well within it..with such super drifting too it'd be amazing..
2012-18...earlier ok i'd just use another barlines

Looking for recommendations

Thankyou in advance

QLD, 409 posts
3 Dec 2019 9:10AM
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I have a mate with a 9m Edge as his only kite, when I'm struggling to stay upwind on my 12 he is out there on the 9 Edge looping it like crazy and staying upwind. When I'm over powered on my 9, he's still out there, boosting massive on his 9. Haven't actually flown the Edge myself though however I'm very impressed with my 12m Moto wind range and ability to handle gusts.

WA, 858 posts
3 Dec 2019 5:59PM
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timmybuddhadude said..
What's a kite that has a massive wind range if i have a 9 ..really massive like kind of makes it a 6 or 12 massive i'd be completely amazed by it's massiveness of wind range&lack of stalling ;
That drifts really really well turns fast and is a bit of an allrounder and maybe boosts well. Not bothered about it's other 'freestyle capabilities'..
just such a super massive wind range that performs well within it..with such super drifting too it'd be amazing..
2012-18...earlier ok i'd just use another barlines

Looking for recommendations

Thankyou in advance

Chances are if one existed you'd know about it already. I actually saw the end of a rainbow on Ocean Reef Rd about 10 years ago but much like the kite you describe there was no Leprechaun and no pot of gold

WA, 814 posts
3 Dec 2019 8:18PM
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Bugger...thanks ..good analogy

WA, 512 posts
5 Dec 2019 9:32AM
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Go demo the 7m Nexus, 7m Neo, 7m SST from Action sports see what you like first. Thats what I did, everyone is different so what suits one may not be for another.

QLD, 355 posts
7 Dec 2019 6:43AM
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not <2018 but demo the 2020 Ocean Rodeo Roam - very light in the air, light bar pressure - there are some 7m & 9m demo kites in WA at the moment.

4862 posts
8 Dec 2019 1:34PM
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I can take my 8m enduro from 10-35 knots.

368 posts
8 Dec 2019 2:16PM
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Plummet said..
I can take my 8m enduro from 10-35 knots.

I can take my 2004 Windwing Rampage 17m from 13 knots, to 14knots. Anything under that and it falls out of the sky, anything over and it drags you downwind - like a truck. But when it's 13.5's amazing still a C kite from 2004.

WA, 9585 posts
8 Dec 2019 9:24PM
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Yeh and the 2 inch depower throw was amazing on them as well.

WA, 814 posts
8 Dec 2019 10:22PM
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Plummet said..
I can take my 8m enduro from 10-35 knots.

Wow. !

WA, 858 posts
9 Dec 2019 5:07PM
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timmybuddhadude said..

Plummet said..
I can take my 8m enduro from 10-35 knots.

Wow. !

I have one for sale if your interested, but I wouldn't count on 10-35

4862 posts
9 Dec 2019 5:42PM
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snalberski said..

timmybuddhadude said..

Plummet said..
I can take my 8m enduro from 10-35 knots.

Wow. !

I have one for sale if your interested, but I wouldn't count on 10-35

Yeah mate its easy as. The trick is to step on and off different equipment as you go through the wind range.

10-20 hydro foil 10-15 cruising/waves 15/20 hauling arse and jumping
12-22 kite buggy 12-18 sand dunes - 18-22 make 25 at a push speed runs
20-35 mutant. 20-28 waves slowly leaning boost and wave ride 28 + booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooost and mutant slash and grab old school storm kiting sillyness.


QLD, 51 posts
16 Dec 2019 4:36PM
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I would recommend 2 kites - the main one (worth most of your budget) for your most common wind range (in my case a 9m Drifter which handles 13-30knots) then a 2nd hand cheapy for the least common wind (in my case an old 6m BWS Noise 20-35knots). That said I ride my Drifter 99% of the time (when others are out on 12m & 14m kites I'm fine on a surfboard). If you like boosting/freeride then try a Rebel (my old 2012 10m Rebel did 12-30knots) or Edge or similar.

And definitely use different boards to extend the range: surfboard or large TT for low-end and small TT for high end.

WA, 814 posts
16 Dec 2019 9:43PM
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Ok...thankyou v much thuffam&plummet
i'll look into enduro and rebel/edge.. & espec drifter..
I had a feeling the drifter was called a 'drifter' for some reason...... thanx v much..never actually had one..
sounds perfect have that bws6 too thanx to sale doctor perth... which has turned out great for rare ones.....this week however it's going to be every day!!! (Piccie)....had 8's etc before .love it
9 'drifter' might be the right one (73kg) so i dont have to carry about an 11 it must be an awesome drifter like bws is..

Love what u said plummet made me laugh lol thanx


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Recommendations for super-massive wind range good drifting thing" started by timmybuddhadude