Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

ocean reel leash vs long leash on strapless

Created by SouthMarc > 9 months ago, 14 Jan 2015
NSW, 9 posts
14 Jan 2015 4:12PM
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I know it's dangerous. Seen countless topics on that.
But I 'm looking to use one only on waves with a strapless surfboard (6ft) on busy beachy with a helmet.

So from your experience which one will be "safer" /better : a long (7-8ft) surf leash or a oceanus eel (retractable).

I already tried a long leash and that was okay. Quite annoying as the leash gets in your feet all the time when switching.


philip ellis
WA, 38 posts
14 Jan 2015 3:17PM
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Do not use a leash unless at a very busy beach. You will learn to lose your board less and to get back to your board quickly. That is the best advice I can give you.

WA, 445 posts
14 Jan 2015 3:33PM
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Ok, I'm with you and have heard all the bad about a leash, even experienced some myself, but when the occasion demands it I think that the reel leash is tops.
It is not elastic, so no additional rebound other than the board's momentum.

WA, 74 posts
14 Jan 2015 10:52PM
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I use an Oceanus reel. Still a newbie and had some spectacular superman impressions with no slingshot effect, wrapping of the leash around legs or anything so far. I'm confident in upwind body dragging to get back to my board, but would rather spend the time focusing on my board and riding skills Informed decision as I know the dangers but mitigate them as best I can.

QLD, 58 posts
15 Jan 2015 2:46PM
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As a relative newb the eel reel is great for quickly retrieving my board. Especially with all the jellies in Qld at the moment I don't want to be frigging around dragging back and forth to get to my board!

I'll be ditching it though once I start learning boosts as I don't want the board attached to me in midair.

I also went out in the surf for the first time with it and quickly realised the error of this when the board floated through the kite lines and had the potential of a nasty tangle. Luckily the reel has a release clip at the grab strap, and another where the retracable reel attaches to my harness (newer model).
When you come off the board the leash also makes the board act like a sea anchor as the board will naturally dive. I've never had the board float on the water and return overly fast at me.

Ultimately I will ditch it altogether, but they do have their place.

WA, 172 posts
15 Jan 2015 7:23PM
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The Oceanus reel as it doesn't retract in the water.

WA, 97 posts
17 Jan 2015 2:03PM
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anythng that connects you to your board will rebound if you fall off and the kite loads and the board submerges it will shoot towards you no matter whether it's elastic or not.i had a near miss which would of killed me if the board was one inch closer.have you tried just trying to keep one foot on if you come off 9 times outta 10 that's enogh to keep the board close to me.i mostly surf in waiste to chest high waves so not very big in bigger swell probably not as useful. Hope that helps.

534 posts
17 Jan 2015 6:12PM
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Biggest pi55 take ever

WA, 97 posts
17 Jan 2015 9:53PM
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Select to expand quote
gcdave said..
Biggest pi55 take ever

Opps didn't mean it that way at all .was only trying to help sorry if it came across like that.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"ocean reel leash vs long leash on strapless" started by SouthMarc