Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

rpm bamboo epoxy sandwich

Created by oldmic > 9 months ago, 13 Oct 2015
NSW, 354 posts
13 Oct 2015 10:39AM
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This is a surfboard warehouse bamboo epoxy sandwich thruster.
It's very light and very cheap.
But it's proving to be tough as.
Been using the 5'8" rpm after creasing polyester these boards seem to get a bad wrap as being cheap imports but I've been kiting this board for a year with no signs of damage.
It's not strapped but I've applied a front foot grip.
At 12knts it's got enough volume to carry me with a 9m at 20+ it's probably a little wide but means I'm a kite size down to most.

4862 posts
13 Oct 2015 10:45AM
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A bamboo/epoxy sandwich doesn't sound that tasty.... In fact it sounds down right carcinogenic.

I think i'll stick to my peanut butter and honey sandwiches

1197 posts
13 Oct 2015 3:24PM
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might give people more of an idea.

it does look pretty wide for turns etc with any kind of power etc. cheers for the heads up though - that is seriously cheap for any kind of new board, kite specific or otherwise. watch out for compression under the bamboo and then eventual cracking - deck grips might reduce some of that loading so the front foot one is probably a good idea. i hate EPS for eventual water ingress and heaviness but each to their own.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"rpm bamboo epoxy sandwich" started by oldmic