Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

SLS NEO Impressions

Created by CJ2478 > 9 months ago, 7 Dec 2020
NSW, 484 posts
7 Dec 2020 10:33AM
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There are surprisingly few reviews of the new 2021 SLS Neos from Duotone out on the web at the moment. Duotone hyped it alot initially but not released any new content apart from some instagram stories of pro riders who are paid to rave about it.

I was wanting to refresh my 6, 8 and 11m 2019 and 2020 neos (and their respective bars) and decided to roll the dice on the new tech and swapped these out for 6 and 8m SLS neo. I was also kindly sent a 10m SLS neo Demo from the guys at KBL Sydney.

The power of the neo is my favourite, and the fact that it allows me to ride a size or two smaller and to round it out you can boost pretty big on them too with decent hangtime and loops (unlike other wave kites). The Neos and bars are the only duotone products I own and I own them because I really like them and they suit my style.

I am riding strapless surfboard, foil when its too light for SB and twintip once a year to throw down on some kiteloops. The neo is my favourite kite I have owned, coming previously from Core Nexus, North Dice and before that many Cabrinhas.

Straight outta the bag the new material looks awesome and has a really different feel to it. When pumped up and handling the kite on the ground you can certainly tell the differnce in the stiffness of the LE/struts. I have now had the kites for a month and have only used them with surfboard in wind from 12-35 knots. Its been such a good run of wind I haven't been able to test with foil yet.

The obvious question with the SLS is whether you can feel the difference. The answer to this is yes you can, and most definitely in the larger sizes in lighter winds, where there has been a significant improvement in the drift by comparison of the 2019/2020 models. This is where spending the extra money is certainly worth it. There is also improvement in the bottom end of each size from what i think is due to the ability for the kite to rise back up in the window quicker.

Although the improvement in drift due to weight reduction is less apparent in the smaller sizes which are typically used in windier conditions, there is a noticeable difference in the responsiveness of the steering due to increased rigidity from the SLS material. Everything feels stiffer and quicker reaction. If your on a budget I would certainly recommend prioritising the SLS in larger sizes and for smaller sizes would just go the regular construction.

Some reviews are reporting changes to the power of the kites between normal and SLS construction with some saying less power and others more. As with all aspects of a kite review this is subjective and influenced by the style of the rider. My conclusion however is that while there is an improvement in bottom end due to lighter materials, I would no go downsizing on this basis. At the end of the day 8m2 is 8m2 (within brands atleast). Maybe in larger sizes I would go down a size in SLS, but for smaller sizes if you like the classic Neo, then you will love the SLS in same size.

Duotone report no changes to the overall shape of the neo, however there are some subtle differences mostly relating to the bridals. The bridals are now a much thinner line, and there is no adjustment on the front bridal anymore. Instead there are three (instead of two) tuning options on the wingtips. This initially came as a disappointment because i liked to run the hard setting on front bridal, but having now run the kites on the new BLACK wingtip setting I am satisfied that I have achieved the same handling characteristics.

I really like the fact that all of the strong material has not been stripped away to make these kites lights, but instead there has been a focus on innovation in materials so you end up with a lighter kite that doesn't have the inherent weaknesses of other lightweight kites.

I am using these kites with the new trust bar on 22m lines with flite99 lines which are way better than the old lines they had been using since ~2014??. I always disliked these old lines and they seemed to tangle like a mofo when you were in a hurry to set up when it was on. The new lines are stiffer and don't tangle anywhere as much and have that premium waxy feel to them.

If your in Sydney and want to see if my review is BS or not I would recommend you get in touch with KBL and arrange a demo.

If your in Northern NSW, i have a 10m Neo SLS demo that you can try to suss whether the SLS is all hype or the real deal

WA, 217 posts
7 Dec 2020 9:07AM
Thumbs Up

Nice review. I have the 10m SLS which replaced my previous 10 from 2018. Have only had it out for a few runs. In general I think the kite may have a little more bottom end, and that it behaves more like my 8m in turning speed. I recently had a really nice session in around 15knots or less and it was a lot of fun. I did feel that it was the same as my old kite in feel but went better.

The price difference between the 2 models is not great so that the upgrade easy to me.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"SLS NEO Impressions" started by CJ2478