Hi Guys,
I'm looking for a contact to anyone involved in the organisation of the Kite Carnival in Safety bay. This year I'm getting involved with the organisation and running of the Carnarvon Windfest, unfortunately last years dates were chosen early and clashed with the event in Safety bay meaning two great events conflicted. This year we can't let that happen but we need to fix in dates asap so am keen to chat to any of the event organisers about plans fro the Kite Carnival in 2021.
Thanks in Advance
Tom 0467906091
Legend mate and good on ya for date checking....... I'll pm ya a contact number for Beckster from KWA. Ry
Hopefully have a few wind event's up the coast this year's spoke with Bec a couple of weeks ago about windfest ( Midwest) so keep in touch with your proposed dates so we don't clash if it happens '