Forums > Kitesurfing The Hookup

South coast trip from Canberra Tomorrow

Created by bison > 9 months ago, 12 Feb 2010
NSW, 1 posts
12 Feb 2010 7:42PM
Thumbs Up

Hi All,

Late notice I know but I'm keen to get down to the coast to make the most of the wind tomorrow, if not the rain.
Are there any kiters in Canberra that have enough brownie points to get away for the day?
Not fussed where we go as long as there is some dog friendly walking near by for the better half and Das Hound.
If you're already down there, or have a crew, where are you planning on going and would there be space at the beach for a Noob?
I have empty seats if you're interested in splitting petrol and driving.



Forums > Kitesurfing The Hookup

"South coast trip from Canberra Tomorrow" started by bison