Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia


Created by bmbob > 9 months ago, 7 Sep 2016
WA, 13 posts
7 Sep 2016 8:09PM
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I will be in Kalbari next month. I am a noob and need help where to go as a beginner. Any help would be much appreciate.


WA, 8407 posts
7 Sep 2016 8:21PM
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Not the best spot for beginners,
Horrocks, Gregory are better options

Dave Whettingsteel
WA, 1397 posts
8 Sep 2016 2:12AM
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You could have a go on the river which is safe and flat. But a bit gusty I think. Worth a go. Otherwise Horrocks and port Gregory are not too far away as cauncy says.

WA, 8407 posts
8 Sep 2016 6:40AM
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The wind in a swest comes over the headland and can be a bit lumpy in very strong winds it gets seriously lumpy, the boats that are on moorings are a hazard, and dredging has been going on for years so these need to be aware of,
The was a nice little sandbar on the opposite side which the dredging produced towards the gap, easterly winds go ok in the river and westerly as they're uninterrupted, but if a noob I'd try elsewhere

WA, 8407 posts
8 Sep 2016 7:06AM
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This shows a bit better,

WA, 108 posts
8 Sep 2016 8:07AM
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It's been 18 months since I was last there, but I think that might be quite an old pic. Wsn't that sandbar at the mouth of the river completely washed away in the floods a few years back? Or has it now reformed?

WA, 1019 posts
8 Sep 2016 8:34AM
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It wasn't there 3 months ago. The river just seems too full of obstacles and traffic to enjoy a decent kite. I'm also suprised no one has been attacked by a shark there yet, it's not even "internet sharky" but there are genuinely lots of them eitherside of the river mouth.

You could kite over at Frustrations if the swell isn't running but go too far downwind and you'll be forced to tackle the most dangerous downwinder in Australia

WA, 8407 posts
8 Sep 2016 8:57AM
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Aspiremr said...
It's been 18 months since I was last there, but I think that might be quite an old pic. Wsn't that sandbar at the mouth of the river completely washed away in the floods a few years back? Or has it now reformed?

There's been a long term dredge project, I kited it last season and the was a cracker bit of flat water opposite the spit on the other side, this has been formed by the dredging,
Definitely a newb kiter shouldn't be kiting outside along this coastline, heading south along port Gregory beach imho is a better spot for beginners

1197 posts
8 Sep 2016 12:06PM
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+1 for the rivermouth being an average place to kite. great place for other activities though, and horrocks, gregory, Lucky Bay all worth a visit.
maybe continue on to Shark Bay/Denham for a few days if beginner kiting is your trip focus - seems way more suitable.

re: the dredging, it is annual maintenance dredging that's been done since the boom fishing years. my mail is that this year the channel is pretty good and it might not happen.
here's another aerial photo - as you can see from comparing to the other, heaps of change with the sand bars year to year.


WA, 354 posts
8 Sep 2016 9:37PM
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I've been there quite a few times. Always have my gear just in case but it's just not worth it on the river. I'd say, don't even bother. Too many obstacles, wind is terrible and there are so many other non-kiting things to do there. Each time I go there is someone trying to kite and always ends up in the other side to swim back and never looked like they were having fun.

I still take my gear though, as there are a couple of spots out on the ocean side I'm keeping my eye on for when conditions are right but definitely not for beginners and you need to be ok with losing all your gear on rocks if things go wrong. And you are very much by yourself. Not many others in the water.

Port Gregory, Horrocks, Gero would be better.

WA, 883 posts
9 Sep 2016 5:10AM
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same same
in my super keen days had a few runs on the river, out from where they feed the pelicans
gusty and an obstacle course, mowing the lawn

port gregory ok, bit like ledge point or try the beaches to the north of port gregory
lucky bay from memory only has a small lagoon but nice spot

rest of the coast is dodgy with no bail out areas if thing go pair shaped

WA, 13 posts
9 Sep 2016 12:24PM
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Thanks for all your help guys all advice taken on board and I will go down to Port Gregory and give it a go ,if there is wind of course cheers


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Kalbari" started by bmbob