Hi all,
Just a note that the SAKSA AGM will be held at the West Beach SLSC at 6:30pm on Wednesday September 2.
The SLSC will be putting on their usual world famous Schnitzels for us and we'll also be presenting the trophies for the 09 Wave titles. Official AGM proceedings begin at 7pm and are usually short and sharp.
Remember if you want to nominate to help out on the committee this is the time to do it;
It's an opportunity to get involved with the sport and also catch up with other kiters. All are welcome; only members can vote but please feel free to bring family and friends along for a drink and a meal.
SAKSA Committee
Dam!! i will be in NZ on a snowboarding trip.
Have a good 1 anyway! I will be thinking of you guys when I'm hucking big airs at the board park, YEEEOOOOOW!!
My vote gos to Geoff for president as he is doing a great job & so is the rest of the committee! Great work guys!!!
Well done to the old committee & good luck to the new committee.
Cheers Mark.
hope to see you all there.....the schnitzels are awesome and I believe Will Chapman will be giving a karaoke rendition of Salt 'n' Pepas hit "Whatta Man"
Will he take requests? I was thinking 'Push it' by Salt 'n' Pepper would suit Chappy much better........'Oooh, baby, baby Baby, baby Oooh, baby, baby Baby, baby Get up on this'.
Great Night..... thanks to everyone who turned up.
We were showing a Redbull DVD on kiting during the night. If anyone wants to borrow it feel free to hit me up for it. Its one of those DVD's that has it all, from the early days throught the KOA.