Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

What to choose RPM, Dice, Switchblade

Created by meander > 9 months ago, 12 Nov 2014
41 posts
19 Nov 2014 12:15AM
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It depends what you means by "all-around"....if you include waveriding or not ! For example Naish Torch is and excellent all around kite (freeride, boosting, unhooked freestyle) except wave riding.....
Rpm for example for me will be better in wave riding than Torch but has less performance in the others ranges, and will be surpassed in wave by dedicated wave kite.

But if he only does railey freestyle kite is maybe not an option....

You have to try this kites because they have very different feeling!

Maybe i will change your list like this : Cabrinha Chaos, RPM, Dice, Naish Park

Pedro Sexton
VIC, 116 posts
20 Nov 2014 3:21PM
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Its what i was saying earlier there is no perfect kite for all styles. You have to compromise somewhere. I know you wont be disappointed with switchy (good at everything but not great - where it lacks my skill level is not really high enough to notice - but that will be indivdual (note i have been around for a while). I would love to have a quiver of wave kites, a quiver of C kites and a quiver of big boosting grunty kites but thats not realistic for me (might be for you).

THat being said you will never know what you missed no matter what you choose so ignorance might just be bliss (unless your mates have the other types). And once you do choose you will claim there the best to validate your decision. I see this all the time

WA, 12 posts
24 Nov 2014 7:10PM
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chris313 said..
It depends what you means by "all-around"....if you include waveriding or not ! For example Naish Torch is and excellent all around kite (freeride, boosting, unhooked freestyle) except wave riding.....
Rpm for example for me will be better in wave riding than Torch but has less performance in the others ranges, and will be surpassed in wave by dedicated wave kite.

But if he only does railey freestyle kite is maybe not an option....

You have to try this kites because they have very different feeling!

Maybe i will change your list like this : Cabrinha Chaos, RPM, Dice, Naish Park

Is this a list of your preference too? Chaos has just came in the picture for me too. I am just wondering if it has some wind range and depower.
Man, I have always said that never buy anything without trying it... and now I have to do it based on others' descriptions anyway I am very thankfull for your comments

41 posts
24 Nov 2014 8:41PM
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meander said..
chris313 said..
It depends what you means by "all-around"....if you include waveriding or not ! For example Naish Torch is and excellent all around kite (freeride, boosting, unhooked freestyle) except wave riding.....
Rpm for example for me will be better in wave riding than Torch but has less performance in the others ranges, and will be surpassed in wave by dedicated wave kite.

But if he only does railey freestyle kite is maybe not an option....

You have to try this kites because they have very different feeling!

Maybe i will change your list like this : Cabrinha Chaos, RPM, Dice, Naish Park

Is this a list of your preference too? Chaos has just came in the picture for me too. I am just wondering if it has some wind range and depower.
Man, I have always said that never buy anything without trying it... and now I have to do it based on others' descriptions anyway I am very thankfull for your comments

I understand you......i bought my first kites without trying them.....never AGAIN ! Furthermore it depends of your program but also your "taste"...For example i hate heavy bar pressure like The sw from cabrinha ! So my kites will have light to medium bar pressure but with a good feeling !

Naish for example are medium to low bar pressure kites; Chaos is not heavy at all like the SW but will have less bottom end but better upper end.
I you are only on railey most kite will suit your need.

About pressure what do you like or hate ? Because the is to different things : pressure to pull the bar toward chicken loop, and pressure to turn the kite ...

WA, 12 posts
24 Nov 2014 9:14PM
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chris313 said..

meander said..

chris313 said..
It depends what you means by "all-around"....if you include waveriding or not ! For example Naish Torch is and excellent all around kite (freeride, boosting, unhooked freestyle) except wave riding.....
Rpm for example for me will be better in wave riding than Torch but has less performance in the others ranges, and will be surpassed in wave by dedicated wave kite.

But if he only does railey freestyle kite is maybe not an option....

You have to try this kites because they have very different feeling!

