Forums > Kitesurfing The Hookup

Company to do down winders sunny coast(castaways)

Created by Ian15kn > 9 months ago, 11 Feb 2013
QLD, 2 posts
11 Feb 2013 12:25PM
Thumbs Up

Hey i have been surfing for a while and have recently taken up kitesurfing. Im reletively competent and comfortable to go out in most conditions. I usually do down winders with two other mates, from castaways beach,but because I'm studying and have a bit of time on my hands it would be sweet to know a few other kiters who would be keen for sesh. I have a 12m rpm and prefer to use a surfboard. Happy to go out in 15-28 kn.


Forums > Kitesurfing The Hookup

"Company to do down winders sunny coast(castaways)" started by Ian15kn