11th of December at the Grange Sailing Club will see the inaugural SAKSA charity day. We would love to bring not only the kiting community together but also the Stand up Paddlers and the windsurfers, the more the merrier !
Kicking off with entries at 10am the Stand up crew will head off at 10.30am for a downwinder to the Chicken Shop. We are hoping to have hire boards available for those who don't have their own. Prizes for 1st in mens, womens and juniors but more importantly the big prizes are for best dressed and best dismount. From Chicken shop we will be organising some trailers and cars to shuttle everyone and their boards back to the sailing club.
A bbq lunch for all entrants will be provided at the sailing club- during this time there will be some beach games as well to keep everyone busy (beach cricket, volleyball and a round robin tug of war- maybe even some SUP relays)
Once everyone is fed hopefully the breeze will have kicked in and the kiters and windsurfers should get their chance. Windsurfers will see a prize for first place, biggest stack and best dressed, Kiters again get prizes for first place, the best dressed and the hardest wipeout. Once again we will have cars and trailers at Chicken shop to ferry everyone back.
Hopefully all being good we will be wrapping everything up around 5pm. With Christmas so soon entry is a wrapped gift to the value of $10 to be donated to underprivileged children and a $10 minimum donation to the nominated Charity. So for $20 you get a fun day, a bbq lunch and that bit of satisfaction from giving something back- awesome !
If you have any questions about the day or would like to help out and get involved please pm us.
SAKSA Committee.
Good on the SAKSA crew...........once again donating their time and effort, doing something for the community and the underprivileged children.Support SAKSA as they are the reason why we still kite on our beaches!!! I can't attend but will be sending a gift for support.
Well done SAKSA crew! Keep up the good work......
Hi all, just a note to confirm that winsup will have 10 SUPs available for the race. Give me a call on 0417858641 to book your SUP for the day. Thanks Matt
All keen for a sup race, ..... Race board ready.. just have to learn how to paddle it..
The ready for the kite downwinder...
I reckon the pink toto might have to come out..
It's almost here- hope to see everyone down for a great day. Tell your friends, spread the word and let's get heaps of people down !
SA SUPCrew will be supporting this event. Hope to see many paddlers on the water to help make this a great spectacle & support a worthwhile cause.
WINDSUP will have HIRE BOARDS for first timers.
See you there!
It's so awesome to hear of so many different water sports gathering together for one awesome
event, I'll definatly be making the trip down to the big smoke, looking forward too seeing everyone on the water!!!
The forecast looks great. If the wind is dead onshore we may be able to kite both ways, kiting there and back only takes 15 minutes...
Hi all,
Just to clarify some of the finer details-
Suppers will still be going at 10:30, we will be asking some of the kiters and windsurfers to help with picking up the sup crew.
Lunch will be at 12pm- sausages are free for entrants and there will be gourmet burgers available for $5. The sailing club will be selling drinks and if you want somewhere out of the weather we are welcome upstairs as long as we don't track sand all through the place.
At 1pm we will be looking to send the wind junkies off on their downwinder and hopefully the sup crew can help ferry them back.
A quick wrap up once everyone is back to hand out some prizes and finish the official side of things.
Entry fee is $10 and a $10 present for an underprivileged child. ALL money raised will be split between the Cancer Council and Guidedog Association, presents will be donated to the Salvation Army.
Forecast looks amazing so feel free to get down early and ride out the front of the sailing club but please be mindful of avoiding the sailing course.
Any questions post them up or PM us.
SAKSA crew.
got my gift wrapped. looking forward to a great fun day.
PS I have 2x 2010 9m kites for sale if you think you made need them. ;)
Well done saksa for such a good day and all the other people involved from the girls cooking the BBQ all day to grange sailing club for the support thank you everyone who donated to such a great cause I know I had a top day
Second That.
Well done to all that put there time and effort into a great day.
Events bring everyone together and it was great to see the crossover of the two wind sports and the Sup'ers all hanging out and enjoying a day at the beach.
I very much enjoyed it.
Thank you.
Hey crew. stoked on the effort yesterday... such an epic day on the water.. Thanks to the Grange Sailing club.. A bit thanks for the BBQ girls and there 6 hours of cooking, Always a snag when you needed one.
Cant wait for the next one... Photos will be up soon, Matt got some sick ones..
What a great day- solid turnout and great conditions...
We had 2 windsurfers, 8 stand up paddlers and 31 kiters sign up.
Onboard, A1 and Rusty hooked us up with some giveaways for the day- Cheers to those guys for their generous donations !
Thanks to the Grange Sailing Club for having us - as always an excellent place to stage an event from and the clubs support is fantastic !
Miya and Soph did an amazing job organizing, taking regos and cooking the bbq- they kept it running smoothly and kept everyone fed, thanks ladies !
All told $602 was raised and will be split between the Cancer Council SA and Guide Dogs SA NT. Around 50 presents are going to be donated to the Salvation Army as well.
So what happened on the day ? Well the SUP crew got their downwinder from Tennyson back to Grange- a tough slog but eventually Matt Stringer was across the line in first place followed by one of Willy Wonkas escaped Oompa Loompas, Travis Murphy. A Rusty beach towel went to the winner and one also for the best dressed goes to Ben Fipps.
Lunch was enjoyed and then the kiters got their chance- it was pretty amazing to see so many kites on the water making their way back to the sailing club. Best dressed and best stack awards, well I have to say that Troy was a winner on both fronts so there's a t shirt going his way and Spiderman Jacob, Santa Dools and Dogboy all get one for dressing up as well. Leon Capaldo scores a tshirt for his efforts, as do Raechel, Signe and Vicki.
Unfortunately none of the windsurfers actually did the downwinder but we really appreciate the support from the guys who came down with a present and a donation.
Once back at the sailing club the wind was still cranking and everyone stayed out riding so it was a little hard to get any sort of pressos happening- everyone who is mentioned above should pm me to organise collection of their goodies.
Thanks again to everyone who helped make it happen, the sponsors, the organisation committee, the sailing club and a massive thanks to those who came down and supported !
SAKSA committee
Yep, not a good advertisement for the Windsurfers. Packed everything but my boom (the bit you hang on to :-) ) and couldn't get on the water.
Good to meet you kite guys and gals, and hopefully we can have a combined event in the future.
Regards, Richard
Placings in the SUP race saw the escaped Oompa Loompa hampered by excessive chocolate consmption and only managing third place......Second place went to a Red cordial and ribena powered machine Mr Mark Stewart.
does anyone have any photos of the downwinder if so can you please put them up once again such a top day
Hey Guys, sick day.. I will case down matt pullin over the weekend and get all the photos from the day.. he took over 300 photos. i will post them at some stage