Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

Code of Ethics

Created by riegs > 9 months ago, 4 Feb 2009
WA, 2 posts
4 Feb 2009 10:44PM
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I had an experience today and am wondering what everyone else thinks. It was blowing pretty hard and gusty - round 30kt and there were only three of us out and a few wind surfers. One of the guys dropped his kite about 120m offshore and i think he'd popped his LE. I saw him winding his lines as I was going out and he was about 20m down wind but the time I'd come back in. First time of been out in such strong conditions and i was on a 9m so I was concentrating pretty hard on what I was up to and I've had to do a couple of self rescues myself in a similar spot so I figured hed be ok. When I was on the beach this bloke was walking back up with his kit and I was gunna ask how he went but all I got was 'Thanks for helpin'.

So whats the go in this situation? I've been in situations when I was maybe 250m offshore in swell where I've stuck around to make sure a bloke was ok.

What would you guys have done? I know theres been talk of a code of ethics in the WAKSA site..


ka ki te mal
WA, 6 posts
10 Feb 2009 9:42PM
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if you are the same bloke , that is ballowing,on the waksa site about ethics ,mate:its no different to driving your car or walking down the road and you see an accident we help as best we can wether it be to pik up a blokes board, offer first aid ethics is wat we wear on the inside of each of us ..... more like common sense if you ask me if a person is in strife, mate we seek help ..... dont we ?maybe im.... wrong but you can seek other ways to help some one , i do now were your comn from though! buddy we have a responsibillity too each other to help one another as well as can be expected ,but as far as waksa is concerned,they cant be expected too come running or write a code of ethics of were or when we should be out and .... you no wat i mean im hearing you though, it boils down to ourselves what more can i say.. tell me im wrong hey im open!


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Code of Ethics" started by riegs