Looking for anyone who rides/flown a switch element3? Search function bought up some info on the element2 but no mention on the new one. Also any feedback on the controller 2 bar and lines?
My 09 switchblade has just about seen it's final days so looking for something to replace it. Either a 12 or 13M. Always flown cab switchys but thinking of going something different for a change.
The writeup on the element3 appears to suit my style of riding I not that the advertising spiel means much. I like a bit if everything and want to have a go at a few more unhooked tricks.
Any feedback appreciated, cheers
There is a forum linked to their web page, no one really has anything bad to say about the kites or service.
There is a demo section on their page where you can arrange to meet up with someone that's arranged to loan their gear for demos. Plus if you hate it you can send it back in 30 days for refund - postage i believe.
They keep running out of stock, I think next time they have a green 9m in stock I will pull the trigger on it.
There is a forum linked to their web page, no one really has anything bad to say about the kites or service.
They keep running out of stock, I think next time they have a green 9m in stock I will pull the trigger on it.
My friend had one, and wasn't happy at all. See my comments in the other topic.
They probably run out of stock because they run their business as well as they make their kites!
Thanks for the feedback. Oh well ill cop it on the chin for going down the cheap path if it's rubbish. The old saying is you get what you pay for.
Not sure why the red thumbs for the post though?
^^^^if you dislike it you can send it back for a full refund within 30 days i believe.
Knew the seabreeze community would have bad things to say.
I've heard horror stories of brand new naish, ozone or other "top brand" gear tearing on first flight or first "tomahawk" into the water. I've also heard horror stories of kite shops not being able to resolve warranty claims on products bought through their store.
Haven't heard of a warranty complaint that hasn't been resolved through switch. The reviews and feed back i have read has been on a mixture of the switch kite forum and other forums such as kiteforum.
Looking into upgrading my gear I have done a fair bit of research on switch and their products. I cant say as I have read anything that has put me off buying one, there were a few reviews that said they were average or that the kite didn't suit them but the general consensus seems to be that they are awesome kites regardless of the price.
if the red thumb makes you feel better about your over priced gear and helps you sleep at night then red thumb away.
Your argument would be more valid if that kind of wear was always apparent within the first 30 days but I can tell you that most kiters are called weekend warriors for a reason. These kind of quality issues become problems a year or two down the track. Another thing to consider when buying something like a Switch is that your resale is next to nothing. I'm not saying they are terrible kites, that was word of mouth from someone I trust. If I was strapped for cash I wouldn't rule them out I'm just saying if you can afford it go for something that is proven and you can walk into the shop and grab a spare part or get the staff to fix problems for you. That old adage does hold up "you get what you pay for".
Over 2 years I owned a total of 4 switch kites, and were great for where I was at and the budget I had. Construction wise they are just fine but design wise, it was like night and day compared to a more established brand. My riding drastically improved in one season from changing kites.
As as for service, sure they were alright but one of my brand new kites was delivered without a rear pigtail/leader and I had to wait a few weeks for it. And just like Drury mentioned, resale was pretty crap.
First post here but you can believe it or not just like all the haters on here that smash the kite before even trying it.
I owned a Element1 and has to say I was not very impressed. I guess back then for a 1st kite for a new brand it was not too bad.
3 years have passed and thought I would give it another go.
You really can't beat the price so why not.
I ordered a 9m Element3 and a controller2. Had my order with in 7 days.
Going over the kite is is very well manufactured, if not better than some big brands out there.
First time out I was pleasantly surprised. This is a very well behaved kite. Super stable and fast.
It holds it own when comparing it to a Naish park or a Ozone Reo. Only other kites that I have flown so these are my bench marks.
Well worth taking the risk and I'm overly happy that I did .
Don't be discrouged by all the slamming by retailers and shop riders.
Go out and ride the kite and form your honest option.
Happy Customer.
That old adage does hold up "you get what you pay for".
And when it comes to kite gear you pay too much for what you get
You're going to the wrong shop.
I am keen in looking at their light wind kite (when released) $3Kish for something to pull me around in light stuff seems excessive in my mind.
I support local shops and have to say they have been great in support for bits and pieces. If i was new to the sport knowing that i was going to trash gear a switch package (at the moment something like 1500 with board and kite) would be a good deal anticipating lower resale but still probably better than buying second hand for a similar amount.
I think their direct to consumer model (wholesale bypass) works, i think they are a good well priced kite, different kites for different people and needs.
Thinks this applies to most kites as it does boards, correct me if I am wrong but this is what it feels like to the end customer.
Thinks this applies to most kites as it does boards, correct me if I am wrong but this is what it feels like to the end customer.
Have to adapt to change or fade away.
Love the video.
Really sums it up.
Some brands work by selling Fear & Hate, apparently. "middlemen in suits with sunglasses". Desperate stuff! Are they selling kites, or propaganda?
Google changed the world by offering great product, not by making videos about how the existing world was evil. FFS.
Mobile phones, guitars, kayaks, and many things can be bought online (no middlemen), but the stores are relevant and busy. Switch need to get over themselves as being some game changer.
An online kite store (with a phone number), just like a shop still needs the same number of staff to serve the same number of customers. It doesn't add up. You either have worse service or worse product. Something has to go.
Some brands work by selling Fear & Hate, apparently. "middlemen in suits with sunglasses". Desperate stuff! Are they selling kites, or propaganda?
Google changed the world by offering great product, not by making videos about how the existing world was evil. FFS.
Mobile phones, guitars, kayaks, and many things can be bought online (no middlemen), but the stores are relevant and busy. Switch need to get over themselves as being some game changer.
