Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

What's the best bar on the market?

Created by LGS > 9 months ago, 24 May 2016
WA, 4263 posts
17 Aug 2016 10:17AM
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I guess you can blame the donkey dick for hooks being so stupidly long.

The dick needs at least a 90mm long gap so it doesn't bunch and maybe pop out of the hook.

WA, 9572 posts
17 Aug 2016 11:56AM
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The stiffer it is the less length you need...

WA, 4263 posts
17 Aug 2016 4:28PM
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If Cabrinha are really serious about converting lots of kiters to the Fireball concept, [thereby capturing a market],

the first thing they should do is sell off the required spreader bar really cheap, like nearly give it away.

I was told they cost $145 retail. That's a big hit.

I bought a spreader bar from a shop awhile ago for $20.


WA, 4263 posts
18 Aug 2016 10:50AM
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I've got another marketing idea for Fireball.

Terry McTool might like this.

A shop gets together say 100 of these special spreaders with the fireball hook,

and each one is officially numbered from 1 to 100.

A customer can buy one of these spreaders for say $50,

and then be in the draw for a prize ...that being a NP compatible harness.

Let's say there are a total of 5 of these prizes (harnesses) in the barrel of 100.

So literally it's a simple raffle with a NP harness as a prize ...

except unlike a raffle ticket that you throw away when you lose,,,

you still get to have a spreader bar if you "lose".

The raffle is drawn when all 100 spreaders are sold, the spreader raffle number noted against the customer's name.

For a relatively small outlay (or maybe even a small profit),

the shop has just converted 100 kiters to the Fireball concept....with potential Cabrinha Kite sales for the future.

Your welcome, Terry.


NSW, 169 posts
19 Aug 2016 9:30AM
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My apologies if it looks like I am attacking a bar or a brand, I like the idea of forums being able to talk about what might be an issue, how to make things better, and what works and does not for kiters :) So I will keep posts positive from now on.

There is a move to $1000 bars, ( fireball bar + harness is close to $1000 + other new bars coming out soon )

(Staying positive, must not attack or point out issues) There is nothing wrong with some people wanting a $1000 bar. If you'r after a prestige top of the line bar, it's a fair price considering development and markups and shops needing to pay staff and rent.

Below are some new bars from big name brands coming out soon.

(Staying positive, must not attack or point out issues = ) The below is a revolutionary new idea/design where you adjust the depower by grabbing, twisting, cranking or pulling the far end of your bar, while flying the kite, in strong winds.

These bars will be great for people who have issues with reaching de power straps as they adjust the side lines which have less load.
I prefer simplicity, what are your thoughts on this new design?

I see possible issues but won't say anything.

VIC, 4501 posts
19 Aug 2016 12:43PM
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This looks like the North Design. Not sure if they licensed it or just created a similar design.

That said, if North produced a similar design and the designer hasn't tried to do anything with it, then I have very little sympathy simply because I'm not a fan of people who generate patents, don't do anything and then wait for people to infringe on them so they can wait to make money off them.

If North copied it, then that's a different story.

WA, 4263 posts
19 Aug 2016 11:43AM
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KiteDesigner said..

There is nothing wrong with some people wanting a $1000 bar. If you'r after a prestige top of the line bar, it's a fair price

lol. ^^ ....prestige

It would have to come with pro-lines, surely ?

WA, 306 posts
20 Aug 2016 8:18AM
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$1000 dollars for a bar

NSW, 1301 posts
22 Aug 2016 7:00AM
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Coopers pale ale

VIC, 15 posts
23 Aug 2016 6:39PM
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There is a very simple way to depower a kite forgetting above the bar depower,below the bar depower, on the side depower. It's simple BAR THROW. Bar out kite goes slow. Bar in kite goes fast. Gust hits let bar out. Let's just kite. How ever it suits. Marketing doesn't make kiting fun.

627 posts
23 Aug 2016 7:24PM
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Um. you mean, Bar out kite goes fast, (kiteboarder goes slow). Bar in kite goes slow(er) (kiteboarder goes faster)

Could be wrong though

WA, 31 posts
25 Aug 2016 12:31PM
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There we go, not sure about best but probably the most expensive bar on the market now, will I kite any better with it? not likely ..

VIC, 564 posts
28 Aug 2016 12:52PM
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it will make you kite better! because of your increased time on the water staying away from the wife going on about how you spent 1K on a bar

philip ellis
WA, 38 posts
11 Sep 2016 2:38PM
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This Cabrinha fixed trimlite is by far the best bar I have tried. It is super easy to reload after you have hit the panic button. Having said that all current bars are of a very high standard.

QLD, 12 posts
13 Sep 2016 9:34AM
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The core sensor 2s pro has adjustable line lengths from 24m, 22m, 20m and 18m a really cool feature I like on the core bars is that the lines are split through the bar so when you pull down the bar after a kiteloop or rotational trick it automatically untwists the lines. The sensor 2s has polyether where it passes through the bar. Techno speak for a really durable, self-lubricating, no pinch, depower line. You can buy the bar with 4 lines or 5 lines and is a very light and simple bar! Just be aware that the safety is a twist release and not a push away like most bars but still woks perfectly fine.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"What's the best bar on the market?" started by LGS