Whats the comfortable harness you have ever owned.
I am intermdiate, have one roundish ab and ride a surfboard.
I have searched this and didnt find anything.
I have found the mystic warrior III is the most comfortable waist harness I have ever had and I have had a few.
I also have a mystic warrior harness and it is by far the comfiest I have tried. I also like that they are quick and easy to put on/off. I think the biggest factor in comfort is being free of injury and having a kite-fit body
i also like my warrior 3. very comfy until really powered. then i switch to my ozone xc snowkiting harness which has less rib squease for silly jumping sessions. .... but the snowkite harness gives ball squease walking powered on the beach.....
i'd like to try one of those swivel harnesses.
Yeh I'm in the market for a decent waist harness to. But I also need a decent seat harness for those big boost days. Pulled another stomach muscle on my waist the other day to much jumping. Put a seat harness on no probs. tried the ion shorts but they dug up into bottom of my rib cage the top of the harness that is. Do the nitrous shorts do that? Sits nice and low hey.
Mystic warrior hey look into them.
Another vote for the Mystic Warrior 3... Super Comfy and will last you a good few years, if not 5...
Eppo - I ride the Nitrous shorts when i'm racing and really like them, don't seem to ride up at all. Maybe try them with the Dynabar?
+1 for Mystic warrior. I have the 2 and am about to get a 3, not that it has any damage. Anyone know if a warrior 4 is on its way because I was spewing when the 3 came out a few weeks after I bought my 2.
Used to ride with the Mystic Warrior, now ride with the Flying Objects Flight Control, I would not go back to the Warrior, too much back pain and pain under the ribs when boosting a lot, the Flight Control is so comfortable on long sessions and very little riding up.
I believe the Warrior is too stiff in the mid back, the Flight Control supports the small of your back, whereas the Warrior flattens it out and that is no good for back pain, the Flight Control still offers a lot of support its certainly not soft. I ride both surfboards and twin tips and kite pretty much every day we have wind in Gero, with quite a few long sessions. 14th year kiting.
I'd consider some of the options of waist harnesses with leg straps instead of seat harnesses. Dynbar just brought one out, North have the transformer. The north isn't that popular but its one of the most comfy ones I've used. I hate seat's but waist slip up because I'm a scrawny bastard with no chest. The leg straps just help keep it down.
Yeh saffer have been looking at the dyna bar option. Has it all in one package. Not cheap though hey. Big gamble considering I don't anyone who uses one yet.
Mystic Shadow, can't tell you wearing it, never had any back pain ever and on the 10th boost it does ride up a bit but then so does every other waist harness eventually..........
I absolutely hated the Mystic Warrior III - but dont let that turn you off, that is just me, the harness didn't suit me but that isn't to say it wont be a great harness for you - you need to try a few.
Eppo - I have used the nitrous shorts a few times now and have to say they are great, they dont cut into me anywhere, ride up, feel uncomfortable, I barely even know they are on - but as per above, that is just on me, give them a go if you can. I am hoping to get out today for the first session with a Dynabar V7 on them so will post an update later today or tomorrow fingers crossed on how that goes.
Be careful about generalising about back pain.
I suffer from back pain, can't run, motorbike ride, sit anywhere for long periods etc Basically any activity that requires bending forwards
Kiting however, does not hurt it all. I think because when kiting the opposite bending action occurs at the lower back level. Like swimming, it actually provides relief from my back pain. And it helps build my core, which is supposed to help ease back pain as well.
I have used the Mystic Warrior I harness for years and have had no problems
I tried a couple of the short harnesses. Dakine is the most durable, LF is the most comfy but they only last 12-18 months before something goes in them and they start digging into your hips which is incredibly painful. I preferred the LF's as they sit higher than the dakine which feel like they are pulling under your legs but the durability of the LF's was a major issue for me. In the end the north transformer worked out as the best compromise between a waist and seat (height of a waist with the hold down support of a seat), although the colour of the transformer makes it look like someone puked them after drinking a couple of liters of fluro paint.
Ocean rodeo also had a waist with leg straps, not sure if they had a shorts option. The dynabar seems to be a similar concept to the north and ocean rodeo but with the benefit of a pair of shorts and remotely normal colouring. Maybe fluro is popular in europe but personally I don't like my harness to look like I'm trying to be the only kiter visible from space. Can't understand why a simple black or white is not available. At least if I ever get stranded at sea, the sharks may be too scared to go near me on the whole "bright is dangerous" idea from the sea. I may test the jaybar at some point in future to see if it works well as a shorts with waist harness concept.
I went to shop and tryed a Mystic Warrior III and it didnt seem to be anything special and i didnt like the hook as it looked like it would be to easy for me to unhook when i dont want to, the hook looks about a third of the size of the harness i have now.I am just getting into waves does everyone into waves use the smaller hooks for ease of unhooking?
Yep I have an ion waist harness from Aks. It is comfy doesn't ride up but I unlike saffer have a decent chest. Lol. But it still gives lower back soreness due to my obsession with height.
My brother has the ion shorts from same place but they did into my ribs no good for me. Bit yeh nice and low pull. Hence why I have asked about the nitrous shorts and other options. The north transformer and the dyna bar ones with straps sound a good compromise. Also will check out the Flight control pump jump been around a while.