Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Switch Nitro 5?

Created by Ramzi > 9 months ago, 8 Jan 2017
SA, 6 posts
8 Jan 2017 11:53AM
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Hi I am an intermediate kite surfer have been riding the Core GTS2 now it is time to move on to something different, I am thinking of the Switch Nitro 5, very seductive price but not much review about them!! I like doing a bit of jumping and hooked tricks in same time I like surfing small to medium waves. I would love to hear some users review before jumping on the switch nitro 5.

QLD, 2056 posts
8 Jan 2017 6:37PM
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If your after an all-round kite in the Switch range, the Element5 is the kite to look at.
Sorry, I don't have any experience with the Nitro5 - all I know is the Nitro6 has just recently been released & the N5,s are on sale.
Switch have their own forum, worth a look if your interested in their kites.

QLD, 1694 posts
8 Jan 2017 8:37PM
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Do yourself a favour and upgrade to the gts4. I rode a 9m today and it was an absolute pleasure. The 9m loops like a dream. Don't downgrade to a switch.

NSW, 1030 posts
9 Jan 2017 4:26AM
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The Nitro is a high aspect kite which flies very forward in the wind. You need to be intermediate/advanced to be able to fly them.
Try the Element they are much user friendly and more all rounder
You will find more reviews on their forums and also the

WA, 3489 posts
9 Jan 2017 12:18PM
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kemp90 said..
Do yourself a favour and upgrade to the gts4. I rode a 9m today and it was an absolute pleasure. The 9m loops like a dream. Don't downgrade to a switch.

Have you tried a Nitro 5 kemp90???

I had my first fly of a Nitro 5 a couple of days ago and was very impressed.

If its jumping and hooked in tricks you mainly want to do they are great.
The Element is better for waves though.

2129 posts
9 Jan 2017 3:00PM
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I have a Nitro 4 and although it took me a little while to really get the feeling of it, I love that kite now and would get a whole quiver of them if the bank account agreed.

Boosts massive, huge hangtime, loops good, not so flash on the waves though

SA, 6 posts
9 Jan 2017 6:00PM
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Thank you guys for your reviews much appreciated!! hey kemp90 the loop on my GTS2 was so scary, too aggressive is it better on the GTS4?

NSW, 861 posts
10 Jan 2017 12:04AM
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GTS2 is a peach to loop

QLD, 593 posts
12 Jan 2017 5:43PM
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Hey ramzi, I have flown the nitro 4 & 5 & the element

If you are dead set on sticking with switch (there are lots of other good kites out there....) the element is way more user friendly, so
I agree with the crowd here, the element is better in every dept.

I sincerely don't understand the hype about the boost and float of this kite. Both of which I found very average. Add to that heavy bar pressure and I rate the nitro - Very ordinary. I actually preferred the 4 of the 2 because it slack lined nice and therefore I imagine it seemed better for unhooked stuff( which I don't do) but the 5 just got heavier whilst over sheeting whereas the 4 seemed not to mind it.
The element is a nice easy kite to fly and handles waves well. A much better choice IMHO if you are sticking with switch

2129 posts
14 Jan 2017 5:46PM
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@pattiecannon - "I sincerely don't understand the hype about the boost and float of this kite. Both of which I found very average."

I think you may be tripping balls man, the Nitro is a boosting machine!!!

WA, 124 posts
28 Jan 2017 10:49AM
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I've been riding Switch for a few years now. The Nitro, with every upgrade, is by far my preferred kite. I have a couple of Elements too, but I generally only fly them in light winds, where it is truly at it's happiest. In stronger winds it can get a bit 'tuggy', sitting deeper in the window, whereas the Nitro is edge-hungry and ultra efficient. The Nitro is most certainly the kite to progress on. It is indeed a boosting machine, and a hang time master. Mega loops are a breeze - in fact any kind of loop is a piece of cake. I pretty much kiteloop or downloop every transition as I love the predictive pull that it gives me out of a rotation and double rotations. The Element is a super stable, user friendly kite - so perfect for your beginner, intermediate, and even wave riders. The Nitro is going to take you places. My 6 is on the way!

QLD, 9 posts
5 Feb 2017 10:20PM
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had a nitro 14m kite which in no way could you compare to a nitro 9m kite that my mate was riding in waves strapped .i ride strappless in waves now and twintip flat and my biggest kite i own is a 11m naish pivot ,same power as a 14 nitro with lighter bar pressure :)


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Switch Nitro 5?" started by Ramzi