Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

SAKSA 2013 State Freestyle Titles!!

Created by mattrixx > 9 months ago, 1 Feb 2013
SA, 38 posts
1 Feb 2013 9:09AM
Thumbs Up

Hey folks… Don't forget the SAKSA State Freestyles titles are just over a week away!

When: 9th & 10th February, 2013
Where: Grange Sailing Club
How much: $50 Entry
What do I need: Current SAKSA Membership, some kite gear and the will to have a go!

With 6 different divisions, we are going to witness some awesome riding and the best part of all for newbs, like myself, is that there's an amateur division.
This is open to SAKSA members that have been working hard, learning stay up wind and are ready for a bit of fun. How high can you jump? Have you started playing around with some tricks this season? It's time to throw caution to the wind and bust out everything you've got.
And as a new kiter/amateur, who knows?…. Any one of us could be the next Steven Bradbury and earn a great trophy for our efforts!

At the end of the day, it's all about getting together for some fun with some great crew, for a weekend of great Freestyle action!
So get on it Kiters! Keep an eye out on the forums and Facebook as entries open shortly!


Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

"SAKSA 2013 State Freestyle Titles!!" started by mattrixx