Forums > Kitesurfing The Hookup

Manly Beach - banned?? Experienced Kiters only

Created by andrewgrant > 9 months ago, 6 Nov 2012
NSW, 8 posts
6 Nov 2012 9:08PM
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Please can it be listed on EVERY site that recommends kite spots that Manly Beach is for very experienced Kiters only. No beginners, no practicing, and no one that's not kited here before!

Today (NNE20+ knots and 1.5 meter swell) I watched an intermediate tourist get dragged to Manly, and have his kite land on the Corso (boardwalk) and 3 others drop their kites in the pack of surfers.

Manly (North Styene) is a very finicky beach, many people around including surf schools, fast waves with short wave period, rips, flags up till 6pm, and a few degrees wind shift creates major holes on the beach.

If we dont self regulate, it it will be banned, (Like the eastern beaches) and/or the local surfers (of which I am one) will be so pissed off they will protest in their own way.

The problem is many tourists (short termers) turn up and go out. When I spoke and tried to warn several kiters today about the conditions, most of them said this was there first time at Manly (and first time in the surf!!!) but still insisted on going out. The idiot that landed his kite on the Corso walked back up the beach and despite several people asking him to pack up and go home - went out again, and again ended up down the beach!

I live, surf and have been kiting at Manly for over 10 years and every year it gets more crowded. Please people- take it of the "places to kite" - it must become a locals only - not out of arrogance, but safety.

NSW, 584 posts
7 Nov 2012 2:10PM
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Lately I find I have to speak to someone every time its windy at manly. There is always some person who ignores common sense, and thinks its a good place to learn.
These idiots just ignore everyone - and its only a matter of time before manly - and probably a few other NBeach spots are permanently banned.

These guys don't realize that then they wont be able to ever learn to kitesurf, because it would take hours to drive anywhere to do it.

NSW, 584 posts
7 Nov 2012 2:11PM
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what colour / kind of kites where these Andrew?

WA, 1347 posts
13 Nov 2012 1:58PM
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Go surfing somewhere crowded and localism rules the roost. Mess around and expect biffo.

When will local kiters start being hard-arses, cutting lines and stabbing bladders? It may be not far off.

Not advocating localism but I expect it will eventually come.

QLD, 1451 posts
27 Dec 2012 10:54PM
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Meh, to many kiters around allready anyways. Few less wouldnt be too bad.
maybe the surfers should try get casa involved again thatd cull a good 80% of us

Mr Soft Serve
NSW, 53 posts
28 Dec 2012 11:38AM
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I understand what all you guys are talking about.But locals only??? Just remember all you guys kite different spots and areas.We are getting the same thing up here at Newie. Guys see experience kiters and think they can kite there in the same spot. Next thing they drop their kite and can not get them back up and end up in the flags making beach guards pissed.I think if you kite at popular beaches with no idea in the surf you are a **** wit.
If you are learning in the surf go to a back beach and stay clear of everyone. I do believe if we are not careful, kiting will be banned at any patrolled beaches.

NSW, 3 posts
17 Jan 2013 6:46PM
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Guys totally understand what your saying and clearly those people out recently should not have been. Just interested to hear your thoughts on expereince riders using Manly if they haven't done before? I have been riding for 5 years + mostly in swell, chop and waves in the 2ft - 3ft range in the UK. Haven't got my kit here yet but when I do in a few weeks would like to hit Manly one evening if the wind permits. What are your thoughts on me joining you?!

I know Kitesurf for NSW members have tags to attach to their harnesses, would it not be a good idea for the life guards to check kiters have these before going out (i'm aware they are only out until 6:30pm). I know it's no guarantee of their ability to kite but it does show they have insurance and are an active member of the community. Or as this is only likely to be an incident that occurs in the summer as it's only light late this time of year has anyone approached the lifeguard association to see if the beach can be patrolled later? They would then be able to stop kiters clearly not skilled for the conditions going out + assist any accomplashied riders if they were to get into you know it is less likely you'll have an incident but, if your kite comes down in the waves and the lines get tangled doesn't matter how good you are when it's in the air you could be the one in need of some help...

NSW, 129 posts
5 Feb 2013 4:14PM
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It all sounds like Big Brother to me and a bit of Localism. We Don't Need Registration to Kite or Surf, or Whatever. People get better through experience and help, not through people getting Narckie and aggressive.

Why don't we all get Mellow and go up and offer some help and advice to people who are in need of it. We don't need the Police state to get into Kiteboarding or any other sport. This talk of violence and destruction of private property only ends up with you getting in trouble with Law and the get even mind set, creating to much Bad Vibs. I mean do we want KiteSurfing to go down this path.

This not why I got into KiteSurfing.

NSW, 4188 posts
5 Feb 2013 10:24PM
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Bondi - just don't kite there. Ever.
Manly - just don't kite there. Ever.
Sydney Harbour - just don't kite there. Ever.

The New South Wales Kiteboarding association said...

Whilst you may sometimes see people kitesurfing at Manly, the NSWKBA strongly recommends against it.

Kiting is prohibited AT ALL TIMES at Shelly Beach to the south of Manly.

NOTE: There is a 100% ban on kiting at any time when the surf flags are up. (Usually before 6pm in summer) If you see surf flags up anywhere on Manly beach, kiting is strictly prohibited.

Because of the number of surfers and swimmers in the water at Manly on most days NSWKBA strongly discourages kiting at Manly.

Like Bondi, Manly is way too busy and quite small with large trees all along the beach front. There are many people, vollyball players and surfers all on the beach and in the water.

On a big day the Queenscliff Bombora will be breaking 150m offshore. If you get into trouble there you may become a newspaper story the next day.

If you kite at Manly at any time, you do so at your own risk and will be subject to the direction of lifeguards or NSW water police.

ACT, 2174 posts
6 Feb 2013 4:06PM
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andrewgrant said...

Please can it be listed on EVERY site that recommends kite spots that Manly Beach is for very experienced Kiters only. No beginners, no practicing, and no one that's not kited here before!

Today (NNE20+ knots and 1.5 meter swell) I watched an intermediate tourist get dragged to Manly, and have his kite land on the Corso (boardwalk) and 3 others drop their kites in the pack of surfers.

Manly (North Styene) is a very finicky beach, many people around including surf schools, fast waves with short wave period, rips, flags up till 6pm, and a few degrees wind shift creates major holes on the beach.

If we dont self regulate, it it will be banned, (Like the eastern beaches) and/or the local surfers (of which I am one) will be so pissed off they will protest in their own way.

The problem is many tourists (short termers) turn up and go out. When I spoke and tried to warn several kiters today about the conditions, most of them said this was there first time at Manly (and first time in the surf!!!) but still insisted on going out. The idiot that landed his kite on the Corso walked back up the beach and despite several people asking him to pack up and go home - went out again, and again ended up down the beach!

I live, surf and have been kiting at Manly for over 10 years and every year it gets more crowded. Please people- take it of the "places to kite" - it must become a locals only - not out of arrogance, but safety.

Yer yer we had 8 kites out on 26km of beach the other day and I was all claustrophobic like, Locals
Only please stay away better still I here WA caters
for euros, bogans and PC trolls


Forums > Kitesurfing The Hookup

"Manly Beach - banned?? Experienced Kiters only" started by andrewgrant