Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

SAKSA 2012 State Wave Riding Titles

Created by Kiteboarding SA > 9 months ago, 7 May 2012
Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
7 May 2012 9:54PM
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Winters frosty tentacles have well and truly wrapped themselves around Adelaide, but it's not all bad news as winter brings strong frontal winds and big swell for those who want to brave the stormy conditions. So with strong winds and big swell it can only mean one thing- its time once again for the South Australian Kite Surfing Associations State Wave Titles.

This is aimed at being a fun event for every level of rider (beginners to the more advanced). Getting in and having a go is what SAKSA encourages - don't be a spectator, sign up and compete. Beach marshalls will be there to look after you and the more experienced crew are always happy to share some pointers. For the newbies this is a great chance to have a go at some decent waves then kick back and watch some of the fancy footwork of those who have been doing it for years.

To ensure good conditions the event is staggered over 4 weekends in June and July (23rd, 24th and 30th of June, 1st July and 7th, 8th and 14th, 15th of July) – the first weekend with a good forecast and it's on !

The Event will be held on the Mid Coast with the exact location being chosen 2 days prior to the event, based on wind direction and swell. So if you're intending to compete make sure you keep a close eye on the SAKSA forum and facebook for further details.

The competition will be judged based on the PKRA style of judging and will consist of Open Mens and Womens, Masters, Amateur and Junior divisions.

The Mid Coast gives a number of great vantage point for spectators, so bring down your family and friends for whats sure to be a fun day with some great riding to be had.

So whether you're strapped or unstrapped, hooked in or unhooked, throwing aerials or simply out there riding the wave and having fun, make sure u get along and compete to try and snag one of those coveted SAKSA trophies on offer- not to mention you will go in the running for some lucky draw prizes, there's something for everyone.

Entry to the event is $40 for pre sign up (which will be set up soon at This will ensure you will receive your event top.

Keep an eye out for further information coming soon, so start practising

See you all there

SA, 513 posts
13 Jun 2012 11:19AM
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Hey guys and girls, looks like we are finally going to get wet again this week . There should be some fun waves around for the next couple of days. So it will be a perfect time to get some practice in before the State Waves Title. So get there and get involved

See ya on the water, Croc

SA, 298 posts
16 Jun 2012 1:55PM
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Got out in some decent (one and a half overhead) waves up in Bunbury with the former Pres (the one and only Gee Dog) last weekend. So frothing for some more waves and some winterly frontal action! Just in time for the State Waves too. Cant wait!

Get amoungst it people its always loads of fun!

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
17 Jun 2012 7:58PM
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Hey Guys and Girls,

The online registration is up and running. So head to and sign up for this great event.

Cheers SAKSA Committee

SA, 449 posts
18 Jun 2012 9:49AM
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Could it on this weekend?

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
21 Jun 2012 8:57PM
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Hey guys and girls,

As I'm sure you know this is the first week of competition for the State Wave Titles. But due to an average weather forecast, the comp will be postponed till next weekend (30th June, 1st July).

Remember to jump onto to register for the event. Because without your participation, we can't run these events. If you are new to entering our local comps, enter in the amateur division. This is for everyone new to comps, so jump on your twin tips or drag that old surf board out of the shed and have a crack. These days are great fun and it's an awesome way to meet other kiters.

Cheers SAKSA Committee

SA, 298 posts
26 Jun 2012 10:29AM
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Hey guys and girls,

Keen an eye on the forecast for this weekend because at present its looking like we maybe able to run the comp. Looking like good wind and some decent swell.

Keep checking back here and on Facebook as we should be making the final call late Wednesday or first thing Thursday morning.

And dont forget online sign ups will be closed by 8pm the Friday before the comp. You can sign up on the day but its an extra $10 and your not gaurenteed a beanie.

Hope to see you all there.

SA, 513 posts
27 Jun 2012 10:41PM
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Hey crew, Just to keep you informed. SAKSA is currently checking out all the weather sites to decide whether or not to run the comp on Saturday. We have called in some of the best in the business to help make the decision.
So the situation as it stands is, we are still at an orange light stage. We will give you a definite answer by 6pm tomorrow night(28th) .
Remember crew, get onto and register. Because without your participation, we can't run these events. We have an Ams division which is purely for the first timers to our comps. Everyone who signs up online will get a Limited Edition SAKSA beanie. Plus there is heaps of prizes to be won. And most of all, it's great fun and an awesome way to meet new crew to ride with.

