Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia


Created by Ganja > 9 months ago, 24 Jan 2010
WA, 42 posts
24 Jan 2010 9:31PM
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What are the 150 AUD for?
I don't understand what I'm paying for
That's it?

No offence (yet), just curious

WA, 71 posts
25 Jan 2010 9:59PM
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last year we got a welcome pack rashie or t-shirt brecky lunch and dinner fri sat sun well maybe not fri brecky or sunday dinner food was great free non alco drinks the use of the beach the surf rescue crew that where around all weekend the pleasure of being able to go to any one of the dealers and try out there gear and compaire themside by side and just an all round great weekend with a great bunch of kiters just my 2 cents worth but 150 bucks is well worth it

WA, 71 posts
25 Jan 2010 9:59PM
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last year we got a welcome pack rashie or t-shirt brecky lunch and dinner fri sat sun well maybe not fri brecky or sunday dinner food was great free non alco drinks the use of the beach the surf rescue crew that where around all weekend the pleasure of being able to go to any one of the dealers and try out there gear and compaire themside by side and just an all round great weekend with a great bunch of kiters just my 2 cents worth but 150 bucks is well worth it

WA, 71 posts
25 Jan 2010 10:00PM
Thumbs Up

sorry double post


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Kitestock" started by Ganja