Maybe i will change your list like this : Cabrinha Chaos, RPM, Dice, Naish Park

Is this a list of your preference too? Chaos has just came in the picture for me too. I am just wondering if it has some wind range and depower.
Man, I have always said that never buy anything without trying it... and now I have to do it based on others' descriptions anyway I am very thankfull for your comments

I understand you......i bought my first kites without trying them.....never AGAIN ! Furthermore it depends of your program but also your "taste"...For example i hate heavy bar pressure like The sw from cabrinha ! So my kites will have light to medium bar pressure but with a good feeling !

Naish for example are medium to low bar pressure kites; Chaos is not heavy at all like the SW but will have less bottom end but better upper end.
I you are only on railey most kite will suit your need.

About pressure what do you like or hate ? Because the is to different things : pressure to pull the bar toward chicken loop, and pressure to turn the kite ...

I am fairly sure that all kites are capable of way more than I do. I am only seeking a certain level of comfort that one person can not explain to the other in writing. Anyway there is not much to do about it...
I generally keep my bar down that is IMO light on the SW, but stearing is heavy. The main characteristic I am aiming for is to have a lively, responsive kite, bar pressure is secondary. For this reason I have altered my list a bit:
Dice - I expect it to be a nice nimble kite, although some say that 3 strut kites for heavy riders (92kg) are not the best (as it usually is others say the opposite )
SB - I expect it to be slow a bit, but powerfull. Therefore maybe an 11m could be a good compromise in terms of responsiveness/low end power. It is a 5 strut kite and represents a certain quality that I know at least (I have a 2013 SB now)
Chaos- seems to be a good 5 strut freestyle kite. I am just not sure if the 13/9m would cover a nice wind range and if it would provide enough depower for a rider like me (the raily type )

41 posts
24 Nov 2014 10:34PM
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meander said..

I am fairly sure that all kites are capable of way more than I do. I am only seeking a certain level of comfort that one person can not explain to the other in writing. Anyway there is not much to do about it...
I generally keep my bar down that is IMO light on the SW, but stearing is heavy. The main characteristic I am aiming for is to have a lively, responsive kite, bar pressure is secondary. For this reason I have altered my list a bit:
Dice - I expect it to be a nice nimble kite, although some say that 3 strut kites for heavy riders (92kg) are not the best (as it usually is others say the opposite )
SB - I expect it to be slow a bit, but powerfull. Therefore maybe an 11m could be a good compromise in terms of responsiveness/low end power. It is a 5 strut kite and represents a certain quality that I know at least (I have a 2013 SB now)
Chaos- seems to be a good 5 strut freestyle kite. I am just not sure if the 13/9m would cover a nice wind range and if it would provide enough depower for a rider like me (the raily type )

Chaos depower will be on part with SB...but Chaos will be more difficult to relaunch.

I like naish too much the swivel on bar but it is the same on Slingshot one. For sure it will be less powerfull than SB. BUT SB is one of the most powerfull kite on the Market.
If you are not afraid about 5th line, maybe a Vegas before 2015 will suit you......Really there is a lot of good kites on the market !
For the dice i don't know this kite.
RPM will turn fast with no pressure to turn the bar (not at all) but medium-hight pressure to pull the bar...that a bit strange, at the beginning you don't feel nothing...Furthermore it has no grunt, yo need to turn it actively in lull and push the bar in gust. Not my taste.

Hope it will help you and not give you an headache !

NSW, 58 posts
27 Nov 2014 1:06PM
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If you can get an RPM you can get a Fuel. Surely this kite is better than the RPM for unhooking and basic freestyle tricks?
Same goes for Dice and the Vegas.
I rode a 9m 2015 chaos hooked in, and loved it during the loops. It was a little LW for it, so upwind was frustrating but I imagine lit it would be great.
Relaunch from stacks was frankly, hopeless. Keep all your new tricks close to shore on this one. Good luck with your "project"


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"What to choose RPM, Dice, Switchblade" started by meander