Forums > Kitesurfing The Hookup

Fraser Island (20/9 to 27/9)

Created by Hopey > 9 months ago, 15 Sep 2014
QLD, 178 posts
15 Sep 2014 12:27PM
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Hi all

Heading to Fraser Island for our annual trip to this beautiful part of the world.
Family holiday, friends, kids etc, main activities is usually fishing but I always take a kite or 2, just in case there's an opportunity
Staying around Happy Valley, and usually get at least one session in during the week, but always on my own as none of the other people in my group kite.
If any other kiters are on the island and wanted to hook up, I'd be keen to do a down winder, or trip to the very top of the island etc.
Kiting solo with all the toothy critters around up there freaks me out a little, and would feel safer and more at ease with another kiter or 2 on the water with me
PM me if in the area.

QLD, 13 posts
27 Sep 2014 10:37PM
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Just got back from Fraser and saw this. How'd you go up there?

I got a couple of sessions in just north of Waddy in the sandbar at low tide and another up the Cape. Thursday was the pick with a NE coming in!


Forums > Kitesurfing The Hookup

"Fraser Island (20/9 to 27/9)" started by Hopey