Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

What NEW GEAR Are You Getting This Season ... (ME) --> OZONE REO V5

Created by troytam > 9 months ago, 10 Aug 2018
QLD, 80 posts
10 Aug 2018 8:07PM
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I'VE PRE-ORDERED A FULL QUIVER - OZONE V5.. (6mtr - 8mtr - 10mtr)

My Favourite Features Of The New V5 REO Are:

- Variable Bridle Geometry - Allows for quick alteration of the attachment point to suit onshore, or offshore winds ..
- New Improved Strut Design - It's stronger, yet lighter ..
- Direct Handling - This means Insane Drift ..!
- Available Colours - Love Them All ...


WA, 1054 posts
10 Aug 2018 7:33PM
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I am looking to get a 5m airush wave. The wind has been hectic here in the perth metro, we got around 10 days of brown arrows wind in July

The 5m is for my own health and safety ( at least that's what I will tell the missus)

I will consider used in good condition 2015 onwards or superceded l, hit me up!!

( Ha ha snuck my own wanted ad in there)

WA, 9584 posts
10 Aug 2018 10:24PM
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You aren't the only one sneaking an add in here it seems...

VIC, 361 posts
11 Aug 2018 8:44AM
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Have also ordered full set 6,8,10,12 and have 12m already and should have the rest soon for Indo trip in September in the waves Also have new Smook Custom 5'6" 21ltsWave A and Shredder MK3 5'2" 21lts Happy Happy

QLD, 80 posts
11 Aug 2018 10:41AM
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Youngbreezy ... I cannot remember the last time I rode a 5mtr :)
Good luck on that one !!

Vendevours ... A little jealous of the INDO TRIP - Actually !!a

WA, 207 posts
11 Aug 2018 9:46AM
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- Variable Bridle Geometry - Allows for quick alteration of the attachment point to suit onshore, or offshore winds ..

Now i have read some bull in my life but this takes the cake.

WA, 9584 posts
11 Aug 2018 3:45PM
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Variable advertisement Geometry.

NSW, 2284 posts
11 Aug 2018 6:14PM
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I'll stick with what I have in kites eg
4.8, 6.2, 8, 10.5 m Strutless Cloud kites.
Plus 8,9,10 & 11m AX Griffin kites as for me all are excellent for their purpose and my skill level.

WA, 1883 posts
11 Aug 2018 7:09PM
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The New 2019 Woo 4.0
Jump higher - share the fun with your friends they say

NSW, 331 posts
11 Aug 2018 11:11PM
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Ugly said..
- Variable Bridle Geometry - Allows for quick alteration of the attachment point to suit onshore, or offshore winds ..

Now i have read some bull in my life but this takes the cake.

How so? It isnt a new concept. Pretty common place practice. Just new to the reo. Havnt rode the V5 yet but in other brand and model kites, bridle placement helps alot

NSW, 5784 posts
12 Aug 2018 5:50AM
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in the kitchen usually works best

WA, 9584 posts
12 Aug 2018 7:23AM
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Rather a bridle replacement in the bedroom actually

NSW, 1280 posts
12 Aug 2018 3:31PM
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Wrong Bridal eppo and Doc

Hmm Adam
Your not moving the tow point in this system
Your extending or shortening the length of one leg of the bridle by a couple of centimetres changing the geometry of the bridle, by less than one degree.
Do you think your average kite surfer will feel the difference ?
Christian's second bridle for Buzz Kites, is in my opinion, a true change to the bridle geometry of a kite and makes a much bigger change to the flying characteristics.

NSW, 331 posts
12 Aug 2018 4:58PM
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IanR said..
Wrong Bridal eppo and Doc

Hmm Adam
Your not moving the tow point in this system
Your extending or shortening the length of one leg of the bridle by a couple of centimetres changing the geometry of the bridle, by less than one degree.
Do you think your average kite surfer will feel the difference ?
Christian's second bridle for Buzz Kites, is in my opinion, a true change to the bridle geometry of a kite and makes a much bigger change to the flying characteristics.

