Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia


Created by Kiteboarding SA > 9 months ago, 6 Nov 2013
Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
6 Nov 2013 7:13PM
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It's that time of year again when the seabreezes start to kick, the northerlies are still fun and the water hints at warming up a little! So in keeping with the tradition of past years, SAKSA would like to invite anyone who is interested in kitesurfing to the next of our three Open Season BBQs to be held at popular kitesurfing spots in Adelaide and Whyalla.

The BBQ will be on Saturday the 16th of November at Town Beach, Whyalla.
- 12:00noon kickoff
- Check out lots of demo gear
- Free BBQ for anyone interested in kitesurfing

Hopefully the wind will kick and give us some ride time in the arvo!

For those interested in a bit of a road trip, Whyalla has some of the state's finest flat water conditions! The crew are a bunch of legends and always put on a good show! A few of us SAKSA Committee members will be heading down to put on a BBQ for everyone so the more, the merrier!

See you all there and bring your family down! This is a great chance to meet local crew and share the stoke!

116 posts
14 Nov 2013 7:51PM
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Hi all ...
Looks like a ripper forecast for sat (20 to 25 kts) and a low tide at 2pm ...sea breeze will kick and push the tide in for a magic flat water sesh !
Xtreme Kites & Paddle will be running lessons for learners and also advanced sessions all weekend . A few spots left for both. Even A SUP session at 8am sunday morning (a treat for the mrs or yourself).
Come and join in on the bbq and atmosphere down the foreshore , sign up to SAKSA and you may even win a prize for being on the water giving it a crack.

See you there .
Easto and Jac

SA, 298 posts
15 Nov 2013 6:05PM
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Hey guys Jordo and I will be jumping in the car soon to head across to Whyalla for tomorrows BBQ. Looking like its going to be a cracker day so cant wait. SAKSA will be provide a BBQ, soft drinks and water from 12:30/1ish to those who attend so would be great to see a heap of crew come down for whats shaping to be an awesome day.

As Easto said SAKSA and Xtreme Kites & Paddle also have a few little goodies to give away on the day so come on down, have a free feed, a ride and a few laughs.

See you all tomorrow.

116 posts
18 Nov 2013 9:59PM
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What a cracker of a weekend !
Top stuff to the SAKSA lads for coming up and even throwin a few moves. Well done to the newbies and congrats Ben , Sam and Kate for grabbing the prizes . Ben has already used his voucher and learnt a few new moves from da kung fu master who nearly landed on da beach by underestimating the lift of one certain Ozone kite !
Was good also to see the short chunky guy out ripping it up again after many years of foot surgery .
Thanks everyone for showing up at front beach on saturday and i'm sure that everyone will spend the next week cleaning the Whyalla sand from their eardrums !!!

SA, 1390 posts
19 Nov 2013 9:44PM
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It was a great day catching up with a lot of the old crew and a few of the new guys. Conditions were ideal just the way i used to like it, tons of wind a few inches of water and dead flat behind the sandbar.

The SAKSA BBQ was top notch a credit to the cooks & SAKSA, those onions were slow cooked to perfection and quite possibly the best i have ever had.

SA, 492 posts
19 Nov 2013 11:00PM
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Saw a cracker shot of the Kung fu master. Sorry to have to go early second waxy's comments on the BBQ.

SA, 298 posts
25 Nov 2013 5:50PM
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Hey Guys, sorry for the late response (its only just over a week old, he he).

We really appreciated you guys all coming down to support the SAKSA BBQ the other weekend. We make the trek cos we love coming up and hanging out with you guys and girls in Whyalla. You have a great bunch of riders up your way and it really makes it worth while to drive up, talk some **** and get get out on the water for a ride.

Thanks again to everyone who came down, big thanks to Pearce and the Reichelts for looking after Jordo and I once again, thanks to Easto and Jaquie from Xtreme Kites and Paddle for coming down and a big congrats to Sam, Kate and Ben for taking home the vouchers.

Hopefully we will c u all again real soon.




Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

"SAKSA OPEN SEASON BBQ - 16th NOVEMBER AT WHYALLA" started by Kiteboarding SA