whats people feedback on the 2014 f-bombs? just bought one yesterday havnt used it yet, bought it for Melbourne's winter.
whats people feedback on the 2014 f-bombs? just bought one yesterday havnt used it yet, bought it for Melbourne's winter.
I've got the 3/2, but have to say its the best wetsuit I've used and owned, dries very fast, super stretchy material, and easier to get into and out of than any other chest zip suit I've tried (Peak and Xcel).
I have had mine for two years. It's excellent. It really does drain touch dry in 20-30 minutes.
It's not as warm as my old 4/3 (Rip Curl Fireskin that I still use) but the Fireskin takes a week to dry in winter.
When paired with booties and a rubber hat you're fine to kite or surf in any Melbourne winter weather. Tuck the wettie into the booties so the water doesn't run up your leg.
so why don't rip curl do a LT size?
or a size 33 board short?
hurley about the only ones that do a 33 shorts
and billabong, westsuit xcell and oneil do a LT
Dunno. I'm tall and skinny and I have no trouble getting wetties to fit, although I don't believe the sizing on the label at all. I think modern super stretch wetsuits just fit a wider range of body shapes more easily.
they're great suits but more my f-bomb and flash bomb neck linings have stretched. always getting flushes weather surfing of crashing when kiting. I must just have a skinny fat neck. Might get the back zip next time...
Ive got the f-bomb in fireskin very rarely get any water in the whole thing while kiting/windsurfing only the bottom 6in seem to get wet even with the Velcro fairly tight on the booties. its nice to take a suit off and every thing still dry. large stacks/head under and in surf a small amount of flushing thou.
ive noticed a few guys now wearing the ions don't know how they compare but they come in a 5/4
just got an ion strike 5/4. I have always had Rip Curl or Tiki but the ion is in whole other league. Its supa warm easy to get on and off and is designed for kiting and windsurfing. It has padding on the legs and arms also its semi dry. I think if you want a surf suit go for the onyx but for kiting the strike is the go!!!!! Drys quick too. Great colours.
they're great suits but more my f-bomb and flash bomb neck linings have stretched. always getting flushes weather surfing of crashing when kiting. I must just have a skinny fat neck. Might get the back zip next time...
I have a 3/2! Neck zip flash bomb and it flushes water through the neck as well even when I have the neck uncomfortably tight. They have the advantage of drying quickly and rip,curl make good suits, but......... I find the 3/2 bulky after using high quality super stretch suits for surfing. Also if the sun does come out I roast in mine and the lining is artificially hot. Patagonia suits have this same problem with a plastic style of lining. I think they are ok, a better kiting suit than a paddle surf suit, but there are other warmer, thinner, suits out there, but they cost. It's always a trade off between flexibility warmth and durability. So you have to prioritise what you need.for your area. I'd give it a 6/10. I only use mine when my other suits are damp. Having said that, some of my favourite suits to wear , have fallen apart quickly. I know in my climate if I have a few hanging there, I take the super stretch fight weight first, then as it gets colder, the driest, warmest. Our water temp is only supposed to vary 5 degrees here, so the hardcore southern guys would prob think differently.
Anyone here tried an H-bomb?
They're the ones with the built in lithium ion battery packs and heating elements. Expensive, but I reckon if I lived in Victoria, Tas or NZ I'd own one for sure.