Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

SAKSA State Wave Titles 2010

Created by kitecroc > 9 months ago, 22 Apr 2010
SA, 513 posts
22 Apr 2010 5:12PM
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WAVE TITLES, Its on again

Compete against all the top riders in South Oz

or come watch the best wave riders in the state.

The State Wave Titles have been moved to winter again this year to make the
most of the colder frontal weather and hopefully some serious wave action.
To ensure that we get a result, once again we've taken the unprecedented step of
locking in the 4 weekends of June 12/13 , 19/20 + 26/27 & July 3/4 . The
first weekend with appropriate wind forecasts will be the day the event is
held and it'll be an early start (around 8am). The general location will be on
the Mid coast with a backup on the South Central coast; we'll announce
specific locations closer to the event.
All of the usual categories will be available: Open Mens & Womens, Masters,
Amateurs & Juniors. There will be an earlybird registration incentive for
those who sign up on line, so for all the die-hard wave riders, keep those dates free.
So get on it crew, start practising for this great event and see ya there.

Keep your eye on the website forum for more details!

SA, 127 posts
23 Apr 2010 10:17AM
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already signed up pratice starts tomorrow wind wind wind

SA, 16 posts
6 May 2010 5:38PM
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I am thinking of entering the amateur event can someone tell me if I need to ride a directional surfboard to be in with a chance or are twin tips ok.
Also what sort of trick and moves are you expected to do in the amateur event?
for example I cant do handle bar passes and struggle with kite loops.

WA, 614 posts
6 May 2010 4:33PM
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ams is all about participating- get out there and give it a go !!!!

SA, 298 posts
7 May 2010 1:37PM
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Seasquirrel this is the wave titles not the freestyle titles therefore handle passes and kiteloops arent whats being judged. You can enter on your twin tip however generally what the judges are looking for is someone on a directional board who is actually surfing the wave ie using the power of the wave, not the kite to generate power. Its all about how many turns you can get in on a wave, how vertical the turns are on the face of the wave, etc. Strapped or unstrapped, hooked in or unhooked are all judged differently but as Loverboy said its all about getting out there, giving it a bash and having some fun in the Ams.

Hope that helps.

SA, 513 posts
14 May 2010 6:40PM
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Don't forget to sign up soon guys,girls and juniors. This is a great event for all the wave riders out there and anyone else slightly interested in getting into the waves. Come down and say hello if you are new to the sport, it is a very welcoming atmosphere at all our events.

Get on it, Cheers Croc

443 posts
17 May 2010 9:51AM
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Get Onboard and come compete, support or help out it'll be a great event. Hope to see you there

Dale Moeys
SA, 37 posts
9 Jun 2010 7:04PM
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So is it happnin this weekend the wind looks pretty ****ty :(

SA, 513 posts
9 Jun 2010 10:41PM
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Hey guys and girls, the State Waves will not be on this
weekend due to poor conditions. Hopefully the wind and
wave gods give us some epic conditions the following
Keep an eye on SAKSA web site or join us on facebook for

Cheers Croc

SA, 513 posts
11 Jun 2010 7:12PM
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Hey guys and girls, tonight is the last night to pre-register. So jump on the SAKSA website and sign up now. Its only $20 to enter this year and you don't need to pay till the day of the comp, you do need to be a current SAKSA member.

Have a great long weekend and see you in the water soon,

SA, 513 posts
15 Jun 2010 11:03PM
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Ok crew, SAKSA will make the decision in the next 48 hours for whether or not the Wave titles are held this weekend. Early predictions are not looking very promising for this weekend but we will know for sure soon. If it is not held this weekend we will look at the following weekend (26th/27th).

Well i hope everyone can find time to get out over the next couple of days,

Cheers Croc

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
17 Jun 2010 5:21PM
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No comp this weekend....we will look at next weekend and fingers crossed update you asap.

SA, 76 posts
19 Jun 2010 10:19AM
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woohoo....was hoping the wind would hold off till I got back from work...

SA, 164 posts
21 Jun 2010 11:22PM
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It'd be nice if those weather cycles were a day or two delayed! Every second year they seem to come mid week across winter...

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
22 Jun 2010 10:52PM
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Hey guys and girls, once again we are keeping a close eye on the weather for this weekend. It has been frustrating watch the forecasts as they go from being spot on to completely cr@p. So once again all we can do is cross our fingers and hope Huey comes to the party this weekend and delivers great conditions for us. So in around 48 hours we will be able let everybody know if it's going to happen this weekend through the usual outlets.


Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
24 Jun 2010 5:24PM
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Well another weekend and guess what, no wind arghhhhhhh. So unfortunately we can't run the comp this weekend either. So if everyone crosses their fingers and toes, hopefully next weekend the wind and waves will come.

So stay tuned for updates.

SA, 513 posts
29 Jun 2010 8:53PM
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SA, 113 posts
29 Jun 2010 11:35PM
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^^^ Yep, what Kitecroc said ^^^

SA, 229 posts
30 Jun 2010 10:19AM
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Can everyone meet at Seaford on Saturday and bring a fan?

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
1 Jul 2010 10:24AM
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Well as you all know this was the last weekend that we had hoped to have run the State Wave Titles. But this weekend is another great weekend for boating and fishing and not kite surfing. I'm sure you are all aware the conditions havn't come in for us on any of the weekends. We have had good conditions on about every other day of the week but a Sat or Sunday. So after a quick get together, we have had to make the call to extend the waiting period. The first weekend that the conditions line up for us the competition will be run. So you will have a bit more time to practice during the week before the comp. If you have any questions feel free to pm or call any of the guys for info.

Cheers SAKSA committee


Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

"SAKSA State Wave Titles 2010" started by kitecroc