Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

Safety Information Night

Created by Kiteboarding SA > 9 months ago, 13 Mar 2012
Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
13 Mar 2012 6:56PM
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SAKSA and some of Adelaide's most experienced kiters will get together for a safety information night. We invite ALL kiters to come along to the Grange Sailing Club on Friday 23rd March at 7:30pm. We will run through many safety aspects of the sport and there will be a Q and A session for any questions you may have. You don't need to be a SAKSA member to attend and we would love to see you all there. If you have any questions about the night, feel free to contact us.

Cheers Shaun
SAKSA President

SA, 298 posts
16 Mar 2012 11:03AM
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Hey guys and girls, this Safety nights comes as a request from some of our members who said they needed a bit of a refresher on a few safety issues of the sport such as water pack downs and stuff like that.

The night is going to cover things such as local rules, kite courtesy, give way rules, rules in the surf, water pack downs, plus a whole host of other details. It also gives people the chance to speak to and ask questions of experienced kiters who have been around for a long time.

As stated it is not a SAKSA event, but more of an information night for all kiters, new and old. So if you know of anyone out there who has some concerns over what to do, who are just learning, or who you think really needs to learn more about safe kiting, then bring them down on the night.

The Grange Sailing Club bar will also be open so come down for a drink or 2 which should be a informative but fun night.

SA, 298 posts
21 Mar 2012 12:40PM
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Hey guys and girls,

Dont forget the safety info night is on this Friday night at Grange Sailing Club. Even if your an old hand and know what your doing would be good to see you all down there for a social drink or 2.



112 posts
21 Mar 2012 11:19AM
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Better not be a 'dont do that', dont kite there, dont kite high winds, dont do that or it will be banned, better have insurance scaremongering propaganda rally

QLD, 663 posts
21 Mar 2012 2:24PM
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Hi Kitelooper from Turkey,

I would think that because this is such a dynamic and evolving sport, the best practises for kitesurfing are still evolving.

eg. it may come up that there is now an established preffered method for launching your kite eg. (towards the water vs away from the water) with hopefully an explanation as to why the change has been advised.

This would not be a session to say "don't launch in this direction" but more to say, here is the current accepted best practise direction to launch your kite.

Hence, why they are asking even the more experienced to attend as there may be new practises that can offer advice to all of us to help us kite safely and promote our sport in a positive light.

I would doubt the scare mongering tactic would be used.

Also, addressing the areas in which we can safely kite and the areas that are banned is a good referesher for us as anyone kiting in a banned area is immediately seen as doing the wrong thing no matter how competent they are. If we kite in the areas that we are allowed to, we are seen to be doing the right thing which leaves open the possibility of gaining access to the banned areas because we are seen to be responsible.

I agree that it would be nicer to open up all public beaches to kiting but this is not the case as allowed by the councils. hence, lets be seen as responsible kiters to keep the door open on the ones we have.



112 posts
21 Mar 2012 1:22PM
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$65 of $125 goes to some blood sucking blackmailing insurance company who with their lawyer mates is a pox on this country. What naive person was played by the insurance salesman. When the uprising comes the lawyers are high on the list.

QLD, 663 posts
21 Mar 2012 3:29PM
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Sorry mate, I missed the point of the last post.

I don't understand what the insurance cost has to do with the safety night?

As far as I am aware, this is open to all, not just to saksa members.

They may advise us on having membership to cover the insurance aspect of the sport especially for beginners but they wont lock the door and set the lawyers on you.

and yes, lawyers in the proverbial sense are bulls**t artists who get paid alot of money to spin tales muddled in with legal precedence.



SA, 26 posts
22 Mar 2012 5:26PM
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SKYNET is coming...

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
22 Mar 2012 6:42PM
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Hey guys and girls,

don't forget about tomorrow night.... A few of us are hopefully going to get a kite in out the front of the sailing club before hand, so feel free to come and join us if the wind comes .

To put all your minds at ease, there will be no insurance salesmen, lockins, lawyers and propaganda .

Remember ALL kiters are welcome, not just Saksa members. This is about sharing kiting experiences which could help other kiters in the future.

Cheers SAKSA Committee

PS, Well said Jamdfingr

WA, 39 posts
24 Mar 2012 5:38AM
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Thanks for putting this up guys! I enjoyed that (I should have had a session like that when I started!)

Sorry I had to leave early!


SA, 137 posts
24 Mar 2012 10:25AM
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good nite guys well done great turn out

Kiteboarding SA
SA, 262 posts
24 Mar 2012 7:40PM
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I would like to thank everyone who came down last night. We had a great turn out and we were stoked with the number of people who attended.

A big thanks to the more experienced guys who shared there experiences with everyone. Also the Grange sailing club for having us again.

Cheers SAKSA committee

SA, 105 posts
26 Mar 2012 4:51PM
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I'm really sorry that I couldn't go. As a noobie I'm quite sure I would've obtained a fair bit of information...

Would anybody mind highlighting the most important issues raised during the meeting?


QLD, 663 posts
26 Mar 2012 4:47PM
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Rule Number 1: Safety First

Rule Number 2: Use Common Sense.

Then there are things such as don't be in a hurry to get your kite up. Set your lines carefully and assess the weather first.

Alot of it was about sharing experiences such as wrapping the lines around your hands (big mistake) and also the coming weather for the winter.

Alot was said but it was mainly about sharing the experiences of more experienced kiters.

To make it easy for beginners, go kiting when there are other people on the water and just talk to other kiters.

A really good social night and a big thanks to SAKSA for organising it.

See you guys out on the water!

SA, 38 posts
26 Mar 2012 9:07PM
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Yeah, great stuff guys. It was very informative and highlighted a numbers of situations that I hope never to be the subject of, but thankfully now, at least I'd hopefully make a more educated evaluation!
Cheers guys.

SA, 105 posts
27 Mar 2012 10:01AM
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thanks for the summary :D

what about the winter weather??

SA, 449 posts
27 Mar 2012 12:59PM
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All or nothing. ;)

SA, 280 posts
28 Mar 2012 10:22PM
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GJOchoa said...

what about the winter weather??

Winter weather can be unpredictable and it comes with rain squalls, microbursts and strong wind gusts.
All of these can double or even triple the the wind speed within less then a minute - believe me, often there is no warning. If you ever get caught up in one of them don't be afraid to pull the QR the instant you think you might be loosing control - or you may end up like this:

SA, 105 posts
29 Mar 2012 3:06PM
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thanks for the grphic advice godfather :D duly noted!!!

btw, that was a tropical storm right??

SA, 280 posts
30 Mar 2012 3:24PM
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Correct. This was in Florida as the title suggests.
Luckily, there is nothing like that on YouTube from around here AND WE WANT TO KEEP IT THAT WAY.

But 50+ knot squalls do happen at our local kiting spots around Adelaide at least once or twice a year, possibly more. These are actually more dangerous than storms because of their unpredictablility. People in winter often start in typical light-wind conditions (sub-15 knots) and they sometimes get caught up in squalls (30,40,50+ knots) while riding large kites.

At least the guy in the video knew it was gonna blow hard so he didn't bring his 12m for a ride.

QLD, 663 posts
30 Mar 2012 3:07PM
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(in a british accent...)

"Lets go fly a kite... up to the highest height.... lets go fly a kite and send it soaring...."

"Up to the atmosphere... Up where the air is clear..... Lets all go..... Fly a kite!"

We shall call it the "Mary Poppins effect" for flying 12-14m kite in +30kt winds (unless youre trying to get Dumbo the elephant into kitesurfing)


Forums > Kitesurfing   South Australia

"Safety Information Night" started by Kiteboarding SA