Guys & girls,
As Kitestock 2012 rapidly approaches, the WAKSA committee is looking for ideas & suggestions about possible themes for the weekend.
Last year we used 'Carnival' and by all accounts that worked really well. This year, we want some member input and feedback.
Please post ideas here or if you'd like to keep it confidential, post your idea(s) to
All ideas considered, ultimate decision made by WAKSA committee. If your idea is chosen, we'll comp you and your partner free tickets for KS 2012...remember - Thursday 26th to Sunday 29th January 2012.
How about " End of the World"...being 2012, come looking beaten up, ripped clothes, or however you would dress if these were your last days
Still waiting on the theme anouncement!!!! If were gonna have a theme then people have gotta have some time to put something together. The less time we have the less people will bother and the whole thing ends up being a disaster.
How about Comic book character/ Film character.
Apocalypse is still my main theme idea
Anything will do, just announce something so I can wack a costume together