Its great that we are getting some visitors to Horrocks, but I'd like to make you all aware that there is a zone around the jetty and diving pontoon that all water craft are not allowed to enter. Its marked by 3 yellow buoys running south to north. There is a sign on the boat ramp explaining the exclusion zone, but Kiters are normally too amped getting setup and miss it. The reason for the exclusion zone is this is where kids, families et all swim. Both around the jetty and the pontoon. Its not just kites, but all water craft that are excluded.
I mention this because quite a few visiting kiters have not realised this and kited through kids etc in the zone. If I am there, I go and explain to visitors how the zone works and everone is cool. But please be aware of it if you visit, it would be truly awful to have an accident, and it pisses off kids and adults alike who are aware of the zone.
Many thanks!
Carnt see why anyone would be arsed kiting horrocks anyway
Because it's where the wife wanted to take the kids on holidays...
Carnt see why anyone would be arsed kiting horrocks anyway
Indeed, Dongara's a lot better
Carnt see why anyone would be arsed kiting horrocks anyway
Its where the first kitestock was held!
Carnt see why anyone would be arsed kiting horrocks anyway
I'm pretty sure that was Port Gregory, not Horrocks. PG is the next place up the coast. Close though!
Being a Gero boy we have found some bloody good waves up there.
Only kited the pink lakes, but its a bad idea, too salty and sharp on the feet.