Don't forget that you can sign up for the 2009 State Wave Titles during the movie night at West Beach SLC tonight.
See ya there, Croc
Looks like there'll be breeze next weekend!
The State Wave Titles are likely to be held next weekend.
All the details are on
We’ll be making our final decision on Thursday as to whether is is definitely on. On Friday, we’ll confirm the specific start time and location.
Keep an eye on the saksa website.
Absolutely pumped.
far out, i hate my life. Busted shoulder from a big moto crash means i am out for states, hope you guys have awesome wind and waves for it :) catch up with everyone soon.
It's not the official call, (that will be tomorrow evening), but it's looking seriously promising for an early session on Saturday.
The forecast has it at a chilly 20-25 knot Northerly in the morning and hopefully the swell will pickup with the front hitting 18 hours prior.
If you are yet to get your rego form in, do it by tomorrow night for the SAKSA beanie.
If the predictions are correct, I think we'll be firing up the barbie very early for a brecky session.
Keep your eyes peeled for the update tomorrow night.
Predictions have been consistently determining that Saturday morning is going to deliver some big winds. It’s strong, northerly and frontal, so anything other than a stiff breeze will disappoint.
So we’re officially calling it: The 2009 State Wave Titles will happen this Saturday.
If you haven’t sent your rego form in to and want to compete, please do so asap.
Even if you aren’t intending on competing, come on down to the Mid Coast and support all the competitors. We’re also always needing some experienced people to help with launching and landing the kites.
So get down there, it’s going to be awesome.
An update will be on the SAKSA website tomorrow as to the exact location and time.
Keep your eyes on the site!
will,can i make a to have it at u-turns carpark...easy acess,plus between u-turns and anzacs swell will be sizey enough plus competitors can spread out...just a thought!mike.
Solid feedback mikey boy- sounds like you might have some inside info....
It takes alot to get these events together and the standard of wave riding is solid - get on down have a look and support it or even better get in and compete....
PA system with the silky smooth vocals of John "James Brown" Sellar will be going all day with some fresh tunes including some local music and with the added bonus of a family friendly for all ages stamp of approval.
Keep an eye on your emails, here and the saksa website for further updates....
SEE YA THERE !!!!!!!
hey guys, i am just about to leave whyalla, ill see everyone there tomorrow. Let me know if i can help with anythin cause i cannot compete due to injury. Looking forward to catchin up with everyone. Good call gettin johnny on the mic, the man is a natural. See everyone soon blake
The northerly breeze is here and it’s all happening tomorrow morning starting from 8:15am.
The location will be on the beach in front of the Carpark at the intersection of The Esplanade and Aldam Rd at Seaford, commonly known as “Three Poles”. If the breeze has a touch of east, we may move north up the beach 100m-200m to “Anzacs” or “U-turns” (intersection of Esplanade and Cliff St).
Either way, you’ll see us!
The competitor briefing will be at 8:30am sharp and starting immediately after so be ready to get out there.
See you in the morning.
Well done blokes, another cracker of an event!
Wish I could have stayed around a bit longer but had to get the grublettes home would have loved to have given geoff a run in the amms
I missed the prezzo's, any word on the place getters? There were some sick waves getting owned in the finals!
Rhys took out first in the OPEN MENS followed by Russ, Matty T and Trav.
Geoff took out the AMS
Not 100% sure on the MASTERS
Another great event put on by SAKSA, couldn't have run without the support from ONBOARD, KITE SHOP and FIREWIRE.
THe only down side was a BOLD POLE DANCER in the comp zone....... TOSSER!!!
Unfortunately I was only able to be there for the mens open.
Here are a few pictures.
The event looks good, I would have loved to be there, but the weather in Fiji was looking better..
Good news out of Fiji, is the Wave Nationals at Robe in Oct is all planned and is going the be like easter but on steroids...
Well done to all the crew that went in the comp..
Masters was Darren Wise first followed by Bart Mascolo and Peter Morgan.
Massive thanks to our sponsors Kite Shop and Onboard- without them the day gets alot more expensive for the competitors and sick prizes like the beautiful firewire alternator that Doolz won don't happen.
All competitors competed in a great spirit no tangles or malicious riding at all- the comp had a really great vibe... not only on the water but within the setting up and packing down of the kit and general helping out during the day. Many hands make light work and I personally was absolutely stoked at the effort from everyone to make the day run smooth and without any stress.
Cheers to Bart for the sweet logo on the rashies and beanies and for organising the promotional side of things, Drew thanks for sorting out the media releases and getting us some good exposure on tv and hopefully in print, Thanks to Simon and Tom for coming and taking photos all day, Chappy for doing the bbq and organising the food, and everyone who helped judge, land kites etc.( Rhys, Kat, Ilya, Dools the list goes on)
Two guys who often get over looked- massive thanks to Terry and Troy, sorting out the paperwork and admin side and doing all thew jobs that aren't fun but need to be done- these two guys are always there and rarely get a pat on the back so thanks guys.
Cheers Chopsy for rocking the mic and keeping everyone entertained with tunes and some banter.
Thanks to the windsurfers surfers and other kiters who avoided our comp zone...there were a couple of wallys who decided to ride right through it but in the main the respect from other water users was noted and appreciated- around 40 windsurfers were out and stayed well clear of where we were, thanks crew.
Some great photos and footage is about the place keep your eyes peeled at in the galleries for that to appear !
Thanks for the heads Geof up cant wait to get my hands on the firewire. Glad to be able to help out on the day another great day put on by saksa well done boys. Had to take of early to have a ride at the wall it was the only place i could launch my 14 without ending up at sellicks, had to get wet after seeing everyone having so much fun.
good to see plenty of coverage for our sport tv and advertiser
....just wanna say after 30 years of windsport riding,the saksa wave comp was one of the most fun events ive taken part in!...hats of to all the saksa boys for putting up such a good show...well done rhys and dazza for their wins (thought you boys carved up)...and to everyone else,thanks for coming down!
I really enjoyed it down there, and considering the lack of wind lately, the timing was perfect. Full marks to the organizers! Here's a couple of pics that I took.
Saaaaweeta- thanks Simon- look forward to getting the lot tonight ! How is the lens ?
Check Susie- lovin that, understand why the girls didn't hit the water now.....and check Chappy and Terry by the bbq, don't know why but they look like a couple of hobbits ( i don't mean that in a nasty way either )
PS - nice login, I knew it was you as soon as I saw sideshow.....
love it have a greta knack for setting the scene- so many photos of the riders ripping but great to have some from that capture the comp site vibe....
Wow what a great weekend for kitesurfing and then on sunday a surf in clean waves.
Well done to the SAKSA boys who put in a lot of work and effort for the competition and the sport. it got rated on the channel 10 news which just adds to the stakehold that we have as a sport.
It was not that long ago that we didn't have an active association and there were no competitions won at all by anyone, so to be able to compete is great and due to a fine effort by SAKSA.
Great photos here, and thanks heaps simon for posting as i thought the still camera had missed me altogether.
here is a little video, its homegrown so no complaints, its also a lot of me as my wife loves me . Syksie gets the bomb wave of the day at the end. bit of presentation video with Airush Geof taking his crown.
Nationals here we come.
Are they confirmed 21st - 25th OCT?
Great work with the video Dazza.
The still shots have been good, but the video really captures the conditions on the day. (except how 'ken cold it was!)