Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

Avoid kiting in patrol areas at North Cott beach

Created by BundyBoyWA > 9 months ago, 17 Jan 2012
WA, 2 posts
17 Jan 2012 10:43PM
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For the few kiters that find it funny or have no respect for swimmers
Inside patrol flags at North Cott beach beware. The council have
Been notified and will happily take you equipment for 30 days as
A penalty. Please keep at least 100m beyond the flags and preferably
outside the flag zone. Signs are being made up and they will be placed
Along patrol flags to indicate a no kitesurfing/windsurfing zone during
Patrol hours. I kitesurf / windsurf and want the beaches to be accessible
to all as it should be so avoid kiting within metres of the waters edge
Between the flags.

WA, 813 posts
18 Jan 2012 12:57PM
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WAKSA endorses Bundy Boy's comments with respect to all beaches.

WAKSA strongly advises all kiters to remain at least 200m offshore between Cottesloe and Swanbourne (including North Cottesloe) beaches due to the large number of swimmers and other beach users at these locations.

All kiters should remain outside any SLSC flagged area at all times & when flags have been removed, all kiters should maintain an appropriate distance from any swimmer in the water - at least one line length at all times.

10 posts
24 Jan 2012 9:51AM
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Saw a few people kiting at Port beach yesterday. Coming right into the "Swimmer's Zone". They got rather close and at times could not get up and going, sometimes heading toward the swimmers upon takeoff.

Assuming the council takes gear off someone is this under the guise of a local by-law?

WA, 2 posts
24 Jan 2012 2:29PM
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The Town of Cottesloe ranger informed me they had the right
to confiscate the equipment indicating that it would be a by law.
I believe something similar has happened in the past at
Woodmans Point.

WA, 1347 posts
24 Jan 2012 2:30PM
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Good, take their gear. Maybe then they'll learn.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Avoid kiting in patrol areas at North Cott beach" started by BundyBoyWA