Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

Directional board suggestions

Created by beebee > 9 months ago, 19 Sep 2020
151 posts
19 Sep 2020 11:30AM
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Hi all,

Summer season not far away now!

After 15 years of kiting, finally going to learn directional and wave riding this season.

I'm looking for suggestions on what board models to check out to make the transition from skilled TT rider to directional.
Not interested in starting arguments about whose board is better and why. Or why TT's suck. Yawn. How dull.
Just looking for some general suggestions.
(Seems a lot of people are riding Duotone Whips ?)

I'm 75-80kg. Can ride toe side on a TT. Not sure of whether to start with straps or not (but I'm leaning that way).

Thanks for any suggestions, and bring on summer!

Frayed Knot
WA, 20 posts
19 Sep 2020 1:35PM
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I have a 5'2" North whip and am going to say it's an excellent board for making the switch. I say ditch the straps altogether. I recently tried adding straps and felt that my feet were in the 'wrong' place when using them and it was restrictive to have feet in one spot on the board. I've taken them off and don't think I will put them back on.The whip is excellent for flat and small metro waves/mush and downwinders. Enjoy!

That said, I am looking at getting a Session as a second board soon

151 posts
19 Sep 2020 2:13PM
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Thanks for your input Frayed Knot. Fair winds. B

151 posts
19 Sep 2020 2:28PM
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beebee said..
Hi all,

Summer season not far away now!

After 15 years of kiting, finally going to learn directional and wave riding this season.

I'm looking for suggestions on what board models to check out to make the transition from skilled TT rider to directional.
Not interested in starting arguments about whose board is better and why. Or why TT's suck. Yawn. How dull.
Just looking for some general suggestions.
(Seems a lot of people are riding Duotone Whips ?)

I'm 75-80kg. Can ride toe side on a TT. Not sure of whether to start with straps or not (but I'm leaning that way).

Thanks for any suggestions, and bring on summer!

One thing I forgot.
Have had some people suggest just getting a crappy old surfboard for learning directional moves on instead of beating up a new kiting board.
Thoughts? Thanks.

WA, 685 posts
19 Sep 2020 3:53PM
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Look at the second hand delta amps, well designed and made wa boards with good resale if you decide to change size or go custom later.

1197 posts
19 Sep 2020 10:28PM
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Since you can already kite (15 years, wow, would think you'd have ridden everything bar the kitchen sink by now), just jump straight on the likes of delta, north, duotone ie. decent kite specific as mentioned above.
get with straps / inserts, so you can chop and change etc

go for cheap (or non cheap) banger surfboards if you decide strapless is for you and you want to try all the various dims, rocker, outlines, tails etc, but I'd say you'll be fine on whip if mostly beach slop DWer sessions. Get whatever they call the wam style these days (pro model?) if you are more often for outer reefs and down the line waves

Enjoy... foiling to come in 2030?!

151 posts
19 Sep 2020 10:32PM
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mazdon said..
Since you can already kite (15 years, wow, would think you'd have ridden everything bar the kitchen sink by now), just jump straight on the likes of delta, north, duotone ie. decent kite specific as mentioned above.
get with straps / inserts, so you can chop and change etc

go for cheap (or non cheap) banger surfboards if you decide strapless is for you and you want to try all the various dims, rocker, outlines, tails etc, but I'd say you'll be fine on whip if mostly beach slop DWer sessions. Get whatever they call the wam style these days (pro model?) if you are more often for outer reefs and down the line waves

Enjoy... foiling to come in 2030?!

Hahaha. Yeah. I got addicted to boosting and tricks. Still love feeling like it.
Put off directional season after season.
Thanks for your tips mate. ;-)

WA, 122 posts
23 Sep 2020 9:12AM
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beebee said..

mazdon said..
Since you can already kite (15 years, wow, would think you'd have ridden everything bar the kitchen sink by now), just jump straight on the likes of delta, north, duotone ie. decent kite specific as mentioned above.
get with straps / inserts, so you can chop and change etc

go for cheap (or non cheap) banger surfboards if you decide strapless is for you and you want to try all the various dims, rocker, outlines, tails etc, but I'd say you'll be fine on whip if mostly beach slop DWer sessions. Get whatever they call the wam style these days (pro model?) if you are more often for outer reefs and down the line waves

Enjoy... foiling to come in 2030?!

Hahaha. Yeah. I got addicted to boosting and tricks. Still love feeling like it.
Put off directional season after season.
Thanks for your tips mate. ;-)

I have a couple of Duotone whips fantastic boards.

151 posts
23 Sep 2020 5:40PM
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It's one model I'm looking at. Cheers.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Directional board suggestions" started by beebee