Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

Kiteboarding around Applecross Perth with GoPro He

Created by glasstraxx > 9 months ago, 14 Jan 2014
WA, 321 posts
14 Jan 2014 12:11PM
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Hey Everyone, just finished editing some GoPro footage of me kiteboarding around applecross with it on my head! check it out and let me know what you think!

Been kiting for about 2 and a bit months now and absolutely loving it!

Best viewed in HD 1080 on a big screen and don't forget to CRANK up the volume!!!!


WA, 2940 posts
14 Jan 2014 12:47PM
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3:49 of going out and back in no thanks .

God damn this is why i hate gopro's .

this is the sort of movie that is watchable with a gopro used

WA, 20 posts
14 Jan 2014 2:10PM
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Awesome Ash, Love the footage mate!!!
Just need to see one of the famous backrolls caught on tape!!!
Well done broz!!!

WA, 321 posts
14 Jan 2014 10:24PM
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Cheer up dusta.. I tried to sync up the music to all the jumps and turns so it would be entertaining!

Plus it gives people a good idea of how the head mount view looks.

Thanks Ben! I'm definately loving the slow motion sliding turn to the break down of the tune!

WA, 3271 posts
14 Jan 2014 10:51PM
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Nerk at Work, nice to see that little gem bumped up again Dusta. Thanks.

WA, 258 posts
15 Jan 2014 11:48AM
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Nice work Ash.. love the newbie stoke !!

I was there when u were filming this .. be careful not to lose that go pro brother !! .. my tip ..stick your go pro to a helmet.. less chance of coming off.

Also 1 min max .. work on your editing . and include a few more angles . from board , from shore etc.

keep up the good work!

see you down there.

WA, 237 posts
15 Jan 2014 12:54PM
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you copied me!

this vid was of me on my gopro around my 2 month mark of kiting while in carnarvon, same music, same time length also in a river but with better wind no crowd and you dont have to deal with parking..note the weird finger cross in the middle of the bar.

I kite a fair bit at Melville when im down in perth, it makes me appreciate geraldton and the kite spots we have around here.

battle of the noobs vid

WA, 321 posts
15 Jan 2014 1:24PM
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Monkers said..

Nice work Ash.. love the newbie stoke !!

I was there when u were filming this .. be careful not to lose that go pro brother !! .. my tip ..stick your go pro to a helmet.. less chance of coming off.

Also 1 min max .. work on your editing . and include a few more angles . from board , from shore etc.
keep up the good work!

see you down there.

thanks monkers... def have to come down and say hi if u see me! i leashed the go-pro to my rashy in case it comes off and it did a couple of times and then filmed bottom of the river (watching back i was expecting to see a shark haha)

will give it a little while, practice more tricks and then make another one in a month or so!

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arloj said..

you copied me!

this vid was of me on my gopro around my 2 month mark of kiting while in carnarvon, same music, same time length also in a river but with better wind no crowd and you dont have to deal with parking..note the weird finger cross in the middle of the bar.

I kite a fair bit at Melville when im down in perth, it makes me appreciate geraldton and the kite spots we have around here.

battle of the noobs vid

sick vid dude, ! haha its such a great song the ending as well.. did u use the gopro software editor ?

I would say you won! your much more advance then me, those double back rolls are lush and ur boosting big!!! i guess the 3 weeks i had away over xmas & nye slowed me down a bit :(

how do u find the naish park? I find the vector a little slow in turning.. thinking of adding a park or switchblade for my 8m...

Also my lines seam quite slack in my vid.. even though i hooked them all up to a single point and all taught with half my body weight on the bar and donkey dick with the bar sheeted in.. is this normal or should i adjust to make the inside lines shorter?

WA, 2940 posts
15 Jan 2014 1:33PM
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glasstraxx said..

Cheer up dusta.. I tried to sync up the music to all the jumps and turns so it would be entertaining!

Plus it gives people a good idea of how the head mount view looks.

cheer up?

people have seen what a head mount looks like .

keep up the stoke mate if you've been kiting for 6 months but please for the love of good keep those go-pro videos to yourself .

WA, 321 posts
15 Jan 2014 10:06PM
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dusta said...
glasstraxx said..

Cheer up dusta.. I tried to sync up the music to all the jumps and turns so it would be entertaining!

Plus it gives people a good idea of how the head mount view looks.

cheer up?

people have seen what a head mount looks like .

keep up the stoke mate if you've been kiting for 6 months but please for the love of good keep those go-pro videos to yourself .

I couldn't care less what you think
If I want to post a video I will and I would encourage other kiters to do so as well
I think anything like this is only positive for the sport
So get a life

WA, 2940 posts
15 Jan 2014 10:54PM
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a video showing someone going back and forth with a simple jump is positive in what way ?

The only thing it is positive for is banning go-pro's , much like jetski's they are a nuisance on society

WA, 77 posts
17 Jan 2014 1:42PM
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Nice video man

the gibbo
WA, 776 posts
17 Jan 2014 2:23PM
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I dont have any problem with this video, u can tell form the first 10sec there aint gonna be any groundbreaking here.

Good on ya mate, i did watch most of it and you are doing pretty well for 2 months, nice.

Just a word of warning, watch when your jumping, especially learning, that there is NO ONE downwind of you at all, this goes pear shaped real fast and if you had have stacked it on that first jump, easily ended up tangled or worse with the dude dw, good luck and glad to hear you are massively stoked.

WA, 337 posts
20 Jan 2014 6:22PM
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Good work Ash.....liked the vid/music combo

8 posts
24 Jan 2014 5:55PM
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I was stoked when I came across this on Vimeo. It was good to see some local vids on there.
Cheers Ash.

WA, 321 posts
30 Apr 2014 9:58PM
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after a good first season we did a bit of recording at woodies last sunday to put down all the moves we learnt over the summer... heres the footage.. hope you enjoy!

WA, 1363 posts
1 May 2014 11:43AM
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Hi Ash,

I loved watching the vid because Im at the stage of just learning to do a few jump/turns and its cool sometimes watching these and learning. Dont get me wrong its cool watching some of the pro vids but these are more real and its always cool watching someting that you connect with. Made me feel like I was there and not surrounded by red dirt!

Cheers Bro.

QLD, 2433 posts
14 May 2014 11:22PM
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I got a vid I got a vid.

Short one.. heheh. BIRD ATTACK!

QLD, 2433 posts
16 May 2014 10:57AM
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Haha thanks for the red thumbs, num nuts.

WA, 2940 posts
16 May 2014 9:36AM
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Underoath said...
Haha thanks for the red thumbs, num nuts.

don't worry i green thumb'd you sexy


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Kiteboarding around Applecross Perth with GoPro He" started by glasstraxx