Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Reo V6

Created by dafish > 9 months ago, 3 Jan 2022
NSW, 1647 posts
3 Jan 2022 9:25AM
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Just thought I would drop in my 2 cents worth on the Reo v6. Full disclosure, I am a satellite dealer in my local area so take that for what it's worth. I am a decent rider with lots of experience and weigh 84 kilos.
I have had enough time on the new v6 to give you my impressions. I have a 10 and a 6 and have been able to put plenty of time on both.
First improvement is the stability of the canopy. Super tight, almost zero flutter in transition turns. Having the bridal be so precise has given this kite an extra 2 knots in the lower end, and at it's upper reaches still behaves in a very controlled way. I had the 10 out the other day in small 2 to 3 foot surf at around 14 knots when I started and was able to march up wind with ease. I was riding a 5'8" Smook strapped with Quabba fins. In the past I would have need a 12 to get out in that light of wind. The kite turns fast, loops are super smooth and predictable. Once the wind kicked up into the 18 to 20 knots it got real fun punting off the waves. Really nice air for a wave kite and heli loops on the way down made for smooth landings. At this stage in my life my knees can't handle too many hard landings but I still love jumping, so having a good looping kite helps a lot. The one thing I would say is this kite has slightly more bar pressure than the V4 and V5.
I have been using the 6 meter Reo for foiling, getting out at about 12 knots on an Armstrong setup mainly with the HS850 front wing. Anything less and I would be on the Peak4 5 meter. The kite has excellent drift as you would come to expect from a Reo, and this kite is just super playful. You can chase swell straight down wind with very little bar input. It doesn't drift as good as the Peak, but I also don't have to drag in a dead weight when I crash and can't relaunch. While I love the Peaks, I tend not to try new moves as much for fear of crashing and not relaunching, especially in light winds. With the Reo it's not an issue and allows me to keep working on new things.
I had the 6 out as the wind slowly ramped up. Started out in 12 to 14 knots and then the wind really kicked in. 25 knots with a few bigger gusts. I swapped out my front wing for a cut down HS 625 and stayed out for another hour or so fully in control. I normally would have swapped out the 6 and gone down to the 4v5 Reo, but there was no need. Having one kite being able to ride from 12 knots to 25 + and having the kite behave so well is fantastic especially if your budget allows only 1 kite and you are into foiling. Being able to jump on a surf board without having to rig up another kite is also a bonus.
All in all, a very nice incremental advancement for an already fantastic kite. I suspect this kite won't go through any changes for a few years, and if so it would most likely be in the material and not bridal and canopy changes.

NSW, 1647 posts
7 Jan 2022 8:07AM
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I forgot to mention one more detail on the kite. Trimming the depower is more sensitive, fully powered up and one and a half inches (40 to 50 mm) makes a big difference.

18 posts
17 Jan 2022 10:06AM
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1) I hate bar pressure, V5 was nice , did not need more....
2) so why Ozone, why give a kite that had it all already more bar not see the use of it?
3) could one make the steering lines like 2cm longer to reduce bar pressure so one does not have to play with the depower line all the time?

VIC, 202 posts
18 Jan 2022 8:18PM
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Nice Review dafish Still enjoying the SMOOK Had my 1st try on 8 m V6 Realy should of been out on my 10 m with fluctuating wind ,on shore with onshore setting but able to generate power on fast turns Note I am kiting another brand now but still highly recommend the Reos one of my favourite wave kites and keeping the 8 m in my quiver
Bar pressure was fine ?? medium/ light
Kite flys/ turns / drifts great as you would expect from the Reos with small improvement due to reduced flutter which I never had issue with all models of Reo
The quality / build and materials is great again
The bag is good again and had no issues getting it back in bag if deflated and folded correctly

NSW, 1647 posts
19 Jan 2022 8:01AM
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naishdude said..
1) I hate bar pressure, V5 was nice , did not need more....
2) so why Ozone, why give a kite that had it all already more bar not see the use of it?
3) could one make the steering lines like 2cm longer to reduce bar pressure so one does not have to play with the depower line all the time?

When I say it has more bar pressure, it's only a small amount. I have been flying Reo's for quite some time now and am sensitive to the changes. I suspect most people wouldn't notice the difference. But as someone who wants to give an honest review the little changes need mentioning. I didn't feel any extra bar pressure in the 6, and i don't have the v6 in an 8 but I wouldn't think there would be any noticeable difference in bar pressure.
I would be curious to find out if the v6 12 felt like it had slightly more bar pressure than the v5.
For what it's worth naishdude, I don't like bar pressure either. Kite with high bar pressure awaken the tendonitis in my arms, and that is something I avoid as much as possible.

NSW, 5784 posts
19 Jan 2022 10:33AM
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dafish said..
I forgot to mention .......... one and a half inches (40 to 50 mm) makes a big difference.

thats what she said

18 posts
20 Jan 2022 3:40AM
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dafish said..

naishdude said..
1) I hate bar pressure, V5 was nice , did not need more....
2) so why Ozone, why give a kite that had it all already more bar not see the use of it?
3) could one make the steering lines like 2cm longer to reduce bar pressure so one does not have to play with the depower line all the time?

When I say it has more bar pressure, it's only a small amount. I have been flying Reo's for quite some time now and am sensitive to the changes. I suspect most people wouldn't notice the difference. But as someone who wants to give an honest review the little changes need mentioning. I didn't feel any extra bar pressure in the 6, and i don't have the v6 in an 8 but I wouldn't think there would be any noticeable difference in bar pressure.
I would be curious to find out if the v6 12 felt like it had slightly more bar pressure than the v5.
For what it's worth naishdude, I don't like bar pressure either. Kite with high bar pressure awaken the tendonitis in my arms, and that is something I avoid as much as possible.

thx mate, as soon as temperatures and "myself" are back to kite I will get you the answer to the 12m V6 which is coming in this week..
if somebody has not done before me...


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Reo V6" started by dafish