Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

SAKSA AGM and State Wave Riding Titles Presso's

Created by Kiteboarding SA > 9 months ago, 11 Aug 2010
Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
11 Aug 2010 8:06PM
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Well it's that time of year again for the AGM. So to make it exciting we are going to combine it with the 2010 State Wave Riding Presso's and also play a heap of kitesurfing movies all night as well. These nights are always great fun for catching up with all the crew that have spread out over winter. If you are new to kitesurfing or want to meet some like minded crew, make sure you come down. This a family friendly event so don't hesitate to bring the missus and the groms with ya. The West Beach SLSC will also be providing there legendary snitties for us to have for dinner.

So make sure you come down and say hello.

Cheers SAKSA committee.

SA, 24 posts
11 Aug 2010 9:27PM
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Ill be there with bells on ..... er when is it?????????

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
12 Aug 2010 12:14AM
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Good point Nug and others- hard to be there if you don't know when....

Wed 25th August at from 6 thirty. AGM at seven sharp followed by wave pressos at 7 thirty. Crew can eat when they feel hungry and after we will put some movies up and enjoy some icy cold beverages and good conversation !

SA, 513 posts
21 Aug 2010 9:23PM
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Hey guys and girls don't forget this Wednesday night for the AGM. Make sure you come down and say hello.

SA, 220 posts
21 Aug 2010 9:33PM
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I'd be there... IF YA HELD IT ON A WEEKEND!!!!!!! Have a beer for me fella's

SA, 298 posts
23 Aug 2010 10:48AM
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Common Blako wheres ur commitment? Whats a measly 3hr drive down for a few hours of fun with the boys? Maybe we should start the HTFU thread again, he he.

SA, 1390 posts
23 Aug 2010 5:53PM
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3-4 hrs driving Blakes little girly hatchback, big ask. I'm not even sure how he fits in it... I've allso heard he had to down size his kite quiver to a 7-11 every cm must count in that car. Big step down from the old 14-10 blake. I'm hopping to see some biiiiiiiiiiig mega loops with those small kites, give Jordy a run for his money. Should be some good times and carnage at the beach this summer, bring it on

Have the results been posted up somewhere?

SA, 220 posts
23 Aug 2010 7:27PM
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Haha thanks boys, nah just s bit hard to get time off work otherwise I would be there, the drive is not a big thing really, do it regulary. Yes waxy I have bought a diesel hatchback, bit smaller than the d hilux but so much cheaper to run backwards and forwards to Adelaide to see the other half :) I didn't think I needed a cock extention of a car :)

SA, 1390 posts
24 Aug 2010 9:57AM
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Just messing with you blake. There's hardly anyone left working at BIS, i think you can just about kiss goodbye any chances of a holiday for quite a while. It's the same at our workshop were looking for another 40 people so there wont be much leave for us in the meantime.

Yeah not sure about a cock extension, i did have a look at the little eco,metro homo cars but it was a bit hard to walk past a real aussie V8 Ute.[}:)]

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
24 Aug 2010 12:53PM
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So- it's tomorrow night all, Wed the 25th.

The movies are ready, the financial report is done, the schnitties have been ordered.....all we need is you !

If there is any interest in becoming a committee member please post an intention here or send an email to we would love some new blood to get involved and help the committee to serve the SA kiting community.

Could you also post up intention of far we know of around 35 definites but if there are heaps more I need to let the Lifesaving Club know to order more schnitzels !!!

SA, 18 posts
24 Aug 2010 11:42PM
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SAKSA said...

So- it's tomorrow night all, Wed the 25th.

The movies are ready, the financial report is done, the schnitties have been ordered.....all we need is you !

If there is any interest in becoming a committee member please post an intention here or send an email to we would love some new blood to get involved and help the committee to serve the SA kiting community.

Could you also post up intention of far we know of around 35 definites but if there are heaps more I need to let the Lifesaving Club know to order more schnitzels !!!

would love to guys but cant due to work commitments.....have a bloody great night watching movies and have a beer for us!!!! have fun!

SA, 513 posts
25 Aug 2010 3:45PM
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Hey crew, a few of us are going for a pre-agm kite at Henley from around 3ish today. So if your keen we will see ya there or see you tonight at West Beach SLSC.

SA, 127 posts
25 Aug 2010 5:10PM
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kitecroc said...

Hey crew, a few of us are going for a pre-agm kite at Henley from around 3ish today. So if your keen we will see ya there or see you tonight at West Beach SLSC.

enjoy the wind will catch everyone at westies frothin for a beer and those famous schnitties


Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

"SAKSA AGM and State Wave Riding Titles Presso's" started by Kiteboarding SA