... hey truster,,,, short answer is yes,,,,,, but,,,,, there is always a but,,,,, a couple things to keep in mind!
The bar should really have a high Y point, ie this is the height where the front lines separate. If you want to keep the kites performances as intended by the designer, then where the front lines separate can make a difference but this can also be some thing you like too. I found a low V bar made the kite steer waaaay quicker, more pivoty but also made it less stable and worse upwind especially if your a heavy or aggressive rider.
The safety should flag out on one line. Dual front line flag out work but again, not as intended by the designer.
North bars have knots at the end of the steering, with loops for the front lines. No biggie if the "other brand" bar isn't this way, as its easily fixed with a little bit of rope and you can make up some adaptors.
Hope this helps,
I use a converted North Wake bar with my Neo's. The bar has a low V and there isn't much of a difference when flying. i did notice the tiniest bit more pull on the larger sizes, less upwind ability and i also think the kite is more stable but that could be due to the really small bar i use.
I use a converted North Wake bar with my Neo's. The bar has a low V and there isn't much of a difference when flying. i did notice the tiniest bit more pull on the larger sizes, less upwind ability and i also think the kite is more stable but that could be due to the really small bar i use.
Where can i get this really small bar from? I hate my 55cm bar its a bloody pole and just feels massive. I don't really use the kite much (power stroking) because i normally take 3 sizes larger than usual to get the raw sense of power. Everyone thinks I'm crazy taking a 13m out 18knots but the reality is i just like power. With myself weighing in at 95kg it feels as though i would like a small bar. I might look into building another DIY bar myself in the coming weeks but for now i want to see just how small people are riding there bars. In fact.. do we even need bars?
For me I prefer to keep the original control bar. When I switched to a Air Rush Smart bar 4 line the kite was different. The kite was slower to turn and to much elbow work. The kite work a lot better with the original bar. I have a 10 NEO 2015 kite.
I use a converted North Wake bar with my Neo's. The bar has a low V and there isn't much of a difference when flying. i did notice the tiniest bit more pull on the larger sizes, less upwind ability and i also think the kite is more stable but that could be due to the really small bar i use.
Where can i get this really small bar from? I hate my 55cm bar its a bloody pole and just feels massive. I don't really use the kite much (power stroking) because i normally take 3 sizes larger than usual to get the raw sense of power. Everyone thinks I'm crazy taking a 13m out 18knots but the reality is i just like power. With myself weighing in at 95kg it feels as though i would like a small bar. I might look into building another DIY bar myself in the coming weeks but for now i want to see just how small people are riding there bars. In fact.. do we even need bars?
Hey Flyingcab
I use this 42cm Wake bar from North. I took out the fifth line and re attached the the safety line to one of the power lines to create a single line flag out system.
I may be wrong but North bars are riveted so pretty sure you can simply cut it down. Not too hard at all I do it on all of my bars.
2013 & older and the WakeBar are riveted. 2014 & 2015 moulded bar ends so you won't be able to cut those down. Or do as Billy does and ride it on the wakestyle bar (still yet to try / be convinced of this Mr Hampton!)
I have flown back to back several times the Neo 8m with 24m North Quad '15 lbar and the BWS bar. I desperately wanted to be able to use my BWS bar with this kite as I prefer many aspects compared to the North bar, but its just not the same kite - certainly less upwind, and seems softer. Had that verified by a north neo pro user who found the same. I cant explain it, but the difference was enough to make me reluctantly buy a new north bar just for this kite. couldnt be happier now with performance, just wish it were otherwize
I may be wrong but North bars are riveted so pretty sure you can simply cut it down. Not too hard at all I do it on all of my bars.
Rob, Drury is right...2012 and earlier. I have cut one of my bars down, not a problem.
I used the 2014 Ozone bar on my 7 m Neo and noticed a little lag on turning and pointing the kite upwards while drifting on the wave.Its didn't seem to be as precise as the North bar.I mainly noticed it on the bottom turn upwards.I felt I need to pay more attention to the kite so that it didn't slowly fly into the water.
Its a real bummer that North didn't put a single line flag out on there quad bar.
Anyone know if the latest carbinha bar is single line flag out?.
So the 2015 North quad bar is a single line flag out?
Last time I looked it was...
I pool on a single front/centre line for things like relaunch in minimal wind , and get the kite down on my own
having a y set-up doesn’t give me access so BIG disadvantage, I may have to look elsewhere for my new line of kites