Cheers Croc

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
28 Jun 2012 11:10AM
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Hey guys and girls.

Well the decision has been made not to run the comp this weekend. Unfortunately it does not look like we will get a full day of correct wind and swell direction required for the mid coast.
So we will postpone the comp until next weekend (7th, 8th July)

So enjoy tomorrows epic conditons and see you on the water

SAKSA Committee

high as a kite
SA, 1312 posts
28 Jun 2012 1:51PM
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I will be in Adelaide on the weekend of the 7th / 8th. More than happy to help out if needed.
Won't clean the toilets tho

SA, 298 posts
28 Jun 2012 2:22PM
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Thanks Ian, fingers crossed the conditions next weekend are better so we can actually run the comp, but the more help we can get on the day the better. SAKSA will make the call if the comp goes ahead next weekend on either wednesday or thursday.

Why arent u signing up Ian? We would love to have u down and on the water mate.

high as a kite
SA, 1312 posts
29 Jun 2012 8:43AM
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Hi Rhys,
If they had a "grey beard divison" I might. I'll leave it to you young guys to slug it out.

I'll be on the water at sometime though.

SA, 65 posts
5 Jul 2012 11:00AM
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mmmm, todays the weekend decider...
what will the magic 8 ball of weather say?

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
5 Jul 2012 7:05PM
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Hi folks,

Well, sadly the weather has failed us again for this weekend! It's a tough one with no real systems coming through with swell or wind!

So as you'd expect, we wont be running anything in the way of a Wave State Titles this weekend.

Hope you all get out for a paddle or something fun, otherwise just stay warm and stay tuned for next weekend (the 4th of 4!).


SA, 513 posts
12 Jul 2012 9:46AM
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Hey guys and girls,

Just to keep you posted, we are keeping a very close eye on the conditions for Sunday. The weather gods are making it nice and hard for us to predict, but we are doing our best. At this stage the wind looks strong enough, but we are hoping enough swell gets in the gulf to run the comp.

Keep an eye on the usual outlets for updates.

Cheers SAKSA Committee

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
12 Jul 2012 7:50PM
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Hi folks,

We're just working on council approval for potentially running the comp down on the South Coast on Sunday as the conditions will be far better down there. Stay tuned and we'll have a decision up by tomorrow arvo for you all (hopefully even tonight).


Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
12 Jul 2012 10:31PM
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Hi folks,


SAKSA State Wave Titles will be run THIS SUNDAY 15th July.

Where: Rose St Carpark (actually 48 Esplanade, Middleton) - Click this link!,138.714709+(48+Esplanade,+Middleton+(Rose+st))

When: Sunday 15th July (Briefing 9am).

The forecasts:
Wind - Partly cloudy. Isolated showers. Winds west to northwesterly 20 to 25 km/h, increasing to 35 to 45 km/h during the day. Overnight temperatures falling to around 6 with daytime temperatures reaching between 12 and 15. (That's a range of about 15kts increasing to 25kts).
Swell - 1.4m (6am) to 2.4m (6pm).

Remember to sign up online by FRIDAY EVE for $40 and a guaranteed beanie, or $50 on the day and no guarantee of a beanie.

See you all there, crew!


SA, 112 posts
12 Jul 2012 10:43PM
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Its very short notice to get a trip to the States!!!!!!!

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
13 Jul 2012 11:59AM
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Ooops , correct link will be posted shortly.

SA, 112 posts
13 Jul 2012 8:43PM
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Im in, get down there - even the newbies will have a great time in the flat water between waves and there will be plenty of others kiting in between the heats.
Looking GOOOOD

SA, 513 posts
13 Jul 2012 10:24PM
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Enter this address in google maps for directions.
48 Esplanade, Middleton, South Australia
Remember crew without your participation we can't run these fun events. The Ams division is for anyone new entering the local comps, surfboards and twin tips are judged equally with the judging system we use. So get involved crew, its a great way to meet like minded crew and have lots of fun.
Also, if anyone has a surfing back ground or knowledge on surfing. We are always looking for judges to help out, that way we can share the load.
Hope to see you all there.

