Looking for kitebuddies around the area as I'm new to the sport and not too keen on going solo.
Looking for kitebuddies around the area as I'm new to the sport and not too keen on going solo.
There are plenty of kiters down at mullaloo I'm still very new to the game and they are always giving out good advice, where abouts would you go at yanchep and I wouldn't mind trying the spot but not in the waves YET
I'm in Two Rocks, has been awhile since I've been out but see a few people kiting just south of the boat ramp in Two Rocks, been meaning to get down there for a kite myself but work seems to get in the way of things. I work away fair bit but hoping to get a kite in before the end of summer season.
I have been meaning to have a chat to the couple people been kiting there to see if they are local or not, always good to kite with a few other people around. Hope to see you out on the water sometime.
I've got a 4wd and am keen to get out into the dunes to find some kiting spots.
Also not keen kiting out there on me lonesome so give me a yell.
Hi mate
we live in Yanchep just started kitting at body dragging stage hopefully on boards in two weeks practicing at mulla's and Lano's
get in touch
Hi mate
we live in Yanchep just started kitting at body dragging stage hopefully on boards in two weeks practicing at mulla's and Lano's
get in touch
Sounds good mate, pm me if you want to catch up.
Hi guys
I've just moved to Yanchep as well and keen to hook up with some one to kite with, I'm pretty crap at it but have got the
basics ok. I'm FIFO 1 on 1 off get in touch if your keen, always more fun to have someone around when its on