Think you will find that most Cab Drifter riders notice a huge difference when switching their bridle point. I ride Enduros and Find that bridle change is a MUST when going from wave to freestyle. Id argue that the need for change is less, the better you fly, but then again, the first time I asked Keahi if the drifter bridle was "bull****" he said NO, that its helps heaps and he switches it to suit. I cant speak for the reo, as I havnt flown the V5 yet, but I have spent a bit if time on the Cabs and definetly noticed the difference

WA, 1883 posts
12 Aug 2018 7:00PM
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IanR said..
Wrong Bridal eppo and Doc

Hmm Adam
Your not moving the tow point in this system
Your extending or shortening the length of one leg of the bridle by a couple of centimetres changing the geometry of the bridle, by less than one degree.
Do you think your average kite surfer will feel the difference ?
Christian's second bridle for Buzz Kites, is in my opinion, a true change to the bridle geometry of a kite and makes a much bigger change to the flying characteristics.

Totally agree with the Buzz kites swap out wave and pro bridles..
A huge difference in behaviour compared to the 1 inch Brand New kite marketing hype..

Even funnier are the people who one minute think they have an upwind race, jumping machine - Nek minute its a wave riding weapon lol.

I'm glad we have 1 kite does it all marketing, but am curious to why they have 2 to 8.. specialised kites ?

1 inch knots lol - doesnt do it all, don't tell anyone

WA, 8407 posts
12 Aug 2018 7:58PM
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SaveTheWhales said..

IanR said..
Wrong Bridal eppo and Doc

Hmm Adam
Your not moving the tow point in this system
Your extending or shortening the length of one leg of the bridle by a couple of centimetres changing the geometry of the bridle, by less than one degree.
Do you think your average kite surfer will feel the difference ?
Christian's second bridle for Buzz Kites, is in my opinion, a true change to the bridle geometry of a kite and makes a much bigger change to the flying characteristics.

Totally agree with the Buzz kites swap out wave and pro bridles..
A huge difference in behaviour compared to the 1 inch Brand New kite marketing hype..

Even funnier are the people who one minute think they have an upwind race, jumping machine - Nek minute its a wave riding weapon lol.

I'm glad we have 1 kite does it all marketing, but am curious to why they have 2 to 8.. specialised kites ?

1 inch knots lol - doesnt do it all, don't tell anyone

Certainly not a race weapon
but I'm been impressed with the v2 enduro, jumps as well as my old Vegas and Flexi hadlows, pretty similar to both in direct feel on freestyle setting short backline , this is a huge step up in performance from the freeride setting on that 1inch change you talk about, tbh I was a bit sceptical in the hype
but the feel/ performance is huge , maybe in lesser winds it might not feel apparent , I was given the 9 buzz to try for a week, tbh there was no info on the bridal change so didn't bother swapping over, I fanny around with custom knot settings above and below standard factory on most kites I've owned, it's allowed me to keep my quivers down
and is a quick adjustment, I'm not saying the enduro is the best do it all kite out of the bag but you can drastically feel it on the 2/3 second change between , Carnt comment on the reo, haven't flown one since 1st edition,
Rob Whittall is renowned for his kite/ paraglyder/speedwing / foil kite design, he wouldn't put his name to a bad performing product, there's no point doing it unless it actually works

Demo whatever kites may fit your ride, but wouldn't be scared to try something else from multiple brands, I had a run on 5/6 kites and settled on the enduros
certainly agree on the specialised kites Clayton , best wave riders I've seen was on a C4 and RRD Obsession but kite skill was a huge benefactor

WA, 1883 posts
13 Aug 2018 4:58AM
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You should have swapped out the bridal on the Buzz - if you did, youd understand what the 1 inch 1 knot marketing hype is really about.
Regardless of what brand kite it is, if you were blindfolded or pissed lol, you would swear you were on another kite..
This is what most people don't know about complete bridle changed..

