Forums > Kitesurfing The Hookup

Kitesurf Road trip, Western Australia January 2015

Created by nickc > 9 months ago, 26 Dec 2014
WA, 7 posts
26 Dec 2014 4:19PM
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I'm looking for people to join a kitesurfing road trip heading North from Perth sometime in January. I'm finishing work for the summer so it could be 2 weeks, it could be 2 months. I'm flexible and open to ideas.

I have a 4wd and most of the camping gear required, so now all i need is people to join me as my friends seem to think that working through summer is more important than travelling.

The intention is to head north along the coast all the way to Exmouth and then maybe inland to Karijini and then back to Perth.

If you're interested PM me or reply here.



Forums > Kitesurfing The Hookup

"Kitesurf Road trip, Western Australia January 2015" started by nickc