Rider: 100kg, Level intermediate (5 years)
Style: Freeriding, Surf, skim, sectoring (?)
Weather: no whitecaps 12-15 knots (14m freeride kite)
Build Quality: 9/10
Satisfaction: 10/10
Disclosure: still riding my first TT
My Comments:
My current TT is a 2011 Nobile NHP 137x44 and it is on its 3rd set of new footstraps. I swap it regularly with mates' boards (as I think it's the bomb) and have not felt the need to buy a replacement.
I chatted about my current ride in the shop and was convinced to try kitepower's carbon fiber Bronq 136x42 today. The wind disappointed relative to the forecast, but the board significantly surpassed my meager expectations. Interestingly the largest size is a 137x44 (which is my current ride's dimensions).
Despite the board being undersized relative to my normal ride, it loves an engaged rail and loaded back leg. I like mowing the lawn if I can throw out a decent rooster spray and not get spray directed at either my shin or eyes. The board passes with flying colours on this marginal-wind session... next time it'll have to be a powered session.
The flex in the board feels right. Not too much flex between the footpads but the tail has enough to make the board feel soft in the short Botany Bay chop. We spent time in the shop comparing all the carbon boards' flex and the Bronq has more than the others. This board doesn't have channels and is a softer and more comfortable ride than my channeled NHP.
The board didn't feel power-hungry despite its smaller size, the extra curve in the heel-side edge and high rocker... which is partially offset by large fins.
There is only a ~$300 premium for a carbon construction. Having worked a bit with the material before, this seems cheap.
I prefer other footpads such as Nobile or Liquid Force and these only come in one size.
The graphics are bland/conservative and come in a high gloss new-car-paint-like finish. My personal preference is for matte and low maintenance.
There was an air bubble imperfection in the carbon deck. If you are going to show off sexy carbon weave, it has to be perfect.
This review is the long-winded one... Cauncy did one called "Shinn bronq, easiest review ever" which helped push me into taking a demo (thanks!):
I am looking forward to giving this board a go in its intended conditions... powered with steep nasty white capping Botany Bay chop. I will come back and write some more then and am looking forward to hearing from others who have spent time with this board.
Does anyone know if you could put CORE footpads and handle on this board?
How do people think this board rates in terms of twin tip speed? does the high rocker slow it down alot?
how would it go in the Lighthouse to Leighton?
Core boards and pads have a 7" spread. Shinn boards and pads have a 6" spread. No perfect match.
No sure about the grab handle. Most grab handles are a little bit longer than Shinn's grab handle. No perfect match too.
Can't comment on the speed by first hand.