NSW, 1280 posts
13 Aug 2018 11:34AM
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Adam'KiteRepair said..
Think you will find that most Cab Drifter riders notice a huge difference when switching their bridle point. I ride Enduros and Find that bridle change is a MUST when going from wave to freestyle. Id argue that the need for change is less, the better you fly, but then again, the first time I asked Keahi if the drifter bridle was "bull****" he said NO, that its helps heaps and he switches it to suit. I cant speak for the reo, as I havnt flown the V5 yet, but I have spent a bit if time on the Cabs and definetly noticed the difference

Typical Ozone pimp red herring
The Cab drifter system, you are attaching to a different tow point to change the flight characteristics. We have been over this! Maybe you should just lie and say there is no pulley in the drifter bridle like your mentor.
A good friend flys the Enduro's and recons the 1inch Variable in one leg Bridle Geometry makes an almost imperceptible change to the kite
But if this Placebo Works for you, the Ozone Marketing team have found a very cost effective way of fooling you

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
13 Aug 2018 12:52PM
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I've flown the V5, the adjustment makes a difference you can definitely notice. I'm incredibly fortunate to live in an area that has some of the best offshore conditions with smooth wave faces and long down the line rides, and also excellent side on and onshore as well, perfect for testing and enjoying this kite.

The kite is a new Version, its not a completely new kite and Ozone is not claiming that. We are also not claiming that we invented anything, we are just giving our customers more choices and more performance.

The Reo V5 feels like a Reo, and of course its very similar to a V4, but in the hands of regular Reo riders, you can definitely feel a difference and I'm really impressed with the improved drift, bottom end, depower/power and smoothness.

If you've ever seen a kite being developed, you would see that they have multiple tow points sewn to the LE, usually 1-1.5cm apart, and those distances make a huge difference to how a kite will perform. Moving the knot at the top of the bridle like Ozone does changes the angle of every attachment the bridle has with the LE. Not by huge amounts because huge is not what is required to make significant changes in performance.

WA, 9584 posts
13 Aug 2018 12:28PM
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Elephant in the room

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Elephant in the room is an English-language metaphorical idiom for an obvious problem or risk that no one wants to discuss[2]. It is based on the idea/thought that something as conspicuous as an elephant can appear to be overlooked in codified social interactions, and that the sociology/psychology of repression also operates on the macro scale.

gotta' admire the nerve though...

WA, 8407 posts
13 Aug 2018 4:53PM
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WA, 8407 posts
13 Aug 2018 5:00PM
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Some insight on feel kite handling, but early for v5 reo, this system has been around offshore/ on settings on other kites so nothing new really, pretty handy to have if your into mixing things around or have different / shifting wind conditions

QLD, 80 posts
13 Aug 2018 7:48PM
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Adam'KiteRepair said..

Ugly said..
- Variable Bridle Geometry - Allows for quick alteration of the attachment point to suit onshore, or offshore winds ..

Now i have read some bull in my life but this takes the cake.

How so? It isnt a new concept. Pretty common place practice. Just new to the reo. Havnt rode the V5 yet but in other brand and model kites, bridle placement helps alot

Love it ... Great question Adam ..

Unfortunately some people prefer not to expand on this amazing sport.. An open mind and some new concepts (even if they are hyped up for marketing purposes) always drives us in the right direction.

QLD, 6493 posts
13 Aug 2018 8:27PM
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OMG this thread LOL

WA, 9584 posts
13 Aug 2018 6:32PM
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Classic breeze. Gotta love it. The ozone lads are at it again. Nice work.

VIC, 361 posts
14 Aug 2018 5:35PM
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eppo said..
Classic breeze. Gotta love it. The ozone lads are at it again. Nice work.

I remember a person for 2 or 3 years pimping /sorry I mean advise on Ozone Zephyr BUT saying that from your advise I have had two generations of the Zephyr and is one of best things I have purchased a Thanks mate

WA, 9584 posts
14 Aug 2018 6:29PM
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There's giving detailed feedback on a kites performance after riding it for some time(and an opinion or course ) and there's this post.

Its an entirely new level of pimping BS which I completely admire to be honest.

Revisit the first post and tell me otherwise.

QLD, 80 posts
16 Aug 2018 8:10PM
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cauncy said..

SaveTheWhales said..

IanR said..
Wrong Bridal eppo and Doc

Hmm Adam
Your not moving the tow point in this system
Your extending or shortening the length of one leg of the bridle by a couple of centimetres changing the geometry of the bridle, by less than one degree.
Do you think your average kite surfer will feel the difference ?
Christian's second bridle for Buzz Kites, is in my opinion, a true change to the bridle geometry of a kite and makes a much bigger change to the flying characteristics.

