One of my mates lost his board a fair way out, I managed to locate it but was unable to come up with a good/safe way to drag it back to land? (I tried using my safety leash to drag the other board with me but that didn't really work all that well..) I tried holding it in hand but starting like that caused me some issues... In the end the wind and waves and another helpfull kiter sorted it out but I would appreciate some tips on how to do this?
You could always clip your PFD through the handle of the board....
Youre one of the naughty ones who dont use them....
So no, that wouldnt work...
Have seen a few of the seasoned riders just pick up with one hand and relaunch.....wont happen for most of us. Next best option and i haven't had to try this (seen on you tube etc).. lay it across your knees and launch with legs kept bent till your able to hold it with one of your hands and get close enough to your mate stranded with out a board and drop it down wind of him or some where closer than it was to start with if all goes well!
Did try hooking a board upto my safety one day and besides being a lil dangerous it acted like a bloody sea anchor..
The knee method would be worth a shot.... I will now have to wait for someone to loose their board again ;-)
@jam'd Would it not be really really naughty to take off your fully compliant PFD to safe a board?
Gj, you're the one who lost your keys on Saturday?
Yeah, he is a good bloke!
There are quite a few good blokes out there...
If the board is footstrap up the easiest way is to kite upto the board on the downwind side, slow down as much as possible, hold your bar with your back hand as close to the middle as possible. With your front hand reach round and grab the front strap of the board floating, this will help if you open your shoulders up. Sheet in the kite with your back hand and coast into the beach with the board in your front hand skimming on the water.
If the board is fin side up then you do the same but before you do the fly by pick up, you kite to the board, flip it over, push it downwind. Kite away and turn to line up for the fly by.
This is so much easier to do if you can run toe side but not essential.... Hope this helps. Happy to demonstrate at the beach if required.
Do what a real MATE would do.
- leave your board at sea
- ride your mates board to the beach so that the next session your MATE can ride again.
True taking one for the team...