An online kite store (with a phone number), just like a shop still needs the same number of staff to serve the same number of customers. It doesn't add up. You either have worse service or worse product. Something has to go.
I don't think Switch is saying that they are changing the game. They just simply have a different business model like many other companies out there.
They produce great gear at an affordable price.
It's very simple . You will always have people that feel un easy when something new comes along at a better price at equal or better quality.
Human nature.
I never said the gear is s**t, just that there is better out there. And that is true. The prices would be attractive to anyone! Resale, in my experience, is a big consideration in making a sound buying decision though as I have been stuck with kites before and it was not fun.
I am really liking the look of this 3 gen kite, for me the bar is the one area that prevents me from getting one, I know the cost of R&D is what makes other brands more expensive but hey I guess for the price its not a bad deal.....!
How is the Element3 in 7m for wave? how is the bar pressure? Did it turn fast? I saw a video on youtbe of Felix Pivec riding the Element3 in Hawai in very light wind, seems stable but it's not the 7m.
Found a video of 9m and 11m
Having owned switches and big brands I would rate the warranty experience of all of them as crap. Try and get a part for a North kite and see how you go. Switch at least offer their parts for sale at reasonable prices but if you want a proper warranty claim they can be a bit of a bitch to deal with. I kite over 200 days of the year which is probably more than most, self landing and launching over 90% of the time, having the kites munched in waves more times then I would like. After a year of that sort of activity they showed no less or no more wear than my North kites. At the end of the day they are all made in a factory in China or Sri Lanka.
Lets face it mainstream kites have become outrageously expensive and it won't be long before most people who get sucked into the whole it's cheap therefore its crap mentality have to buy last years or the year before kites because that's all they can afford. I for one am glad Switch are providing competition to the bloated mainstream suppliers.
Buy a kite because you connect with it and it's the right price for you not because of some retarded capitalist fancy that quality is directly linked to paying through the nose for something. By all accounts the element 3 is an awesome kite in the waves, I'd love to try one.
There a lot of knockers out there, I have been riding switch before they started there on line business,Nitros, granted they weren't a great kite but each new kite out has become a lot better, Quality is up there with the top brands. A lot more robust than ozone. I am still using the nitro 1s and about to upgrade, The kites are still in great shape and get used a lot.I have used the edge2013 13 meter when it first came out on an ozone demo day. Cant say anything bad about them, Was a bit slower than my nitro 14 and I could boost higher on my nitro than the edge. Most are more upset because its taking business away from local shops. Using named brand kites are just not affordable for a lot of us.
Totally independant view, a local here and very decent kiter has had switch nitros from the beginning, he's spanked the kite and it's still going without repair, the bar has reqd attention but only general depower wear etc, he's now on the latest kites , I'm a stickler for quality and IMO they are some of the best kites I've seen as in the way they are stitched together, I've always had ozones after my wipika a and north rhinos, and for me they've let me down, constant le splits, I've a 9 edge that's done it 5 times all within 100 mm of bridal attachments , this has led me to a change unfortunately and after a bit of trials and demos if gone for flexifoils, massively impressed with how they fly and how they are made , I'm stunned that they arnt a common brand , when my invoice came my 3 kite quiver was close to a 1 kite big brand purchase here in aus, I've had them and rode them hard with no signs of wear
I got the E3 7m to compliment my parks (2012 9m and a 2014 12m). I have to say that the E3 felt a hell of a lot more stable than my 9m park. It would just sit in the sky and not move (in a good way). Before I bought it I never really went any smaller than a 9 and I thought it would take a bit of practice not to over steer but it felt natural straight away. The build looks good but I can't really really comment on its longevity as it's my high wind kite and only got it out a handful of times so far. This is also one of the reasons I bought switch as I wasn't going to use is much and hence no point paying a big price. I cannot comment in the bar as I use my Naish universals. One other thing I did buy was the switch bag with is great as I can fit both my 12m and 9m in it....and now I always have the right kite with me.
Well as you guys probably read earlier in the thread i went ahead and purchased an element 3 13M with the controller 2 bar and lines. I have had the kite out now in all conditions ranging from 11-25 knots. I have only owned cabrinha switchblades in the past but have ridden a few north kites and some of the liquid force range, but i can only really compare it properly to the switchblades.
The first impression from the e3 is how smooth the power delivery is and how stable the kite is in the air. It didn't take long at all to get used to how it behaved and how much bar input was needed. If you like riding waves you would love it as you can pretty much ride directly at the kite and it just drifts with you nicely. Probably doesn't boost as high as the switchblades but i think I'm dialling it in more as i get used to the technique it requires as I've had a couple of 'oh **** thats high moments'
The bar and lines are a pretty good, safety is exellent and has a nice attachment for riding suicide. Depower cleat is a little clunky and hard to get the clip to sit on the line to stop it spinning everywhere when riding along, but not a massive deal I'm just used to the cab bars where everything stays neat with the spring system. Its certainly not the worst depower system I've used. Starting to get raleys but I'm still working out the unhooked game at the moment so cant really tell how it is for the wake style guys.
Quality of build in the kite, excellent and i would go as far as saying exactly the same as my cab gear. While the bar isn't as impressive and refined as the cab it works very well and its safe.
11-12 knots i can ride around upwind on my TT, not the most fun I've ever had but do able. Had it out in up to 25 knots which is obviously way over but still controlled enough to have kite around on. Im 73kgs
overall very happy with it, customer service was great responded to my emails quickly and i think i had the kite within the week from memory.