Totally agree with the Buzz kites swap out wave and pro bridles..
A huge difference in behaviour compared to the 1 inch Brand New kite marketing hype..

Even funnier are the people who one minute think they have an upwind race, jumping machine - Nek minute its a wave riding weapon lol.

I'm glad we have 1 kite does it all marketing, but am curious to why they have 2 to 8.. specialised kites ?

1 inch knots lol - doesnt do it all, don't tell anyone

Certainly not a race weapon
but I'm been impressed with the v2 enduro, jumps as well as my old Vegas and Flexi hadlows, pretty similar to both in direct feel on freestyle setting short backline , this is a huge step up in performance from the freeride setting on that 1inch change you talk about, tbh I was a bit sceptical in the hype
but the feel/ performance is huge , maybe in lesser winds it might not feel apparent , I was given the 9 buzz to try for a week, tbh there was no info on the bridal change so didn't bother swapping over, I fanny around with custom knot settings above and below standard factory on most kites I've owned, it's allowed me to keep my quivers down
and is a quick adjustment, I'm not saying the enduro is the best do it all kite out of the bag but you can drastically feel it on the 2/3 second change between , Carnt comment on the reo, haven't flown one since 1st edition,
Rob Whittall is renowned for his kite/ paraglyder/speedwing / foil kite design, he wouldn't put his name to a bad performing product, there's no point doing it unless it actually works

Demo whatever kites may fit your ride, but wouldn't be scared to try something else from multiple brands, I had a run on 5/6 kites and settled on the enduros
certainly agree on the specialised kites Clayton , best wave riders I've seen was on a C4 and RRD Obsession but kite skill was a huge benefactor

Love the reply .. Totally agree with your comments.

QLD, 80 posts
16 Aug 2018 8:17PM
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eppo said..
There's giving detailed feedback on a kites performance after riding it for some time(and an opinion or course ) and there's this post.

Its an entirely new level of pimping BS which I completely admire to be honest.

Revisit the first post and tell me otherwise.

Eppo - do you ever add value ?

just curious..

Marketing moves in an array ways, look at the smart phone (the one you're on right now possibly) - they SOLD you on some new pimped up marketing B.S.

Back when the flip phones were the all the go, we all would of laughed at such a marketing ploy to call this new device 'a smart phone'...

worked on you !

I understand that brands must innovate, both their words and their gear. For that I am stoked because the Kiting industry keeps moving in a positive direction .

What I fail to understand, is that when a person has nothing truly positive to add - why they feel the need to waste their own time because they think they have to speak. (Always)

im sure you have value Eppo - I look forward to seeing it one day :)

QLD, 453 posts
16 Aug 2018 8:45PM
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That's gotta burn.....

QLD, 6493 posts
16 Aug 2018 9:12PM
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troytam said..

eppo said..
There's giving detailed feedback on a kites performance after riding it for some time(and an opinion or course ) and there's this post.

Its an entirely new level of pimping BS which I completely admire to be honest.

Revisit the first post and tell me otherwise.

Eppo - do you ever add value ?

just curious..

Marketing moves in an array ways, look at the smart phone (the one you're on right now possibly) - they SOLD you on some new pimped up marketing B.S.

Back when the flip phones were the all the go, we all would of laughed at such a marketing ploy to call this new device 'a smart phone'...

worked on you !

I understand that brands must innovate, both their words and their gear. For that I am stoked because the Kiting industry keeps moving in a positive direction .

What I fail to understand, is that when a person has nothing truly positive to add - why they feel the need to waste their own time because they think they have to speak. (Always)

im sure you have value Eppo - I look forward to seeing it one day :)

Doesn't sound like you've ever actually used a flip phone.

Who's alternate log in are you? You're certainly all about the value...
"One day you might actually add valuable content to this site - Very obvious you only offer feedback on Reo kites - guess what kite you ride.."

Isn't it ironic. Don't you think.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"What NEW GEAR Are You Getting This Season ... (ME) --> OZONE REO V5" started by troytam