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
13 Jul 2012 11:13PM
Thumbs Up,+Middleton+(Rose+st))&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=68.218693,135.263672&t=h&hnear=48+Esplanade,+Middleton+South+Australia+5213,+Australia&z=17

SA, 113 posts
14 Jul 2012 7:26PM
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Its on tomorrow peeps so if you haven't registered Remember to jump onto to register for the event, you can enter in the morning down at the comp site aswell. Because without your participation, SAKSA can't run these events. If you are new to entering our local comps, enter in the amateur division. This is for everyone new to comps, so jump on your twin tips or drag that old surf board out of the shed and have a crack. These days are great fun and it's an awesome way to meet other kiters. So get down there & get involved, here's a link to help you find the way if ya not sure...YEEEOOOWWW...

SAKSA said...,+Middleton+(Rose+st))&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=68.218693,135.263672&t=h&hnear=48+Esplanade,+Middleton+South+Australia+5213,+Australia&z=17

SA, 343 posts
15 Jul 2012 11:52PM
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SA, 593 posts
16 Jul 2012 8:22AM
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I took a couple of pics and some video, which I will

try and post later.Really good day, but maybe a little gusty. Big thanks to the organizers!

SA, 229 posts
16 Jul 2012 10:03AM
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Yep thanks to the organisers! Great day and good to catch up with all the crew.

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
17 Jul 2012 6:21PM
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Hi crew!

What an awesome weekend we had for the State Wave Titles this year. We had around 26 competitors with glorious cross-off wind and some solid sets rolling in.

It was tightly fought and well won by the winners... but we'll get to that in a moment!

Thanks to everyone who braved the winter chills to come out and compete and have a go. The parents, friends and family who came out to support the riders made for a real public event... and the riders put on a good show!

A few special thanks must to to some people too:

Robyn Higham - you once again cooked the BBQ for us ALL DAY and no one went hungry. Thanks for always helping us out, you're a great help every time!
Evan Higham - for building the trophies and damn they look awesome! We'll be handing those out at presentations on the 27th July at Grange Sailing Club!
Rhys Higham, Shaun Crocker, Rhys Gardner - without you guys, this comp wouldn't have been possible. Well done with all the organization and it's a great pleasure to work with you lads on these things!
The Judges (Rochelle, Danny... I know there's more because we had 3 so I sincerely apologize for my lack of ability to visualize who was sitting up there and I'll post as special mention as soon as I can remember).
Danny James - thanks for keeping us dry all day with the truck. Cracker idea!

A quick mention to Jacqui Hockiday (hope I spelled that correctly). Once again, you guys supported our event and we were pumped to have you along. For those who don't know, Jac flew here from Port Lincoln just for the day to compete. Normally her and Scotty would make the 6+ hour drive over, but Scotty had Man-Flu, so Jac flew the flag on her own! Hope you get better soon Easto and thanks Jac for supporting us again! ;)

SO THE RESULTS... nah, I'm gonna make you all wait. BECAUSE, we're going to hold the Wave Titles Presentations on the 27th July at the Grange Sailing Club!

This will also be a sick as Mid-Season Party. Remember, there's the worlds cheapest drinks, a great family venue and FREE PIZZA for all SAKSA Members and their partners!

We'll see you all there from 6:30pm for some good times and great mates!

Thanks for everyone's support, apologies if I've forgotten you!

Comps Director.

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
17 Jul 2012 6:22PM
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Ahhhh, of course I forgot!!!!


OnBoard Surf
FSR Industries
Blade Kites
Hype Nautic

Croc, help me out... who have I forgotten!?


Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
17 Jul 2012 6:25PM
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And... Troy for all your help with signups! We all hate that job and you just smash it everytime! Champion!

I'm just gonna keep adding people as they come to mind! Hahaha

SA, 298 posts
17 Jul 2012 6:37PM
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Dont forget Toby, our Beach Marshall! Toby is relatively new to our sport and our committee but man hes been a champion. He spent all day running backwards and forwards getting competitors ready and keeping everyone informed on the beach. Killer work bro and for FFFFFF'sssssssss sake put some clothes on next time! How the fella spent the whole day kicking round in boardies in those conditions is beyond me!

116 posts
17 Jul 2012 8:50PM
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Well done SAKSA,competitors & crew for a great comp . Jac came home stoked that she finally got some half decent waves in Adelaide... i'm glad she scored while i were bed ridden and dreaming of double overhead !
I have to thank the city crew for being such a great lot of people and supporting my Weena when she goes to Adelaide without me and ta Marty for your hospitality.
Without SAKSA and the comps they run the kiteboarding scene in SA would be quite boring so again Cheers SAKSA and all your efforts !

ps - man flu SUX dogs balls


Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

"SAKSA 2012 State Wave Riding Titles" started by Kiteboarding SA