Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Review: Cabrinha FX 2015 10m

Created by WetestKites > 9 months ago, 2 Jun 2015
40 posts
2 Jun 2015 2:04AM
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Review: Cabrinha FX 2015 10m

Stay tuned for more!
Dave We Test Kites

NSW, 111 posts
2 Jun 2015 2:12PM
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Interesting to hear your thoughts about the FX. I had the chance to ride it earlier this year late in the WA season. The comment about the kindness of the kite rings true for me. I tried the 10m on both the wakestyle and free ride settings and wasn't overly impressed with how it handled... Low end is one aspect I was a little concerned about. Personally I think Cabrinha should stick to doing what they do best... the switchblade. Let the other big dogs make the crazy freestyle and wakestyle kites.

Also FYI I ended up with a 10m Vegas. No comparison there.

VIC, 276 posts
2 Jun 2015 9:02PM
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I'm more of a freeride kiter, so never utilised this kite for it's intended purpose. Had a total of 3 ours on it, it turns faster than the Switchblade and has similar boost but not quite as much hang time. Low end is notably less than the Switchy. It didn't handle gusty conditions that well either.

I wouldn't be racing out to get one, but that's just me. Maybe if I kited like Nick Jacobson I'd appreciate it!

NSW, 40 posts
2 Jun 2015 10:25PM
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Nick J could use a plastic bag and kite sik

VIC, 276 posts
3 Jun 2015 11:23PM
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UNcleHooked said...
Nick J could use a plastic bag and kite sik

True that!

VIC, 1477 posts
6 Jun 2015 8:38PM
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"The depower lines can be twisted (turned), to untangle the front lines after a kite-, back or front loop. As described in other reviews, we think each 4-line bar should have this feature, to overcome any safety issues."

>> Is Cabrinha the only bar on the market that does this?

WA, 134 posts
6 Jun 2015 9:46PM
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Pretty much all of them do.

NSW, 502 posts
13 Jun 2015 4:55AM
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I think the low end is totally on par with most other offerings of this nature. People expect to just sit back and get yanked around like with a switchblade. The truth is it needs to be ridden like a C kite in the lighter breezes. I was out last week on my 13m Hifi X (not known for its low end) in around 14-15 knots and there were lighter guys on bigger bridled kites that were slogging around and walking up the beach while I cruised up wind. That fact is if you want to ride something a bit more c shaped you need to know how to ride it efficiently. I find this review a bit sh** by the way as they don't even know what line slack is. How you can review a freestyle kite without knowing what that is is beyond me. Fly the kite on the B settings, go hard and loop loop loop. Loved it in the waves as well. Very respectable drift. Cab made a great kite in the FX.

WA, 9580 posts
13 Jun 2015 10:37AM
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Spot on ....


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Review: Cabrinha FX 2015 10m" started by WetestKites