Forums > Kitesurfing The Hookup

31/12 Woodman's Point/Coogee Beach Kite Newbie

Created by AJRankin > 9 months ago, 30 Dec 2014
WA, 2 posts
30 Dec 2014 4:28PM
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I'm a newish kiteboarder. 28, Male, Seppo, going to Woodman's Point/Coogee Beach tomorrow 31/12/14. Putting it out there to see if anyone else wants to join, maybe share a ride, help each other launch etc. I live in Bertram, WA. Planning on heading out sometime around 10am, wind dependent of course.

4 posts
31 Dec 2014 3:13AM
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AJRankin said..
I'm a newish kiteboarder. 28, Male, Seppo, going to Woodman's Point/Coogee Beach tomorrow 31/12/14. Putting it out there to see if anyone else wants to join, maybe share a ride, help each other launch etc. I live in Bertram, WA. Planning on heading out sometime around 10am, wind dependent of course.

Hey kiter myself ... am up and riding but its sure not pretty! ...and very much still perfecting it having just completed an IKO beginners course and got myself kitted out. I'll be heading down to woodies tomorrow also. I'll message you with mob #. Maybe we can hook up. I might not get there till closer to lunch tho.

Separately, keen to meet other newbs to share the learning journey with. Please feel free to give me a hoy if at similar stage and looking for a buddy to help launch/land and generally provide a bit of help & encouragement. I live in the CBD. Haven't tried Applecross yet as had my lessons at Woodmans Point but keen to head there sometime too. Less of a drive!

WA, 2 posts
31 Dec 2014 6:01PM
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An awesome session was had. Unfortunately due to a miscommunication I only had a chance to meet Conrad at the end of my day. Not to worry though, we will be trying again tomorrow (if I'm not too hung over!) He thought I was at Woodman's point were Elemental Kiteboarding do their lessons. I also thought I was at the beach that Elemental do lessons, but I did mine a few years back and as it turns out they've switched beaches. Sorry Conrad! My Bad!

4 posts
1 Jan 2015 12:50PM
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AJRankin said..
An awesome session was had. Unfortunately due to a miscommunication I only had a chance to meet Conrad at the end of my day. Not to worry though, we will be trying again tomorrow (if I'm not too hung over!) He thought I was at Woodman's point were Elemental Kiteboarding do their lessons. I also thought I was at the beach that Elemental do lessons, but I did mine a few years back and as it turns out they've switched beaches. Sorry Conrad! My Bad!

No worries at all mate. Hopefully see you down there this arvo.

14 posts
4 Jan 2015 1:50PM
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Hey guys,

Nice day at Melville thanks. Nice illustration there AJ.

Speak soon


Forums > Kitesurfing The Hookup

"31/12 Woodman's Point/Coogee Beach Kite Newbie" started by AJRankin